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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Pro Stock Blades

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Anyone have any yet? Specifically looking at the right hand tapered models, but I suppose we could make this the set thread to post pics of them if anyone purchases them. I apologize if there is a similar thread started, I could only find the Mission one.

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There is actually a lot of info and pics on these under the mission blades one. You could check out some of the pics on there, but they got a new shipment and got a bunch of different curves now (and I believe they haven't even updated the descriptions on them). The problem is once they're all posted and you find one you want they most likely will be sold out of that curve already anyways. :(

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Yeah there's some info in the Mission pro stock thread but I think the only Warrior posted is the now sold-out Afansenkov. I've got my order in, which was just Arnotts and it's the same as I've posted before.

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In the other thread I had a list of all the pattern descriptions that I knew of but it went away and I've been too lazy to re-do it. I just don't trust HM's list at all. Not so much because of the typos as I don't know what's up with some of the players who don't shoot RH being on the RH list.

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If no one beats me too it, I ordered a Kovalchuk and it will be here tuesday, so I can post it. It's sold out already though. But since everyone wants to see all the curves.

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One of the rights is listed as "Armstrong", and if it's Derek Armstrong then one of the mods will be happy. I think it was you, Mack, that said you liked straight heel wedges. No idea on the lie...


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I just called HM, they said that the pattern descriptions they have on the site is all they have from Warrior and no more will be posted.

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Just got a hold of someone who works for Warrior by fat chance via the phone, he told me to get together a list of curve descriptions I'm interested in (mid round toe open face etc...) and shoot him off an email with that list and a link to the patterns avail on HM.com and he would reply to me with what ones fit my guidelines...sometimes ya just gotta use your resources I guess :)

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Just got a hold of someone who works for Warrior by fat chance via the phone, he told me to get together a list of curve descriptions I'm interested in (mid round toe open face etc...) and shoot him off an email with that list and a link to the patterns avail on HM.com and he would reply to me with what ones fit my guidelines...sometimes ya just gotta use your resources I guess :)

Ya, I know. Their people answering there emails are pretty much useless too. I asked about the new shipment of blades and got this as a reply:


Sorry; any and all info concerning the Warrior Pro Stock Blades curves are on the pattern chart. No further details are available.


Best Regards,


I usually have to wait a couple of days to get an answer like this or if I try and ask when they will be getting another shipment of something in or if I can order it I will get "Sorry, we are limited to what we have on our website". There actually have been a couple of times where I've gotten a legitimate answer though.

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Yeah HM customer service is garbage, everyone knows that. That's the reason I looked up the phone numbers to Inno. and started going down the list until I got someone on the second try who was actually willing to help me and gave me his e-mail.

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Like I called it, they finally added AK27s. Like I didn't call it, they got shit for selection but they do have the vaunted Lang.

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Bought a Kovalchuk blade very early Wednesday morning and apparently is already shipped out - got the notice a little while ago. *shrug* I hope it's actually a Kovalchuk.

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Was it the LH Kovalchuk?

Just ordered a Malkin, really interested in using it.

I ordered a RH... I hope it shows up. haha

When I called to verify the order from work tonight, girl I spoke with was real surprised that my order shipped so quickly.

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