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Katrina victims sue for 3 quadrillion dollars

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You need to read the article to figure out ONE GUY is suing for $3 quadrillion, the rest of the thousands of lawsuits total $14 trillion, which is still higher than the GDP of the US at a paltry $13.2 tril.


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I think I just found Smacktard Village on the map. What kills me is these people live below sea level in a coastal region, and never saw anything bad coming from it.

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Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."

"OH NO!" the President exclaims. "That's terrible!"

His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the President sits, head in hands.

Finally, the President looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?"

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"For the sake of perspective: A mere $1 quadrillion would dwarf the U.S. gross domestic product, which Scott said was $13.2 trillion in 2007. A stack of one quadrillion pennies would reach Saturn."


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"For the sake of perspective: A mere $1 quadrillion would dwarf the U.S. gross domestic product, which Scott said was $13.2 trillion in 2007. A stack of one quadrillion pennies would reach Saturn."


Holy Crap, how did you get ahold of 3 quadrillion pennies??

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This sounds like a premise for a Chappelle's Show skit. I'm seeing a cigarette truck.

"Fubu & KFC..."


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This sounds like a premise for a Chappelle's Show skit. I'm seeing a cigarette truck.

Tron filed the $1 quadrillion lawsuit?

"Bought this baby straight-up CASH."

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thats enough to give everyone in the entire country something like 10 million dollars a piece.

THAT would help the economy... :rolleyes:

LOL really.

though, it'd grossly inflate the economy, and it would likely send the entire world into a depression again.

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those who were retarded enough to file this deserve to get hit again.

They did it as a message. The Army Corps of Engineers took blame for the poor Levies and the residents decided nothing was being done to help them. It's a bit outlandish, but what better way to get into the press and shed some light on a bleak situation?

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It's a better move than having Kanye come speak for them publicly.

The look on Mike Meyers face during that is permanently emblazoned in my mind. Simply priceless!!


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those who were retarded enough to file this deserve to get hit again.

They did it as a message. The Army Corps of Engineers took blame for the poor Levies and the residents decided nothing was being done to help them. It's a bit outlandish, but what better way to get into the press and shed some light on a bleak situation?

say they settle for something like $20-50Ks per case. why wouldn't they just take the money and run instead of actually making the situation better there.

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