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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The NikeBauer designers

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its true they aren't really known in the industry but, the work they put together looks amazing. thanks for the article! Great find!

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I met them in St-Jerome. Fans of the site - they do read what you guys talk about. What was great was that after they showed me what they do, we went to another section. We then came back to their cubicles and yes, one of them was not working - he was reading MSH.

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We then came back to their cubicles and yes, one of them was not working - he was reading MSH.

Surfing the internet while working, eh? This schmuck shall be fired! ;)


I like this link, nice to see whats going on behind the curtains.

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It is interesting to see that the design group for NBH products really has little to no influence by the Nike parent company implied. Yet, so many people want to blame Nike corporate for the look, the quality, and the product that NBH has produced. What a paradox!

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Is it me or has this been translated really poorly? Furthermore, as a designer this was a fascinating read. As a hockey player however, it made me salivate!

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Not sure that it was translated, or just written by a couple French-Canadian gals.

Stéphanie Dadour + Michelle Afif, October 1, 2007

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We then came back to their cubicles and yes, one of them was not working - he was reading MSH.

Surfing the internet while working, eh? This schmuck shall be fired! ;)


I like this link, nice to see whats going on behind the curtains.

Don't tell my fire chief that.

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