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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I just came from sportschek and they had the Nemesis one piece that was Blue/Green/Silver. Its was 140 Cdn which made me think hmm cheap made stick.

I noticed it had the Smyth pattern very cool and close to my Roberts blade. I had heard it was the same blade just new Name on it. Now I have a F4 Hespeler blade which I was told was made by Innovative. Are the new Blades going to be made by Inno or someone else. The f4 Baldes are great and I really like the Smyth pattern. I have been reading that Hespeler is not doing as well the whole thing with there website. Anyone got info on the new Blades?????

Thnaks Sid

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The new stuff is not made by Inno. The one you describe sounds like the Flash Nemesis, it only comes in the Smyth pattern.

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With their website, Huffy (who bought them) wont update it and they feel its more important to work on their bike site.....this is from miseaujeu the rep from hespeler hockey

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o it was our other hespeler rep. right JR? Pmurphy17?

EDIT:It was pmurphy17 and heres the exact answer:

There is no website for the 2004 Hespeler line because the Huffy Corporation didn't want to spend the money. They felt the snowboard division were more important for sales so there website needed to be completed 1st. A i know for a fact the site was finished nearly 3 months ago. It was just never taken from a mapped out stage to posting stage.

A lot of the problems and turmoil with Hespeler are a direct reflection of Huffy decisions.

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Paul Murphy does not work for the company anymore. The company moved its headquarters from Toronto to Ohio.

Where in Ohio?

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I saw their new sticks today. I couldn't believe the pyro nemisis was only something around $140 cnd. My next stick will be the alpha for sure, and the smyth pattern is the best retail pattern I've seen.

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Pyro Nemesis comes with a 90 day warranty, that's confidence in your product. Distribution has been a bit of a problem though.

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To correct the warranty issue...the Hespeler Pyro only has a 60 Day

The stick that was described is called the Vex Nemesis. It is an exclusive model for Sport Chek it is very similar to the Flash but a tad different.

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I know there were prior topics, but I don't recall one that listed top to bottom that lists all the new Hespeler sticks....can we get that?

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To correct the warranty issue...the Hespeler Pyro only has a 60 Day

The stick that was described is called the Vex Nemesis. It is an exclusive model for Sport Chek it is very similar to the Flash but a tad different.

D'oh, my bad.

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To correct the warranty issue...the Hespeler Pyro only has a 60 Day

The stick that was described is called the Vex Nemesis. It is an exclusive model for Sport Chek it is very similar to the Flash but a tad different.

So, what are the differences between the Flash Nemesis and the Vex Nemesis?

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