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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone heard of Blakbak Hockey?

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i don't know anything about them. i bet someone here has heard something. I am surprised they have so much gear for an unknown company.

Commenting purely on looks!

The gloves looked okay to me, the rest of the gear looks pretty fugly! Day-glow green is not a color i want on my gear, even if it's covered up. I will say the shoulder pads looked like decent protection with minimal coverage. The flex zone on the crotch of the pants is not a good look.

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They need a proofreader. Multiple typos in the text. That really turns me off. If you are going to go to the trouble of making a decent website, get somebody who knows how to write and/or proofread.

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Commenting purely on looks!

The gloves looked okay to me, the rest of the gear looks pretty fugly! Day-glow green is not a color i want on my gear, even if it's covered up. I will say the shoulder pads looked like decent protection with minimal coverage. The flex zone on the crotch of the pants is not a good look.

I didn't notice the spelling errors that TopShelf did, but that would turn me off, too. However, going purely on looks, no way I'd buy that. Looks cheesy (green blade with spider web logo, spider web grip on palms). I mean, it might be "cool" for a 13 year old, but playing in an adult beer league I'd never hear the end of it.

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Watched the poor quality Joe Sniper vid. That dude is the epitome of beer league douches.

yah, when a guy like that shows up a quick puck to the ankle shuts 'em up pretty quick

I think this is what happens when someone thinks they can market hockey better than NBH/Easton/RBK

Why even have graphics on the blade when it'll just be covered in tape??

I think they'll find they missed the mark with products aimed at the beer leaguer, but designed for the 12 yr. old looking through the Sears Wishlist catalogue B)

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The whole arachnid theme is excessively cheesy, and the green color, although it's also used by Mission, is equally unappealing.

Joe Sniper, hahaha...I give it 4 mins. into the first period before he'd get demolished.

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The whole arachnid theme is excessively cheesy, and the green color, although it's also used by Mission, is equally unappealing.

Joe Sniper, hahaha...I give it 4 mins. into the first period before he'd get demolished.

Seriously, why would they brand themselves with this knoblicker as a mascot? I cross check dudes like this in the neck.

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The whole arachnid theme is excessively cheesy, and the green color, although it's also used by Mission, is equally unappealing.

Joe Sniper, hahaha...I give it 4 mins. into the first period before he'd get demolished.

Seriously, why would they brand themselves with this knoblicker as a mascot? I cross check dudes like this in the neck.

He might be the guy in the garage sewing this stuff together...... the vidoe clip where he drinks the other guys beer actually had me chuckling a bit.

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I am using their one piece composite and while had my doubts at first, they make a great stick. I am pretty hard on my sticks and this one is lasting just as long as the $200+ Eastons I was using, and I get just as great a shot from it. It may look a bit out there, but then again, look at Warrior sticks, they are pretty graphic'ed up.

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I saw this Blakbak stuff and decided to take a chance. I went ahead and bought their gloves and stick. First off....I love the stick! I actually have more feel and control with this stick than any other. They have different curves available too.....I can roof this thing whenever I want.

The gloves? I love 'em. Their web-like pattern on the palms really sticks to their stick.....there is no control lost at all with this combination. I bought a pair of gloves from National Sports and they fell apart in 2 weeks. I've had these for 2 months already and they're just as good as new.

I like the graphics. It's different. Mavmeister said it too....Warrior's gettin' pretty crazy with their stuff. Also, Blakbak has their stuff available in different colours too.....

btw....I think Joe Sniper's hilarious!

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I saw this Blakbak stuff and decided to take a chance. I went ahead and bought their gloves and stick. First off....I love the stick! I actually have more feel and control with this stick than any other. They have different curves available too.....I can roof this thing whenever I want.

The gloves? I love 'em. Their web-like pattern on the palms really sticks to their stick.....there is no control lost at all with this combination. I bought a pair of gloves from National Sports and they fell apart in 2 weeks. I've had these for 2 months already and they're just as good as new.

I like the graphics. It's different. Mavmeister said it too....Warrior's gettin' pretty crazy with their stuff. Also, Blakbak has their stuff available in different colours too.....

btw....I think Joe Sniper's hilarious!

wow, one post.....doesnt seem like a planted post at all. :rolleyes:

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it's not a plant!! I'll tell you that I know of the two owners....they play hockey in one of the men's leagues I play in----how do you think I found out about this stuff?!!! I posted because no one knew anything about it and you guys wanted a review! I was just being honest! Didn't think I'd get reamed out for it!!

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it's not a plant!! I'll tell you that I know of the two owners....they play hockey in one of the men's leagues I play in----how do you think I found out about this stuff?!!! I posted because no one knew anything about it and you guys wanted a review! I was just being honest! Didn't think I'd get reamed out for it!!

We have a group of rather skeptical members, thanks for the info.

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it's not a plant!! I'll tell you that I know of the two owners....they play hockey in one of the men's leagues I play in----how do you think I found out about this stuff?!!! I posted because no one knew anything about it and you guys wanted a review! I was just being honest! Didn't think I'd get reamed out for it!!

Are you Joe Sniper? Haha, I couldn't resist that one. Sorry.

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