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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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move over luongo..

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poke check! hahaha

Dammit, now I want those McD goalie sticks! I hate you. BTW someone needs to sell me the set of mini player sticks, I have a desk that is going to need some crap on it.

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Sure, you guys get little goalie sticks and soda with real sugar, we get people who can't speak english forgetting to put the barbecue sauce in the bag.

On the plus side, I went to a BK yesterday and they had a huge shrine to Mark Parrish. A whole bunch of pictures, signed game jerseys, sticks, all kinds of stuff. And the guy actually remembered the sauce.

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it was funny the first few times, but now its getting on my nerves

I know that feeling when a company knows there commercial is good and won't stop playing it. Ruins the best things in life.

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Sure, you guys get little goalie sticks and soda with real sugar, we get people who can't speak english forgetting to put the barbecue sauce in the bag.

On the plus side, I went to a BK yesterday and they had a huge shrine to Mark Parrish. A whole bunch of pictures, signed game jerseys, sticks, all kinds of stuff. And the guy actually remembered the sauce.

Not to mention the beef tastes better, the fries are cooked in a different oil that makes them taste better (sort of how they USED to taste in the States 20-years ago), and the ketchup has a sweeter taste! Well, at least it does in BC, I can't speak for the rest of Canada.

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