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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy se16 glove

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It feels nice also. Its a step in the right direction for Easton consumer gloves

I would still be way happier they made an all nylon version like my synergy pro-returns available the public... I think NBH hit a homerun with the 4-roll & XXX nylon... Why easton is not taking notes? Beyond me...

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It feels nice also. Its a step in the right direction for Easton consumer gloves

I would still be way happier they made an all nylon version like my synergy pro-returns available the public... I think NBH hit a homerun with the 4-roll & XXX nylon... Why easton is not taking notes? Beyond me...

oh but they did, they added a whole strip of nylon :rolleyes:

i also agree that the new stealth gloves look a lot like missions, like a hybrid of the boss series and the fuel series. FWIW, I like the look of the se16 a lot better than the stealths, i think in a solid color scheme they will look just like the pro stock eastons a lot of guys are wearing.

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The S17 is one sweet-looking glove. Far better than the se16 in my opinion. I think the XXXX took a step in the wrong direction but that's because I'm a fan of the XX, XXX styling of gloves, hence the inclination towards the s17. Too bad they don't come in 13' for us smaller players.

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The S17 is one sweet-looking glove. Far better than the se16 in my opinion. I think the XXXX took a step in the wrong direction but that's because I'm a fan of the XX, XXX styling of gloves, hence the inclination towards the s17. Too bad they don't come in 13' for us smaller players.

Are there any production or cost issues that stray manufactuers away from making an all nylon glove?

I would assume a nylon glove uses less expensive material than a leather glove, so I am confused why every manufactuer is not jumping that parade...

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It feels nice also. Its a step in the right direction for Easton consumer gloves

I agree. I am glad that Easton has decided to put out a 'traditional' style (high end)glove.

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