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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S15 sores?!

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Like cold sores? You might have herpes man.

But in all reality, you might want to say location of said sores, hotspots on the boots, fit issues, what sock you're using, etc etc.

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Like cold sores? You might have herpes man.

But in all reality, you might want to say location of said sores, hotspots on the boots, fit issues, what sock you're using, etc etc.

Haha, yeah. They're like infected blisters. I use NBH socks and the sores are on my ankles.

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Do you wash your socks? Are they ankle socks, calf socks... (Brand means nothing)? Are the sores on your ankle bones or where the top of the boot is? Front of the ankle, back of the ankle.

Are the boots sloppy? Are you lacing them up all the way? Did you form blisters that opened and became infected or did mutant ankle herpes suddenly appear one night?

You gotta be more specific.

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back to the topic...did you wear the socks when you got them baked?

you might wanna tie the looser if it feels like your foot is stuck between two brick walls

or tie them tighter if your ankle is rubbing

i'd say get them baked again and roll your ankles while the skates are hot so maybe it'll give you more room as opposed to a snug fit which is giving you blisters...

maybe that helped?

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just a thought, but you should take that stuff seriously.

I was trying to get at that with my set of questions, but let's wait for another vague answer, shall we?

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Stop wearing your skates / socks for a while and see if they go.

If puss is produced, it's more than blisters from friction.

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ya ive got them with the last pair of synergys and my s15 skates, i would say wear some hockey tape around your ankle where it is rubbing directly against your ankle, or just some prewrap, i now have scars there so it doesnt rub, thats the cost you pay for having your skates fit like a sock

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I had the same sort of deal with One90's on my ankle. A simple rebake fixed the problem. I'm no doctor or Skate "scientist" but you might want to try switching fabrics in socks, going no socks, rebake your wheels with thick socks and then wearing them with thin ones. I'm not saying do all those things but just try a few things here and there. With the rebake with thicker socks you will have a less of a 'fit like a sock' issue as Hudson14 pointed out and more room to maneuvre.

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ya ive got them with the last pair of synergys and my s15 skates, i would say wear some hockey tape around your ankle where it is rubbing directly against your ankle, or just some prewrap, i now have scars there so it doesnt rub, thats the cost you pay for having your skates fit like a sock

That's what I've started doing and they still bleed. I also got some ace ankle supports just to cover up my ankle bone where it's bleeding but they still won't go away...

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How about the obvious? Why did you buy a pair of skates that didnt fit you right from the begining? I say look into getting something that does fit your foot/ankle correct. I've never had a blister or issue like this nor can I believe that I will with a proper fitting skate.

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Wait, your ankles bleed when you skate? That's messed up. I would stop skating and go to your doctor and LHS until the problem is properly fixed.

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A lot of guys have had the ankle problems with the newer Easton Carbon boot skates starting with the 1300C's. It was less pronounced with the 1500 C's and I thought they would have solved the problem in the new Synergy S series. It still looks like there may still be some issues with the ankle biting with the newer Easton models. Probably something to do with the shape of some peoples ankle area. I've worn the 1300's for a couple of years now and at times have felt a bit of rubbing when I first start skating but it goes away after a few minutes of skating. I've heard of other guys who get the biting so bad they can't wear the skates after a few games hence have had to change brands. It's just one of those glitches in design that just doesn't seem to go away. What's good for one person may not be good for another.

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ya ive got them with the last pair of synergys and my s15 skates, i would say wear some hockey tape around your ankle where it is rubbing directly against your ankle, or just some prewrap, i now have scars there so it doesnt rub, thats the cost you pay for having your skates fit like a sock

Agree 100%.

In my case, I ditched the socks and now skate barefoot. I couldn't be happier!

(Note: I was having the problem with my XXX's)

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the S15's are pretty hard to break in. i have a pair myself, once you break'em in you'll be good to go.

the s15 has pre cut flex points, its not hard to break in

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