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goal celebrations

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if its a nice goal, fine, do a little something. dont direct it at the other team though. thats classless

i mean with my team, once we're up by 3-5 range, depending on the period, its 'sticks down' time.

if another team is running up the score on us and cheering like its the 7th game of the cup... thats when dirty things start happening.

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  D aka speck said:

Anything other than a stick in the air and a "HELL YEAH!!!" is gay.

See also the solja boy thread

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last i checked goal celebrations dont have sexual orientation. anything more than a stick in the air or a fist pump or what have you is a bit of overkill

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That reminds me,

Our first game of the season, we won. We were excited, cheered and jumped off the bench to congratulate the goalie. For some of the guys, they played through a couple years without a SINGLE win. The other team took it as "cocky" and now we've got some kind of bad reputation.

Doesn't matter though, it's just kind of funny that some people want to play the games quietly and others have a real passion, even at low level rec league.

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If its a chippy game specifically against someone like Fort Mac there might be a bit of the shirt grab in front of their bench, just because of how dirty they are.

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I haven't scored a goal a year. First one in '08 I'm doing the all-out Teemu machine gun, I don't care if we're up 10-1 or down 10-1.

Ah that's BS. I'll probably just give a little fist pump and tap some gloves. I'll leave the celebrating to the kids.

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  Jarick said:

Our first game of the season, we won. We were excited, cheered and jumped off the bench to congratulate the goalie. For some of the guys, they played through a couple years without a SINGLE win. The other team took it as "cocky" and now we've got some kind of bad reputation.

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I've kind of got the same reputation due to a similar incident. A player on my team is in his second year of hockey. He is in way over his head in terms of talent differential, but the hustle and the grit is there, so he is fun to play with. He doesn't score very often and I always get excited when he does, just because he works so hard for those goals.

In our second game of the year, I made a decent play at the blue line to keep in a high clearing attempt and got a low hard shot off under pressure. My teammate simultaneously made a nice play to get away from his check and tipped it in top corner. Made it look like he was Ryan Smyth and did this every day.

I cheered and rushed in to high five him. The other team took it badly and have played chippy and made stupid comments ever since.

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Well...I remember one game where the goalie was stopping every shot coming from us. So when I finally got around to putting one in the net I made the notion to go over to that goalie, give him a pat on the back, and say "Nice save, buddy." Apparently that doesn't go over well because I was being head-hunted for the rest of the game... :lol:

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Yeah thats a fuckin bush league thing to do buddy. Same as drinkin from the water bottle. This isn't disney mighty ducks.

However, I think your another somebody from that awesome team from Makebelievesville

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I cock my fingers, shoot at the puck in the net, yell real loud, and strut back toward the opposing team's bench going "Uh, SHOOTER!" Right outta Happy Gilmore....

I'm just kidding. I never score goals at all. It took me three years to pot my first, and that was only because I went to center the puck out of the corner, the goalie came out to cut it down, and the puck took a weird path, hit him in the back of the skate, and went in.

I was in a drop-in once where everyone was kind of screwing around with celebrations, and the goalies were going nuts with save celebrations. There were probably 50 or 60 saves, and probably 25-30 goals. The only stipulation was that the celebration had to be original for that day; if you repeated one, you had to sit out your next shift.

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  N!! said:

I was in a drop-in once where everyone was kind of screwing around with celebrations, and the goalies were going nuts with save celebrations. There were probably 50 or 60 saves, and probably 25-30 goals. The only stipulation was that the celebration had to be original for that day; if you repeated one, you had to sit out your next shift.

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That sounds way more interesting than the Mount Rushmore celebration.

Although you have to admit, a well-timed Ride the Bull does spice up drop-in quite a bit.

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I have one goal this season, a cheapy rebound thanks to a great end to end from one of our D men. It changed the score from 5-0 to 5-1.

That was how the game ended.

This was 12 games into the season, glove tap and back to the bench.

Now, I also run a charity hockey game monthly. And it's pretty much the same guys each month. It's not serious at all, and some of the guys now will break out the really stupid celebrations, trying to out do each other. All in good fun.

We've had the guy go down the opposition bench and run his stick off their helmets ala slapshot.

We've had the guy skate then jump to his ass, and pretend he is kayaking down the ice, the ride the stick, the dive and swim.

Some of them are just hilarious. Like I said, it's all in good fun, and would never be done in a game that matters.

This past month we started finishing the games with a shootout, just for fun too, everyone on the team takes a shot.

Anyone in the DC/VA/MD area that's interested can shoot me a PM, we are in Kettler this month, Bowie next month

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I remember a few years back my sons bantam team was paying in the CBHL pre season placement tournament (you play short games vs other teams in the league to determine your level for the league)and this kid scores and lays down on his belly and holds his stick like a sniper rifle & starts "shooting" at our goalie.

that little fucker got run the rest of the game.

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Kind of a original celebration at least... Speaking of unique, what are your thoughts on the "Blind man" celebration?

It's basically where your skateing with one hand covering your eyes, and the other holding and moving your stick like a blind mans walking cane...

I like the creativity in it, but still feel it's patronizing blind people in some way, and thus dislike it.

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I think that over celebrating a goal is retarded.

Do netminders celebrate every stop with the "canoe" or the Solja boy dance?

Stick in the air and a "YEAH!" is more than enough.

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when I score I act as if nothing happened, it just shows the other team that you've scored before

now, if you pull off some amazing move or a critical change in a big game then I can see a solid pump, maybe even dropping to a single knee

but banging the boards like malkin is saved for people like malkin, everyday players just shouldnt be pulling moves that like

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