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Neck/wrist protection

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you guys see the injury? it made me sick to my stomach. injuries like this are always so freak and beyond your control. first and foremost i hope he is going to be okay. i always used to wear WSI mockneck shirts, so it was an easy transition to go with the Mission Shirts with the neck protection built in. no matter how i present this it may come off as shameless but, i am curious how many of you guys wear some sort of neck/wrist protection and if you dont WHY? after watching the replays with so much going on out there you really have no control over situations like this. the Rene Bourque injury was very much the same scenario.

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I used to wear neck protection when i was little but have stooped. I find it extremely uncomfortable and unless it is a skate to the neck I feel like a small piece of fabric wouldn't do much. A puck to the neck would hurt whether there is a neck guard there or not. Like you said there really is little control over a freak situation like this so I figure if it's going to happen it's going to happen. These type of accidents are pretty rare and far between if it was a bigger issue I'm sure more people would wear neck protection.

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I just saw the injury and the first thing I thought was maybe I should look into neck protection. I've never work any kind of neck protection at any level, other than when we would go up to Canada to play, but seeing that makes you think twice. That being said, the rarity of an injury like that makes me doubt that I will actually start wearing anything.

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A couple days ago I got an email from a company that makes a new neckguard that they claim is more protective. They offered to send us a sample to test.

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I find the normal High-School mandated neck protection to be bulky, but wonder if there's some sort of turtle neck UA out there that might offer at least some protection.

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I find the normal High-School mandated neck protection to be bulky, but wonder if there's some sort of turtle neck UA out there that might offer at least some protection.

Mission had some, I didn't look to see if they still have it this year.

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It's a serious thought now, but I don't feel like it could save me. And if it was protective enough to save me, then it just has to be all kinds of uncomfortable.

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im using the itech shirts with the built in neckguard. Its much thinner than the standalone throat guards, but it says its still certified with kevlar in there. I suppose it would protect against slicing, but theres nothing on the market that would protect against impact. still, i would think impact to your throat MIGHT be less detrimental that cutting open a major blood transit

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I find the normal High-School mandated neck protection to be bulky, but wonder if there's some sort of turtle neck UA out there that might offer at least some protection.

Mission had some, I didn't look to see if they still have it this year.

Mission improved the offerings in the Performance Protective Apparel. that said i did not bring it up so i could plug our stuff, so much as to raise awareness. it seems there is alot of misinformation out there. on certain models we put Kevlar in the wrists and the neck- this is indeed for SLICE PROTECTION. just over a month ago a goalie in San Jose had a player skate over his wrist after he lost his trapper. bloody mess for one and once tendons are severed they are never the same. when i was a kid the neck protection was bulky and uncomfortable, but now there are more than a few different options out there and they are sure alot nice than what was available when i was a kid. like i said earlier i just wanted to help raise the awareness of this type of injury. i was watching the game as it happened and it was just awful. i hear so many guys say it would never happen, but like i said earlier... there are just too many factors out there beyond your control. big ups for the Bufalo training staff getting out there so fast. you guys forget that NHL players survive this kind of stuff because, they have the best help available-- what kind of help do you have at your rink when time is of the essence?

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Do the Mission badged shirts have wrist protection too? I have only seen it on the Itech version so far. Purely for cosmetic reasons I would like one of the missions, but the wrist protection is important to me.

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you guys see the injury? it made me sick to my stomach. injuries like this are always so freak and beyond your control. first and foremost i hope he is going to be okay. i always used to wear WSI mockneck shirts, so it was an easy transition to go with the Mission Shirts with the neck protection built in. no matter how i present this it may come off as shameless but, i am curious how many of you guys wear some sort of neck/wrist protection and if you dont WHY? after watching the replays with so much going on out there you really have no control over situations like this. the Rene Bourque injury was very much the same scenario.

Too make this even worse for me, i just got a skate blade and a ncie cut on my forearm, then i come home and see this nad it freaks me otu, and it shows me how easily a skateblade could f*** you up

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im using the itech shirts with the built in neckguard. Its much thinner than the standalone throat guards, but it says its still certified with kevlar in there. I suppose it would protect against slicing, but theres nothing on the market that would protect against impact. still, i would think impact to your throat MIGHT be less detrimental that cutting open a major blood transit

kevlar wont do shit against slicing. thats why stab vests are more or less chain mail.

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im using the itech shirts with the built in neckguard. Its much thinner than the standalone throat guards, but it says its still certified with kevlar in there. I suppose it would protect against slicing, but theres nothing on the market that would protect against impact. still, i would think impact to your throat MIGHT be less detrimental that cutting open a major blood transit

kevlar wont do shit against slicing. thats why stab vests are more or less chain mail.

Sure it will, stabbing and slicing are different things.

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I just saw the injury and the first thing I thought was maybe I should look into neck protection. I've never work any kind of neck protection at any level, other than when we would go up to Canada to play, but seeing that makes you think twice. That being said, the rarity of an injury like that makes me doubt that I will actually start wearing anything.

It only takes one time. Just like seatbelts. More often than not you won't need them but the one time you do...

Just think how lucky he was that there was training and medical staff on hand. Now think about how your local rink would handle that situation with the kids they have working there. You'd have drowned in your own blood before EMS arrived.

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A couple days ago I got an email from a company that makes a new neckguard that they claim is more protective. They offered to send us a sample to test.

The only one I've ever encountered that is remotely worthwhile is the Maltese Gel collar. See maltesehockey.com for more. There are three versions: a collar, a 'combo' that has collar with a sort of bib that comes down over the clavicle, and the 'combo' with an additional sternum pad. It's made of a medical gel that is unbelievably cut- and impact-resistant. I've seen goalies take direct slapshots to the throat and not even blink; at one point, someone posted a video of himself stomping and hacking at the neck guard with his skate - all he did was tear the outer fabric.

Take that thing and cover it in ballistic nylon, slap on a BNQ cert, and people might actually be protected.

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Sure it will, stabbing and slicing are different things.

They sure are different. You need Mithril for Slicing, and Chainmail for stabbing. :lol:

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Neck protection has been mandatory in all levels of play here in Sweden ever since the mid 90s when a similar but fatal accident happened here, a wise decision in my opinion. Not that it happens very often, but when it does it's a bit more severe than most other injuries a hockey player can get.

I'm not sure but my guess is that the Rbk 9K is the most popular model over here.

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Having seen the Malarchuk incident and now Zednik, my lack of neck protection has me a tad nervous. I know neck guards exist but I don't see anyone wearing them. For those that do wear them, which ones fit comfortably?

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im using the itech shirts with the built in neckguard. Its much thinner than the standalone throat guards, but it says its still certified with kevlar in there. I suppose it would protect against slicing, but theres nothing on the market that would protect against impact. still, i would think impact to your throat MIGHT be less detrimental that cutting open a major blood transit

kevlar wont do shit against slicing. thats why stab vests are more or less chain mail.

Mission Itech Shirts are BNQ Certified and the big reason they are certified for SLICE PROTECTION is the KEVLAR.

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