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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom skates

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Great Thread! Very informative.

I am seriously considering getting custom skates.

I am in S15's as they seemed the only skate that really fit off the rack, but I can see they wont holding up for the long haul.

I want a skat that is more durable and that will last 2 yrs. I have read all about the one95 and supreme line, and it seems to offer the right balance of performance and durability.

I can go to my LHS (IncredibleIce in Coral Springs FL, where the Panthers practice), and I am sure I can get a custom fit.

Does anyone know the Bauer rep in this area? Also, are only the current retail models available for custom, or can someone do a one90 if they want?

And I still didnt see what the ballpark fee for customs is?

Pretty sure they won't know what to do.

If you want to be fitted you could see me in Orlando and we can run the skates through a store.

I do travel up to Orlando ocassionally. I will be there in November for sure. If I see my s15's arent going to survive, I will get in touch. If you do this service, lunch is on me :)

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Um...no, I will handle the transaction through a store of my choice. I'm not measuring you for free and slap you on the back and say "here you go."

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Um...no, I will handle the transaction through a store of my choice. I'm not measuring you for free and slap you on the back and say "here you go."

Well of course you wont, and I am not sure where you inferred that I wouldnt compensate you. I fully assumed that you would handle the process of fitting and ordering from start to finish at your store, or whomever you work with. It seems that you are highly regarded in this area, and that deserves some extra thanks. I simply stated that if you did, lunch is on me....you know, I bring Taco Bell when I come in. ;)

I am really concerned about getting a high end boot, and then spend the extra money to have it custom fitted, only to have it fall apart in 9 months.

I am 6'-0", 210lbs, and play in a C league and open hockey, 2-3 times a week. Is there a boot that will last me 2 years without falling apart? To me, durability and comfort is more important than performance or wieght. At my level, the S15's dont improve my game enough to justify the poor durability and high price. I love how they fit me out of the box (though I could use more volume I think), but I dont want to spend $500 for a skate that will last 9 months.


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Hahaha well in that case, Grilled Stuft Burritos with Fire sauce are in order.

Kinda hard to tell - I'd have to see your old skates and see how they are breaking down.

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Hahaha well in that case, Grilled Stuft Burritos with Fire sauce are in order.

Kinda hard to tell - I'd have to see your old skates and see how they are breaking down.

They are the s15s....the leather is coming apart from the composite. The skates are fantastic in all other respects.

If i didnt get custom skates, I would almost consider getting 3 pair of S7s for the fit, and use them for the next three years!

Regardless, it is all so confusing on what to do. I just want a boot that lasts 2-3 years and fits well....not too concerned about performance. The bauer 50's I had for 2 months (before the pain was just too much) seemed absolutely fine performance wise.

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I would still like to know what custom skates cost.

JR, what is the charge, for instance, to get custom from you and your shop...say 0ne95's in Sr. 8 ??

Just trying to figure out if custom is the way I want to go, as I would likely need to get moving on that.

I am also going to try and find some Grafs as I hear they are very durable, and come in wide configurations.

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I would still like to know what custom skates cost.

JR, what is the charge, for instance, to get custom from you and your shop...say 0ne95's in Sr. 8 ??

Just trying to figure out if custom is the way I want to go, as I would likely need to get moving on that.

I am also going to try and find some Grafs as I hear they are very durable, and come in wide configurations.

Graf 709 is pretty wide..I wore a couple pair for awhile..It is quite deep in volume as well. Do you have access to the new One95/One75/One55 series skates or only the older One90/One70/One50 type skates? The new Supreme line is nice, the old One90s were totally different than the One70/One50 skates for some reason in fit and feel..(my opinion) The One95 and its variants seem to be a bit more uniform in appearance and fit. The new Vapors XXXX seem to be wider and deeper than the old Vapor XXX & Vapor XX series and its variants.. If you can fit into the Easton skates comfortably, you probably dont have a high instep/arch issue..Maybe a bit wide in the feet, but almost all the skate guys at my LHS dont really care for Easton. I have a fairly wide forefoot, but can fit into a Graf 709 easily..The new RBK skates were very very comfortable, but I didnt want to pay $549 for a pair of top end skates since I've bought 3-4 skates so far this year. I did end up buying the NBH One55 skates..A good value, stiff and came with the Lightspeed2 holder. I could have bought the NBH Vapor XXV but I liked the ankle wrap better on the Supreme line. I just needed a skate to last me til Dec/Jan and I'll end up getting customs in the NBH Supreme or Vapor line..depends..I'm also thinking about the RBk skates as well, but not a huge fan of the pump. JR? Is it possible to get the RBK 9k without the pump in a custom RBK skate?

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Another question. Once you are custom fitted, do you get to keep the fitting information as use it again when ordering another pair of customs?

Also, will this info be accepted with different skate manufacturers? For example, if I get measured for a one95, then in the future want ccm, will they use the same fitting info?

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What if you feel certain that just a bit wider skate is all you need. Like if the 2EE isnt enough, can the LHS order a 3EE from bauer? Is there such a thing? Will that be considered custom?

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The width will be determined by the fitter and the measurement/traces would account for it as well. A 3E is a custom item. Can't order it off the rack.

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Ugh. Just got back from my local Play it again sports. Even worse. They had precious few new skates, and they knew nothing about anything, just pushing for a sale...any sale.

I have come to the conclusion that I am going to wait to try on the new Vector, and the RBK, and if they dont give me a phenomenal fit out of the box, I am going custom. I will use my s15, and in November, visit you (JR) in Orlando, and get fitted for customs. JR....when determining my custom fit, will you also be able to determine which brand and boot type will best suit my needs in terms of performance, durability, and budget....or is the one95 just plain the best in your view.

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I would be able to determine what would work for you right off the bat.

I *hope* not to be in Orlando by November though. So if I were you, I'd want to get fitted asap - the measurements and all that can be held onto until you are ready to order.

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I would be able to determine what would work for you right off the bat.

I *hope* not to be in Orlando by November though. So if I were you, I'd want to get fitted asap - the measurements and all that can be held onto until you are ready to order.

Is there a charge now to get fitted now and order later?

I might try to schedule a client visit to Orlando, or maybe a Disney trip sooner.

Is there anyone closer to Ft. Lauderdale you know or trust? 2.5 hours is a long drive to get fitted...and with gas at $4.19........

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No, because I would keep all of the measurements and paperwork.

No. Read up on me - you'd be getting the best. People drove 5 hrs from Ft. Myers to get their skates sharpened.

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No, because I would keep all of the measurements and paperwork.

No. Read up on me - you'd be getting the best. People drove 5 hrs from Ft. Myers to get their skates sharpened.

Believe me, I dont doubt your skill and respect of the hockey community.

Sounds great. I will try to set a time to come up and get fitted. It is slowly becoming clear that going custom is my only effective course of action.

I will contact you through pm when I am able to come up.

Thanks so much in advance!

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2.5 hrs is nothing..how much time have you already spent on different skates? I drive 2.5 hrs each weekend to the farm to relax

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2.5 hrs is nothing..how much time have you already spent on different skates? I drive 2.5 hrs each weekend to the farm to relax

Point taken. I will wait and try on the Vector08 and the RBK when they come in. The captain of my league team works in the LHS, and he said they will be in soon. Unless I am really impressed with how those skates fit me, I will be driving to Orlando very soon to be fitted by JC. I am curious to know what skate he will recommend.

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I'd drive the 5hrs just to hang out with the great man JR himself. Unfortunately it would also take 22 hours of flying for me to get there...

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eric42434224 Posted Yesterday, 08:55 PM

QUOTE (epstud74 @ Jul 1 2008, 06:01 PM)

2.5 hrs is nothing..how much time have you already spent on different skates? I drive 2.5 hrs each weekend to the farm to relax

Point taken. I will wait and try on the Vector08 and the RBK when they come in. The captain of my league team works in the LHS, and he said they will be in soon. Unless I am really impressed with how those skates fit me, I will be driving to Orlando very soon to be fitted by JC. I am curious to know what skate he will recommend.

Just try not to call him JC when you get there ;). I think he prefers JR.

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