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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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D aka speck

Movie mistakes

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Ever watched a movie and saw a scene that made you scratch your head?

Somehow they screwed up, like everyone else!


Blades of Fury: toward the end, when they win the Gold.

They filmed 2 different scenes at the same time.

They are presented champaigne TWICE!

Or, there's American Psycho.

The story is based in the 70's, yet he has a pneumatic nail gun that was designed in the 90's...


We've all seen oopsies in movies, let's share 'em.

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Braveheart.....at the battle of Falkirk....ever notice during the battle scene (well...prelude to it actually) how many times Gibson changes from running with his broad sword to not? Literally, in the 7 times that they flip back and forth to him during this initial charge, he has changed position of his sword (on his back or in his hands) 4 times. I love that movie and that part of it always bugs me. ;)

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In Blades of Glory, at the end the guy wears his skates outside running through the streets , then he walks on ceramic tile, up an escalator, and then zipline down onto the ice where he does his ice routine thing, in the SAME PAIR OF SKATES!!

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Or, there's American Psycho.

The story is based in the 70's, yet he has a pneumatic nail gun that was designed in the 90's...


I believe American Psycho was based in the 80's.. not the 70's. Hence the Huey Lewis "Sports" reference, Whitney Houston, etc..

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The bridge in I,Robot couldn't be standing and the microwave weapon in Batman Begins apparently doesn't affect people despite being mostly water. That is the kind of stuff that bugs me, I usually don't catch continuity errors though.

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in bruce almighty, the scene when jim carey meets god at the cafe and parts the bowl of soup, he puts cream in his coffee before parting the soup and then after, the coffee's still black.

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at the end of teen wolf there's a shot of the crowd in the bleachers and a guy has his dick out then puts it away


I love that movie, watched in on espn classic a few days ago

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In Spiderman (I think the first one). Spiderman shoots his web when he first discovers he can shoot web and breaks a lamp in his room. Next scene the lamp is back up and perfect again.

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