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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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This is getting out of hand

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So I finally gave into the OPS trend after using wood sticks my entire life by buying budget TPS Response Afinogenov OPS at HockeyGiant in Bloomington, MN. Well tonight..I'm bored and while out getting a bite to eat, I decide to stop into SportsWorld USA and browse a little.. Apparently they've got a sale going on, and almost ALL of their OPS sticks and gloves are liquidated. A lot of lefty One90s in stock..Not for me...so I kept looking around.. I check out the shafts and there are a few Eastons, Torches and so on.. I spy a nice RBK 7K Sickick shaft..and after consulting with the owner, I decide to purchase that along with a wood blade..Makes sense eh? He says he tries to steer people in the wood blade direction if they're adults who really have not used a composite OPS. I got the Heatley style blade..He cut off an inch for me at no charge and installed the blade and out the door I went. I'll attach a pic later.

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he's just becoming a gearwhore, like the rest of us. let him revel in his newfound hobby of having more sticks than he will ever need.

It's a great feeling.

and If you ever feel like you've got too many sticks, just dig up some old pics of buzz's or ponty's stick collection. that will put it all in perspective for ya. Drewhunz has a nice sized collection as well.

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Is it because you bought a Response, and then a 7k shaft, and you feel you're going to keep splurging like the rest of us on here?

That would be correct. I've spent a bit of $$$ this week along with $415 spring league fees and my annual membership payment to USA Hockey.

I still need to get a new pair of gloves since I've had current two pair for nearly 10 years..I also blew $30 on two pairs of CCM Oxysocks...They pretty comfortable, I'm wearing them right now, not just for skating.

I also need to get a new helmet. I have a Nike helmet, but dont like it so much and the foam padding is falling out of my CCM 652s. I really do like that helmet, but it probably isnt cost effect to repad it. Maybe I can send it in to JR and he'll do it since I'm rather fond of it.

he's just becoming a gearwhore, like the rest of us. let him revel in his newfound hobby of having more sticks than he will ever need.

It's a great feeling.

and If you ever feel like you've got too many sticks, just dig up some old pics of buzz's or ponty's stick collection. that will put it all in perspective for ya. Drewhunz has a nice sized collection as well.

I've got a couple Northland Crackshots I found in my grandmother's attic.

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That's nothing. I blew $1600 on sticks and a new pair of skates in 9 weeks. Needless to say, I'm now scraping quarters together for rent...

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That's nothing. I blew $1600 on sticks and a new pair of skates in 9 weeks. Needless to say, I'm now scraping quarters together for rent...

Jesus..what kind of skates did you get? I'm guessing I've spent roughly $200 on sticks and tape/socks in the last two days, but I did buy two new 32" widscreen tvs in the last month. Having kids is more expensive and I have two..My 10 month old boy will be needing skates in 2 years :D

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That's nothing. I blew $1600 on sticks and a new pair of skates in 9 weeks. Needless to say, I'm now scraping quarters together for rent...

Are you the guy that bought a ton of Gaborik pro stocks?

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Anytime I complain about my wife having too many pairs of shoes, she has to bring up the ammount of hockey sticks I have. I told her it could be worse as some on here have in excess of 100's, she just dont get it. I only have 11 sticks, thats not too bad. I did have more but sold some, should have kept them to add to the collection. Oh well.


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About this time last year I was down to 2 older well used Vapor XXX P02 OPS. They were on their last legs. I had a Mission Pulse Grip McCauley and was only just getting comfortable with it. Since then I have more than replenished my stick cabinet.

1. Easton SE Grip Lidstrom

2. Mission Pulse Grip McCauley(still going)

3. Mission Fuel Grip McCauley

4. RBK 7K Sickick Phaneuf

5. Warrior Dolomite Grip Jovanovski

6. Warrior MacDaddy Grip Jovanovski

7. Vapor XXX Lite ID P02 Romanov

8. Warrior Kronik Grip Jovanovski (got it last Thursday)

9. Easton S17 Grip Lidstrom (got it last Friday from Toy Drive)

10.Vapor XXXX Int P02 (had to get it since it was P02 but Int is wicked whippy and no good at all for 1-on-1 stick battles playing D)

Damn you MSH!

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My 10 month old boy will be needing skates in 2 years :D

Of course every kid is different but generally speaking 2 year olds pick up skating quicker than 3 year olds. If you have synthetic ice anywhere in your area start him there, its not as slippery so a great place to introduce kids to skating.

Worst place the first few times, especially for a child that is more reserved/less adventerous is crowded public skating. Crouch down to a toddlers height to get his view-its scary with everyone hurtling by.

We had a few little guys from neighbourhood learn on our backyard rink this winter, nothing like the smiles when they first 'get it'.

Back on topic-wait till your kids sticks start costing more than your own.

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I'm going in the opposite direction, and still feel like it's out of hand...

I'm down to only 4 sticks!!!

Me too, I'm down to three.

Truth be told, I'm secretly preparing for the annual tent sale at Pure Hockey. Shhh, don't tell my wife. ;)

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in our house its, "don't throw it out, wear it out...." :D

its that good feeling you get when you just wore a pair of skates into the ground after 5 years, and then you "reward yourself" with a brand new pair of Bauer XXV's - best feeling in the world.

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I'm going in the opposite direction, and still feel like it's out of hand...

I'm down to only 4 sticks!!!

Me too, I'm down to three.

Truth be told, I'm secretly preparing for the annual tent sale at Pure Hockey. Shhh, don't tell my wife. ;)

haha im down to 2 and one of them is a pro stock busch laser! :P although i like the curve, this season im gonna have to stock up while im in canada on some shafts and blades, since thats the only thing thats cheaper in canada thatn in switzerland, if you add tax, i broke 7 sticks in 4 months :o

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