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why is the NHL highlighing Avery?

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Hell no, I'm a huge avery fan but for 4 mil he can go where the sun don't shine, Alaska. No really I'd give him like 2.5 mil a year for 3-4 years. Thats about it.

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I just see Avery using this year as a plank to jump off for more money this summer. Nothing wrong with that, I just think Rangers fans are going to turn on him real quick if he does.

IIRC, Shanny didn't exactly have kind words for Avery once he was jettisoned from the Red Wings.

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I understand where you're coming from. I think most Rangers fans figure screw it, we're giving Gomez and Drury $7mil, give Avery $4mil! Really, it comes out of 96's pocket. He has season tickets in the balcony. Hell, give him $5mil and charge 96 more for that blue seat.

My seat in the blues is more of a seat than you and Theo have bought into, making my comments and opinions all the more applicable...I've paid for the pleasure of making them :D

I kinda agree with Mack though. I think Aves is just playing like this as a springboard for a bigger paycheck, which everyone does. However, I'll take Mack's comments one step further by saying that I think Aves will leave NY in a second if anyone pays him 1 dollar more than the Rangers offer. All the fans think he's god-like, but bottom line, he's here to make money and I also don't think he appreciates Slats making him test the market two years in a row.

Please, do we have to mention Jagr? Next thing you know 96 will come flying into this thread to say Jagr shouldn't even dress for the next game. I agree Avery is not the biggest piece in the puzzle but he is an important one. Its hard to believe based on the player he was coming in front from the lock-out.

I never miss an opportunity to Jagr-bash. Crucify him - crucify him!

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You spent the money. Piss and moan all you want. It won't make a difference to Sather, though, what you or the guy sitting next to you says at the game.

All professional athletes want to make more money. Duh........

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You spent the money. Piss and moan all you want. It won't make a difference to Sather, though, what you or the guy sitting next to you says at the game.

All professional athletes want to make more money. Duh........

Obviously that's his motivation, but Aves is spiteful. There's a reason he's the league's super pest - he's got an attitude problem. I can totally see him doing this just to get a bigger deal and sign elsewhere. He's basically a rock star at the Garden, I mean you heard the "Resign Avery" chants (on tv because you weren't actually at the game to hear it)fans love him! But like I said earlier, if he gets 1 dollar more to play in Nashville or something, he'll do it just to F Slats.

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You spent the money. Piss and moan all you want. It won't make a difference to Sather, though, what you or the guy sitting next to you says at the game.

All professional athletes want to make more money. Duh........

Obviously that's his motivation, but Aves is spiteful. There's a reason he's the league's super pest - he's got an attitude problem. I can totally see him doing this just to get a bigger deal and sign elsewhere. He's basically a rock star at the Garden, I mean you heard the "Resign Avery" chants (on tv because you weren't actually at the game to hear it)fans love him! But like I said earlier, if he gets 1 dollar more to play in Nashville or something, he'll do it just to F Slats.

Tell us, why shouldn't he leave for a $1 more? The shelf life of a professional athlete's career is pretty short. All professional athletes have attitude problems. That's what got them to where they are. Their attitude!! Please continue your blue seat psychology of Avery's spitefulness and Jagr's motivation issues. Is Nigel Dawes motivated by his parents' mixed ethnicity? I have been wondering about Ryan Callahan's Napoleon complex on ice. Please tell us what you know that comes with your season ticket package.

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You spent the money. Piss and moan all you want. It won't make a difference to Sather, though, what you or the guy sitting next to you says at the game.

All professional athletes want to make more money. Duh........

Obviously that's his motivation, but Aves is spiteful. There's a reason he's the league's super pest - he's got an attitude problem. I can totally see him doing this just to get a bigger deal and sign elsewhere. He's basically a rock star at the Garden, I mean you heard the "Resign Avery" chants (on tv because you weren't actually at the game to hear it)fans love him! But like I said earlier, if he gets 1 dollar more to play in Nashville or something, he'll do it just to F Slats.

Tell us, why shouldn't he leave for a $1 more? The shelf life of a professional athlete's career is pretty short. All professional athletes have attitude problems. That's what got them to where they are. Their attitude!! Please continue your blue seat psychology of Avery's spitefulness and Jagr's motivation issues. Is Nigel Dawes motivated by his parents' mixed ethnicity? I have been wondering about Ryan Callahan's Napoleon complex on ice. Please tell us what you know that comes with your season ticket package.

I think you analyzed the post waay too much. You must have had a lot of extra time in the shop.

The only thing I know about Avery and Jagr is what everyone sees, on the ice. Avery is prick, Jagr is a half-assing, bitch. It doesn't take a psychology degree or anything more than your eyes to see what kind of people they are. Not to mention, there is plenty of documentation about who they are off the ice from various sources. It's not like I just made this stuff up while sitting in the blue seats.

My point about Aves re-signing for $1 more was simply that you would hope he would recognize his status as a fan favorite and stay in New York - even though he could make more money elsewhere. Shanny did it. Players take pay cuts all the time. But I took it further by saying that Aves probably feels a little burnt by Slats' actions the past two years, and I could see him leaving just to spite him. If that comment makes you think I'm trying to understand player pyschology and motivation, then so be it. Call me Sigmund F-ing Freud.

There, was that too hard to absorb?

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Anyone NOT hate Avery? :D

I think he is a great hockey player and his job is to get under the skin of the opposition. Everyone has a role. If you guys ever played on a real hockey team, you had an "Avery" on the team.

As far as his attitude off the ice. God forbid he has a personality. Seems like everyone is so afraid to say something wrong, they all end up boring.

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