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Jersey gets caught on shoulder pads

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I've recently gone from my 8,000 year old shoulder pads to new Easton S5 shoulder pads.

Every time I put on my jersey, it gets caught on the spine protector on the back of the shoulder pads. I end up asking a teammate to pull my jersey over the pad. It's not a huge deal, but I would like to be able to put my jersey on without any help.

Any ideas on how to keep this from happening?

Here is a pic of the pads, the back is the lower half of the picture.


For anybody interested in new shoulder pads, I really like and recommed these. I tried the Easton S9, RBK 5k's , and these. These were the most comfortable of the 3, moved nicely with my body when I turned to pass or shoot, and are pretty well priced at around $50.

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I don't think there's a trick either. I usually just pull the jersey down real fast and hard until it comes loose, much like a caveman would!

Then again, I bash my computer with a rock when it doesn't behave. So I might just have a lot of pent up anger.

Just try to hold it out far as you pull it down your back.

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Bunch it up before putting it on, and make sure you pull it over the back? Shouldn't be that hard to put it on...unless your jerseys super tight.

Other than that, how do you like the S5's? Thinking about replacing my 5030's with them.

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That same thing happened at first with my Fuel 85's. Now I grab them around the neck and just pull them forward, making sure the back part of the shoulder pads where your head goes through is up against the back of my neck. Haven't had it catch on the spine protector since. Also, not sure how you put the actual jersey on but I put it over my head and grab the very bottom of the back of the jersey and pull it over the back of the shoulder pads first, then when I get it over my pads I put my arms in. Works great.

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i put the suspenders over my should pads that keeps them down.

In addition, the size of your jersey has a lot to do w/ getting your shoulder pads from getting caught.. I use both the suspenders over the pads and gone to a bigger jersey size w/ customerized cuffs (i hate baggy sleeves..)..


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as i've said in a couple of other threads, same thing happens to me... you get used to it, bunching the jersey before pulling it down helps, or just use a buddy... i've almost got it worked into my pre-game dressing routine lol

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Simple solution. You can jimmy your shoulders whatever way you want, OR, pull your jersey on without putting your arms in the sleeves, so once your jersey is on, then work your arms into the sleeves. Thats the way I do it, also works good with small jerseys.


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Arch your back so your stomach is sticking forward. Might help.

Exactamundo... Pull the rib straps on real, real tight... arch backward a bit to slink the jersey on, then reach up in and adjust the rib straps for comfort. Works like a charm.

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Put your arms through the sleeves. Pull the sleeves all the way to your shoulders. Put your head through the collar. At this point everything but your torso is already where it should be. Reach behind your head and pull the jersey out, it should almost drop in place.


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Put your arms through the sleeves. Pull the sleeves all the way to your shoulders. Put your head through the collar. At this point everything but your torso is already where it should be. Reach behind your head and pull the jersey out, it should almost drop in place.


thats how i had to put my jersey on, now i just dont wear shoulder pads..

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Other than that, how do you like the S5's? Thinking about replacing my 5030's with them.

I really like them. So much so that after they are on you forget they are there until you take them off.

Like I said, I tried the S9 and 5k but these felt the best and I am quite happy with them.

For all those that replied, thanks. I figured it would be somethnig that just kind of happened once you get used to the new pads. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.

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As long as the shoulders of the jersey are on your shoulders there shouldnt be an issue. Most people try to put their jersey on like a tshirt, that doesnt work for any shoulder pad that has a raised spine protector.

Now try to put a swift jersey on with elbow pads. That's a challenge. The damn mesh catches the velcro.

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