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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bizzare happenings in Florida

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it's sad, yet a little gross..........how on earth can skin graft to fabric. w/ all due respect to the deceased, that's pretty disgusting.

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Was the 600 pounds with the couch? Cause the article only says 480.

That's an updated figure. Yesterday the article had it at 600. It looks like that whole article was revamped since last night.

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If you think 450 is bad, there was an article a couple days ago about a guy from Nebraska who was 1,072 pounds. He's already lost about 200 and he's trying to get down around 500 so he can have a successful gastric bypass.

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kinda weird how you guys are fearing the hurricanes and yet im actually happy for it coming. Thats only because im not in danger of it. I heard 8-10 ft waves consistantly rolling through here tomorrow into sunday.

I've been through a couple 'canes, and there not too fun. I hope everything turns out alright for those in danger.

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