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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sleeve on stick

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Just got done watching the wings vs. preds. I saw that J.P Dumont had a sleeve type thing on this SE. I know it looks like spray paint but i looked at many pics and it looks like a sleeve. Any ideas? Or just some Rink/Home made thing.


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Looks like a rubber grip. Maybe it's that's his way to get extra traction or, if a grip, to get slippery just in that zone (like shrink wrap - there used to be a guy on ebay that used to sell plastic shrink wrap that was intended for electric wires like you see on a telephone pole to put on hockey blades - worked in place of tape and was more durable).

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Kinda off topic, but this reminds me of something I thought of a while ago. Has anyone tried slipping on a light rubber/foam over the bottom third an OPS to help dispense the energy from slashes? I know some sticks has had some insert inside the shaft to prevent breaks, but maybe something soft over the outside would be more effective? Or would it upset the balance of the stick too much?

Anyway, maybe it's a dumb idea. :P

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Kinda off topic, but this reminds me of something I thought of a while ago. Has anyone tried slipping on a light rubber/foam over the bottom third an OPS to help dispense the energy from slashes? I know some sticks has had some insert inside the shaft to prevent breaks, but maybe something soft over the outside would be more effective? Or would it upset the balance of the stick too much?

Anyway, maybe it's a dumb idea. :P

A company makes a thing called "Shaft wrap" or something like that. It's almost like shin tape that's wider.

One of the members here raves about it, forgot who though.

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Kinda off topic, but this reminds me of something I thought of a while ago. Has anyone tried slipping on a light rubber/foam over the bottom third an OPS to help dispense the energy from slashes? I know some sticks has had some insert inside the shaft to prevent breaks, but maybe something soft over the outside would be more effective? Or would it upset the balance of the stick too much?

Anyway, maybe it's a dumb idea. :P

A company makes a thing called "Shaft wrap" or something like that. It's almost like shin tape that's wider.

One of the members here raves about it, forgot who though.

I've seen that stuff before. I can see it may protect the stick from nicks and prevent the paint from chipping, but I can't see it absorbing the impact from a two hand slash.

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Kinda off topic, but this reminds me of something I thought of a while ago. Has anyone tried slipping on a light rubber/foam over the bottom third an OPS to help dispense the energy from slashes? I know some sticks has had some insert inside the shaft to prevent breaks, but maybe something soft over the outside would be more effective? Or would it upset the balance of the stick too much?

Anyway, maybe it's a dumb idea. :P

Nothing's dumb, my man. Kicking ideas out is how innovative products are made.

That being said? I do think that it might have some downsides such as making it easier to lift a person's stick (since the foam would make it more "gripable" by an opponent's stick). However, the biggest downside would likely be that chunks of the foam rubber would likely end up on the ice creating a possible hazzard (unless you could get something that wouldn't deteriorate and have it's shreddings clutter up the ice?).

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I have a couple of his sticks and is just tape. It feels about the same as a some of grip coatings that are out there, so it gives no advantage. He does have a tacki-mac grip on the end.

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I have a couple of his sticks and is just tape. It feels about the same as a some of grip coatings that are out there, so it gives no advantage. He does have a tacki-mac grip on the end.

Speaking of taci-macs, if you did want a rubber sleve in that area it would be very easy to do using three tac-macs, sand grips. Just cut off the knobs, and stack them up.

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if the purpose of wrapping the stick is to protect the paint, isn't that defeating the purpose since the paint is covered up? I get the grip and possible slash protection but who cares about the paint?

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does that renfrew stuff do anything

I swear by the stuff. The only issue is application is a bit of a bitch. Otherwise it works great. Intended for protection only to the lower 18" or so of the shaft where it gets most of the abuse. For $12.00 you cant go wrong.

I have a couple of his sticks and is just tape. It feels about the same as a some of grip coatings that are out there, so it gives no advantage. He does have a tacki-mac grip on the end.

Speaking of taci-macs, if you did want a rubber sleve in that area it would be very easy to do using three tac-macs, sand grips. Just cut off the knobs, and stack them up.

I have thouught about doing that before. I have a guy on my team that tapes a 6" section of his stick where he places his hand for hard and heavy slappers. I must say he does have a rocket.

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Isn't a constant wrap like that illegal? Cuz it reinforces the shaft so it's less prone to break if and when you slash someone, and also that it can Hide a break so refs can't see if someone is playing with a broken stick or not, and possibly causing a dangerous situation. I.E. that's why players candy cane their sticks. Or are there limits and guidelines to how much can be done?

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I second the shaft wrap its good stuff i apply that along the bottom 6-10" of the shaft right up to were i would start taping the blade... then i apply some black composite stick tape over it and then i wax and puck it down so that no water gets in... I find that it defiantly extends the life of my sticks.

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I have a couple of his sticks and is just tape. It feels about the same as a some of grip coatings that are out there, so it gives no advantage. He does have a tacki-mac grip on the end.

Speaking of taci-macs, if you did want a rubber sleve in that area it would be very easy to do using three tac-macs, sand grips. Just cut off the knobs, and stack them up.

I came up with something similar a couple moths ago and pitched the idea to a few vendors at the show. Now that I'm back from vacation it's time to get to work on the concept again.

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