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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Patty WAH, goalie son in a fight... video link

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So i take it you are on of those homos that want to ban fighting in hockey?

If you even read a single one of my posts, you'd know that I am a huge proponent of fighting in hockey. I think there should be more of it. If there was more fighting, perhaps there wouldn't be so much chicken shit stick work. My entire point was that the video I saw didn't relay what hockey fighting is meant to be. These were people who were just pummeling the crap out of other people, with a blatant disregard for the other players. If there was only one thing that could be said about a fighter in the NHL, it's that they have the utmost respect for the guy they are fighting. The ass clowns in this video had no respects for the other players, themselves or anyone else who was at the game.

There are a few people on this board that can vouch for my willingness to drop the gloves and handle my business on the ice, but only when it's called for.

As for the homo thing, you guys are killing me. My entire point was that it was ok for him to make fun of homos, but I can't make fun of the French. At what point did one become acceptable, and the other taboo? A bit of a double standard, don't you think?

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Yes, banning everyone on the ice for that fight is knee-jerk and naive. When people have taken baseball swings at people's faces and not been banned for life, this is way down the list of shit I'd ban people for.

Inner monologue issues? Why are such random words capitalized? Anyway, yes, it's an asshole comment (even if you're making it for a select few) because at no point do you hint that it's a joke (one in poor taste and that's coming from me) and it can just turn into an Avery-ish festival of retarded arguments about French people.

And yes, my signature's fine because it's true. ENGs are for homos. If they have a problem with being in my signature, BFD. What are they going to do, redecorate my living room and make catty comments about my wardrobe?

Who made you in charge of what I think should happen? Just because you don't agree with what I think, doesn't mean what I think is wrong, naive or knee-jerk.

My personal opinion is that they should be banned (at least the goalie and one other guy who was raining haymakers on a completely defenseless guy), just like Simon should have been banned for his baseball swing / skate stomp incidents, and Perezhogin should have been banned for his baseball swing, and Tony Granato should have been banned for his overhand tomahawk chop. Just because I think they should have been banned, doesn't mean everyone will agree.

Also, just because people have gotten away with some completely brainless acts, doesn't mean they shouldn't have been banned, or that those incidents should be used as the measuring stick for future incidents. I agree that this fight isn't exactly at the top of the list of shit to ban people for, but, for me, it' still on the list.

As for the signature, if it's ok for you to say that empty net goals are for homos, because "it's true," then I can insinuate that the French are pansies, because "it's true."

So i take it you are on of those homos that want to ban fighting in hockey?

That's not what he's saying at all. Try reading, thinking and then typing. In that order.

Also, can we leave the gay/cultural/racial (I'm assuming they're next) sterotypes out of this discussion. They really have nothing to do with the fact that Baby Roy is an asshole.

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ok well thats settled then, the only good thing the French gave us apart from crepes and the menage a trois hahaha

the goalie in the white was being a little bitch....just watching his teammates get their ass kicked if i was on his team i would of bitched at him for not fighting him

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So i take it you are on of those homos that want to ban fighting in hockey?

If you even read a single one of my posts, you'd know that I am a huge proponent of fighting in hockey. I think there should be more of it. If there was more fighting, perhaps there wouldn't be so much chicken shit stick work. My entire point was that the video I saw didn't relay what hockey fighting is meant to be. These were people who were just pummeling the crap out of other people, with a blatant disregard for the other players. If there was only one thing that could be said about a fighter in the NHL, it's that they have the utmost respect for the guy they are fighting. The ass clowns in this video had no respects for the other players, themselves or anyone else who was at the game.

There are a few people on this board that can vouch for my willingness to drop the gloves and handle my business on the ice, but only when it's called for.

As for the homo thing, you guys are killing me. My entire point was that it was ok for him to make fun of homos, but I can't make fun of the French. At what point did one become acceptable, and the other taboo? A bit of a double standard, don't you think?

I don't even understand the "empty net goals are for homos" comment. I do, however, realize that it's intended as a shot against gays. The french comment is a shot against french people. I really don't care that either of you said what you did. They're not opinions that I share or would speak out on, but you're entitled to your own opinions. I do think it's ridiculous though that one of you can post a comment like that, and then attack someone for making a comment of the exact same nature.

haha yeah but the goalie in the white was being a little bitch....just watching his teammates get their ass kicked if i was on his team i would of bitched at him for not fighting him

Something tells me I wouldn't want you on my team for several reasons.

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Also, can we leave the gay/cultural/racial (I'm assuming they're next) sterotypes out of this discussion. They really have nothing to do with the fact that Baby Roy is an asshole.

absolutely agreed! but as you might know english is not my native language and i dont know another word to describe the behaviour of the goaltender of the white team other than gay. :D so please be patient...

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ok well thats settled then, the only good thing the French gave us apart from crepes and the menage a trois hahaha

the goalie in the white was being a little bitch....just watching his teammates get their ass kicked if i was on his team i would of bitched at him for not fighting him

Or he didn't think Roy was actually as much of an asshole as he was.

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Also, can we leave the gay/cultural/racial (I'm assuming they're next) sterotypes out of this discussion. They really have nothing to do with the fact that Baby Roy is an asshole.

absolutely agreed! but as you might know english is not my native language and i dont know another word to describe the behaviour of the goaltender of the white team other than gay. :D so please be patient...

Fair enough. It's not personally offensive to me, but when conversing with people whom you don't know and who's beliefs and feelings you don't know, it's best to try and be somewhat tactful with your words. I realize this could be much more difficult if English is not your first language.

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I must have missed the meeting where we got backed by the Rainbow Coalition. People here are just shitty about what to take too serious and what not to. Toughen the fuck up.

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I must have missed the meeting where we got backed by the Rainbow Coalition. People here are just shitty about what to take too serious and what not to. Toughen the fuck up.

Hey Kettle, the Pot is calling!

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I must have missed the meeting where we got backed by the Rainbow Coalition. People here are just shitty about what to take too serious and what not to. Toughen the fuck up.

Settle down, you're always so quick to jump at any opportunity to make a snappy remark. Normally I enjoy them, but you don't always have to be a one trick pony.

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Are you saying there's allot of man cans around here Mack when it comes to political correctness? ;)

BTW Bucko, the right word "stupid" in place of gay auf Deutsch = "dumm"

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So i take it you are on of those homos that want to ban fighting in hockey?

If you even read a single one of my posts, you'd know that I am a huge proponent of fighting in hockey. I think there should be more of it. If there was more fighting, perhaps there wouldn't be so much chicken shit stick work. My entire point was that the video I saw didn't relay what hockey fighting is meant to be. These were people who were just pummeling the crap out of other people, with a blatant disregard for the other players. If there was only one thing that could be said about a fighter in the NHL, it's that they have the utmost respect for the guy they are fighting. The ass clowns in this video had no respects for the other players, themselves or anyone else who was at the game.

There are a few people on this board that can vouch for my willingness to drop the gloves and handle my business on the ice, but only when it's called for.

As for the homo thing, you guys are killing me. My entire point was that it was ok for him to make fun of homos, but I can't make fun of the French. At what point did one become acceptable, and the other taboo? A bit of a double standard, don't you think?

I don't even understand the "empty net goals are for homos" comment. I do, however, realize that it's intended as a shot against gays. The french comment is a shot against french people. I really don't care that either of you said what you did. They're not opinions that I share or would speak out on, but you're entitled to your own opinions. I do think it's ridiculous though that one of you can post a comment like that, and then attack someone for making a comment of the exact same nature.

haha yeah but the goalie in the white was being a little bitch....just watching his teammates get their ass kicked if i was on his team i would of bitched at him for not fighting him

Something tells me I wouldn't want you on my team for several reasons.

Whys that? I'm just saying the other goalie should have stood up if not for his team then for himself. I believe sticking up for your teammates no matter what, even if they are in the wrong, 100% in the wrong I would still stick up for them. As for this if I see my teammates getting pounded I wouldn't sit in my crease like a little bitch I would of helped them out. The one dude is getting pounded up against the boards with no one around and his goalie is standing in his crease.....thats some real camaraderie

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So i take it you are on of those homos that want to ban fighting in hockey?

If you even read a single one of my posts, you'd know that I am a huge proponent of fighting in hockey. I think there should be more of it. If there was more fighting, perhaps there wouldn't be so much chicken shit stick work. My entire point was that the video I saw didn't relay what hockey fighting is meant to be. These were people who were just pummeling the crap out of other people, with a blatant disregard for the other players. If there was only one thing that could be said about a fighter in the NHL, it's that they have the utmost respect for the guy they are fighting. The ass clowns in this video had no respects for the other players, themselves or anyone else who was at the game.

There are a few people on this board that can vouch for my willingness to drop the gloves and handle my business on the ice, but only when it's called for.

As for the homo thing, you guys are killing me. My entire point was that it was ok for him to make fun of homos, but I can't make fun of the French. At what point did one become acceptable, and the other taboo? A bit of a double standard, don't you think?

I don't even understand the "empty net goals are for homos" comment. I do, however, realize that it's intended as a shot against gays. The french comment is a shot against french people. I really don't care that either of you said what you did. They're not opinions that I share or would speak out on, but you're entitled to your own opinions. I do think it's ridiculous though that one of you can post a comment like that, and then attack someone for making a comment of the exact same nature.

haha yeah but the goalie in the white was being a little bitch....just watching his teammates get their ass kicked if i was on his team i would of bitched at him for not fighting him

Something tells me I wouldn't want you on my team for several reasons.

Whys that? I'm just saying the other goalie should have stood up if not for his team then for himself. I believe sticking up for your teammates no matter what, even if they are in the wrong, 100% in the wrong I would still stick up for them. As for this if I see my teammates getting pounded I wouldn't sit in my crease like a little bitch I would of helped them out. The one dude is getting pounded up against the boards with no one around and his goalie is standing in his crease.....thats some real camaraderie

Ok, now that I have a more specific idea of what you were talking about, I do agree with you. That was pretty pitiful that the one guy in white was down, turtled, getting beat on, and the white goalie was just having a smoke break in his crease. There were obviously no other teammates or refs/linesemen that were going to help him out, the goalie should have at least tried to do something in that situation.

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Are you saying there's allot of man cans around here Mack when it comes to political correctness? ;)

BTW Bucko, the right word "stupid" in place of gay auf Deutsch = "dumm"

oh thank you but i think stupid is far behind of what i am thinkin of him anyways... is it political correct when i call him a pussy, or would that be bad behaviour? i don´t mind, for me this one is over, it´s the same scheme allways, people can get so angry just out of a few words...

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I admit that I skimmed, but, why haven't I seen ANY mention of "Lil Roy shoving past the official?

Regardless of the other goalie not fighting, shouldn't the official have been a tad more assertive in ending the chaos?

Especially since he had the entire length of the ice to do so!

Kinda' looked like he just quit and let mini Roy just skate with his d*** in his trapper and do whatever he wanted rather than diffuse the situation.

Roy was just being a prick! Why skate ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE RINK, to fight someone that is OBVIOUSLY not a part of the scrum?

Because DADDY said so! That's why.

I'm not trying to take fault away from the other goalie! If someone came at me like that, I wouldn't order a latte and relax while I watched the impending doom come for me.

But back to my point, the official hardly tried to stop it!

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Ok, now that I have a more specific idea of what you were talking about, I do agree with you. That was pretty pitiful that the one guy in white was down, turtled, getting beat on, and the white goalie was just having a smoke break in his crease. There were obviously no other teammates or refs/linesemen that were going to help him out, the goalie should have at least tried to do something in that situation.

I agree, but even if he jumped in there to pull a guy off one of his teammates, he would have to expect to get sucker punched or at least be required to throw down with little Roy. Being so clearly unwilling to fight, I'm not surprised he did nothing.

...with the above said, I do not hesitate to call him a sissy.

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I must have missed the meeting where we got backed by the Rainbow Coalition. People here are just shitty about what to take too serious and what not to. Toughen the fuck up.

Hey Kettle, the Pot is calling!

No, you're the person that can't understand how your reaction is knee-jerk. I'll baby-step it for you by saying that you wanted to hand out lifetime bans immediately, before any of this gets sifted through. Not only is it a complete overreaction, it's a hasty one at that.

Then there's this sander guy, who joins you in the club that apparently doesn't get the Iafrate quote being more against people going for ENGs than gays. It must be a sore spot for you guys so I'll refrain from having the displeasure of interacting with you as it may possibly be construed as a hate crime.

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Only if you dress like those homos from Mystery, AK.

The first part is knee-jerk and naive; the second part is just asshole.

I'm not sure I follow. Are you saying that it's a bit naive and knee jerk to say these guys should be banned for life? I don't see how it's naive or knee jerk. That's the beauty of an opinion, I'm entitled to mine, and you, in turn, are entitled to yours.

And I take it that you're also saying that I'm an ASSHOLE for making the little quip about the French. First, that little gem was added for a select fews' amusement. Second, it's not OK for me to make a joke at the expense of the French, but it's OK for you to quote Iafrate saying that "empty-net goals are for homos" in your signature? A bit of a double standard, don't you think?

Yes, banning everyone on the ice for that fight is knee-jerk and naive. When people have taken baseball swings at people's faces and not been banned for life, this is way down the list of shit I'd ban people for.

Inner monologue issues? Why are such random words capitalized? Anyway, yes, it's an asshole comment (even if you're making it for a select few) because at no point do you hint that it's a joke (one in poor taste and that's coming from me) and it can just turn into an Avery-ish festival of retarded arguments about French people.

And yes, my signature's fine because it's true. ENGs are for homos. If they have a problem with being in my signature, BFD. What are they going to do, redecorate my living room and make catty comments about my wardrobe?

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Let's see......the apple did not fall far at all from the tree in the Roy family. This is another example of why father's should NOT coach their kids.

Does the white goalie wear a cup? This player has no sack hanging out in the crease while his buddies are in a 5-on-5.

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ive never seen a player refrain from fighting liek that...he really should have helped his teamates like PenguinsFanatic said even if they were 100% wrong. i wonder what his teamate told him after the game

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