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"Successor" to the XN10?

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I pulled out my XN10 yesterday after not having used it for a few months and remembered why I loved it so much. Light as a feather and the shots rocket off the blade. I realize TPS killed this beauty, but what current stick comes closest in weight/performance, regardless of manufacturer?

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The only thing that I've found that is kind of close is the cnt stealth BUT you have to go up in flex for the same kick. Some people arent going to agree but also you have to remember a lot of people aren't able to go up from TPS regular to Easton 100 flex and still shoot comfortably.

Feel, R8 is nice. Balance is good but it has a grip zone and it doesnt pop like a xn10. Besides the stealth(cnt) I havent found anything current that puts that extra punch and nothing that does it with as little effort.

Oddly enough, the closest I can find is also discountinued. It's the flyweight. But you need the equivalent of a 90 flex to get the punch of the regular TPS, which breaks in to almost 80.

...BUT there is hope! There is a rumor that xn10 is coming back.

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I'll echo TBLfan's sentiments. Personally, I went from the TPS Whip to the Easton 85 and - having never used the Flyweights - found the CNTs to be as next best thing.

The R8 is a piece of shit, as far as I'm concerned.

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  Chadd said:
  sds said:
  TBLfan said:

...BUT there is hope! There is a rumor that xn10 is coming back.

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well, don't stop there...

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Just have a little patience, it's coming.

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is there a linky that has more info where this has been kicked around?

Oh, did you say something about patience? :lol:

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  sds said:
  Chadd said:
  sds said:
  TBLfan said:

...BUT there is hope! There is a rumor that xn10 is coming back.

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well, don't stop there...

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Just have a little patience, it's coming.

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is there a linky that has more info where this has been kicked around?

Oh, did you say something about patience? :lol:

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After my conversation with a couple people from TPS at the Vegas show, they did a little research and decided to re-release the XN10 with new graphics. A retailer with a large online presence will have new build sticks available in the not too distant future. That is all you're going to get for now.

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  Chadd said:
  sds said:
  TBLfan said:

...BUT there is hope! There is a rumor that xn10 is coming back.

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well, don't stop there...

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Just have a little patience, it's coming.

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Well, so much for my search for a "successor," then. My previous two lasted about a year each, so I think I may be able to wait a bit. Although, I'm guessing the new ones will cost $200+, a bit too rich for my blood...

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Hopefully TPS decides not to market them at an unreasonable price considering they're just repainting something that was developed and released years ago. Having said that...if the price is reasonable, I'll be all over them. I've never used a stick with as great of kick as the XN10.

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  Chadd said:
  sds said:
  Chadd said:
  sds said:
  TBLfan said:

...BUT there is hope! There is a rumor that xn10 is coming back.

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well, don't stop there...

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Just have a little patience, it's coming.

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is there a linky that has more info where this has been kicked around?

Oh, did you say something about patience? :lol:

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After my conversation with a couple people from TPS at the Vegas show, they did a little research and decided to re-release the XN10 with new graphics. A retailer with a large online presence will have new build sticks available in the not too distant future. That is all you're going to get for now.

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So does this mean the $130 XN10 shaft the LHS has will go down in price?

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  LkptTiger said:

The R8 is a piece of shit, as far as I'm concerned.

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Wow. LKPT - I respect everyone's opinions and experiences the same, but I am going to completely disagree with this statement. Unless you had a defect?

The R8 is probably the single most underrated stick on the market today. I (personally) wouldnt use anything but.

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For reference in comparisons with the XN10 sticks....my R10 also is not on par with the R2 XN10 stick. Better kick than other TPS offerings, but still not up to the R2.

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I'm in the middle, I liked it at first but there's better sticks on the market. The R8 had my hopes up, it really feels a lot like a XN10 in the hands but it kicks like most other high-end sticks. Which is good... yet, very disappointing.

The CNT is a very good shooting stick, if you can go up in flex(dont kid yourself here, if you cant it's not going to help)... the jury is still out on the S17. Although it definitely got better after I chopped 3" off of it.

NOTHING kicks like a regular flex xn10 though, seriously the best way I can describe it is the kick of a 100 flex with the effort of an 80-85 flex.

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I find it a little amusing all the posthumous love for the XN10, when it my estimation it performs the same as just about any other high end stick.

The XN10 has reached almost mythical status around these parts, and it sort of makes me chuckle. It's no secret that TPS are my favorite sticks by far, but I'm also keeping it real, the XN10 is no better (or any worse) than any other high end stick.

For the uninitiated reading what some people write regarding the XN10, they'd think the thing shoots, passes and scores for them. It's all good though.

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Anyone who thinks that about any piece of equipment deserves what they get, or don't get for that matter. If you ask some people on this board, you'd think the only people reading threads here were literally trained monkey's.

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I tired my friend's XN10 and hated it. The finish on the shaft made it feel very... plastic or similar to heavily coated woodies.

If they re-release with square shape, a different finish and no grip zone, and have both tapered and standard, while keeping the price below (hopefully well below) $120 I might find myself buying one.

That's a lot of ifs though.

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I was planning on getting a One90 this summer, but i guess i'll give the XN10 a try. all i can hope for is that its half as good as people say. If this and the Mission Flyweight were so good and so praised, why did they stop making them? did they gain popularity after they stopped making them?

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They gained popularity around here for the most part. Only tried the Flyweight once and wasn't impressed, but I also had tried the thinner model (whichever it is) and can't hold that against it. As for the XN10, I did love it when I used it 4 years ago and agree with some of the good about it, but it's not worth the hype it gets. Solid stick, but it's not worthy of this grail quest people have for it. I think it's just like an artist's work being more popular when they're dead when not many gave a shit about it when it was alive.

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  halfmoonyote said:
  LkptTiger said:

The R8 is a piece of shit, as far as I'm concerned.

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Wow. LKPT - I respect everyone's opinions and experiences the same, but I am going to completely disagree with this statement. Unless you had a defect?

The R8 is probably the single most underrated stick on the market today. I (personally) wouldnt use anything but.

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Mine sucked and I've told them as much.

I have to give Dave at TPS a lof of credit. I was as blunt and honest with him as I am online and he took my criticism positively (as it was intended).

  halfmoonyote said:
I find it a little amusing all the posthumous love for the XN10, when it my estimation it performs the same as just about any other high end stick.

The XN10 has reached almost mythical status around these parts, and it sort of makes me chuckle. It's no secret that TPS are my favorite sticks by far, but I'm also keeping it real, the XN10 is no better (or any worse) than any other high end stick.

For the uninitiated reading what some people write regarding the XN10, they'd think the thing shoots, passes and scores for them. It's all good though.

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For me, and many others, it has had more kick than any other stick. Maybe it's just the flex, maybe it's the materials, who knows? The end result is more power out of my shots.

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Oh it's definitely not the holy grail but it is a damn good stick. It feels like crap in your bare hands, puck feel isn't anything special(in fact, the blades on the xn10 were pretty average, yet stiff). But the stick kicks like no other, that I cannot deny. Not other stick(that I've tried) comes close to snapping like the regular flex of the xn10 in a comparable flex.

The flyweight is different, doesnt kick as well but is comfortable and feels "crisp" if that makes sense.

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  Chadd said:
  halfmoonyote said:
  LkptTiger said:

The R8 is a piece of shit, as far as I'm concerned.

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Wow. LKPT - I respect everyone's opinions and experiences the same, but I am going to completely disagree with this statement. Unless you had a defect?

The R8 is probably the single most underrated stick on the market today. I (personally) wouldnt use anything but.

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Mine sucked and I've told them as much.

I have to give Dave at TPS a lof of credit. I was as blunt and honest with him as I am online and he took my criticism positively (as it was intended).

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Again, very surprising. Keep in mind, perhaps my opinion is a tiny bit skewed as I've never used a retail R8. Only pro stock. I've never had a 'bad' one, and choose to use nothing but TPS.

I don't understand what 'sucks' means. I mean, what exactly was wrong with it?

EDIT: I take that back, I did have an R8 retail Nash, and I did like it.

Patterns Used in RL:

Foote x3

Walker x3

Barnes x2

Frolov (pro, not retail)




EDIT: Forgot one, Corey Perry (pro, not retail)

  Chadd said:

For me, and many others, it has had more kick than any other stick. Maybe it's just the flex, maybe it's the materials, who knows? The end result is more power out of my shots.

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I still have a couple XN10 pro stocks that barely see any use anymore because of how I love the RL.

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