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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shaft/blade combo

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I use the following

Nike Ignite 2 - 220 flex w/ CCM Vector V60 blade - Fischer curve

Easton Typhoon - 85 flex w/ CCM Vector V20 blade - Sundin Curve

I love the Sundin curve but they don't make it anymore, the Lecaviler curve is close but not quite the same.

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1 bio 80 flyweight

2 meta 90 flyweights

I'm using the bio 80 right now as my primary stick. I thought it would be too flexy but I've coupled it with a GI graphite Inno/T-flex and it's working out great. I've always been a shaft/blade guy but the Response+ has peaked my curiousity about trying an ops.

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Just picked up 3 R2XN10 with pro stock synth blades (Sakic w/ a 5 lie), got the blades for $10 each at the Pure Hockey sale this past weekend

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i change shaft combo's all the the time. here's the few that have lasted the year:

green 110 t-flex w/ whitney z-carb

pro dandenault 1100 shaft w/ whitney synth & shaved hosel inno kariya

a/g 7000 w/ steve kariya z-carb

hespeler pro-kick mid w/ v-60 hossa

i'd like to get a new standard shaft, maybe 1100 or redlite xn10. or those xl ultra lites that east west was selling, but not for the price they want. blade wise i'm good, although i wise kobe would sell me that inno blade he has!

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I have a couple right now:

Inno 1100 (5/300) with pro inno Hull blade

M-2 85 with pro tps genesis Hull

Ballistik 90 flex UL with CCM 1052 unknown GI blade

and...an black Easton aluminum shaft (H9500) i found at the rink the other day. I shoved an old Koho 3380 in there and i'll prolly use it for street hockey. My favorite is the Inno for sure. The M-2 probably needs a new blade to feel decent. Anyone used the Nike Apollo blades yet? I'd also like to try a whip Redlite, i wanted to for a couple of years already but always ended up getting something else.

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right now im usin an r2 xn10 with my custom blades...cant wait to get an l-2 when they finally show up in my area mission sticks are great. im hopin i can get my mission rep to match tps and get me some with grip, hopefully.

other than that:

85 z bubble is my fav standard shaft, also with my blades

hard to go wrong with a redlight xn10 even tho mine broke

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Best performing shaft I ever used was the TFG. The blade didn't make a difference, though I prefer wood blades.

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were do you guys get these blades(afinaganof,poti,naslund?) and were did you get the shaft?(hull?)

The Poti I was speaking of is a retail Koho and it's a heel wedge. The Naslund is also retail from Vic and as Mack said it was from a few years ago. I got the Hull shaft off of the board and I believe he got it from Ebay.

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Best performing shaft I ever used was the TFG. The blade didn't make a difference, though I prefer wood blades.

Around here the TFG shafts are super cheap, last I saw they were selling them for $60 Can. The OPS was awsome, so I guess I might pick one of the TFG shafts up later on. I was gonna pick one up last time I was in sport mart, but bought a z bubble of Alden instead.

As for the combo's I have used this year: Green T Flex 100 with an iggy syn & my pro stock tflex blade I curved, and Z Bubble with a focus flex/ ultra graphite.

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Right now I'm using a 102 flex Bauer XV with a low hossel tapered easton lami blade I shaved down myself.

Also got a 100 flex Synthesis with no grip left with an Iginla synth- love it

But my favourite is 100 flex green z-bubble with z-carb shanny. I got 2 of each

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My top 3 sticks:

1.TPS Xn10 (man i love that stick, nice whip)


2.Innovative Novius Tapered 380 flex with a Inno Kovalev blade

3. Innovative Pro Hull shaft 420 flex with my custom blades.....very nice incredible kick. Havent been able to slap with it latley though :(

Looking for: R2 Xn10 whip or intermediate flex, M2 75 flex, a redlite xn10, or a nike apollo 75 flex (damn ive always wanted to try one)

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were do you guys get these blades(afinaganof,poti,naslund?) and were did you get the shaft?(hull?)

The Poti I was speaking of is a retail Koho and it's a heel wedge. The Naslund is also retail from Vic and as Mack said it was from a few years ago. I got the Hull shaft off of the board and I believe he got it from Ebay.

Oh damn, I forgot Poti had a retail too.

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I'm using either: a Whip Red Lite XN10 with a Mogilny Innovative blade

an 85 flex Z-Bubble Grip with a Mogilny Inno blade

a 300 flex True 1 (broken shaft) with a Hull retail Inno blade

I've got an Innovative 1100 300 flex with a Modano Z Carbon blade sitting in the stick rack just waiting for a good home.

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I'm using either: a Whip Red Lite XN10 with a Mogilny Innovative blade

an 85 flex Z-Bubble Grip with a Mogilny Inno blade

a 300 flex True 1 (broken shaft) with a Hull retail Inno blade

I've got an Innovative 1100 300 flex with a Modano Z Carbon blade sitting in the stick rack just waiting for a good home.

What's the shape on the 1100? and how much has it been used? I could provide it with load of attention :D

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My top 3 sticks:

1.TPS Xn10 (man i love that stick, nice whip)


2.Innovative Novius Tapered 380 flex with a Inno Kovalev blade

3. Innovative Pro Hull shaft 420 flex with my custom blades.....very nice incredible kick. Havent been able to slap with it latley though :(

Looking for: R2 Xn10 whip or intermediate flex, M2 75 flex, a redlite xn10, or a nike apollo 75 flex (damn ive always wanted to try one)

are you using Kovalev retail or pro stock?

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I have a backup Intermediate Synthesis with a Synthesis blade...and a Zbubble grip with a ZCarbon blade.

My primary stick is the Vapor XX though.

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Easton Z-bubble grip, Hull Pro stock edition. (pretty much an easton ultralight painted with z-bubble grip logos) 80 flex, with a inno hull blade

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