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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook

Visor wh0res?

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I like beer league visors, a la the Itech RBE, the Bauer 1500, and my latest is an Itech HLC Deluxe (aka the Malkin).

Next I may give the Oakley Aviator (aka the Heatley with vents) a go.

I'm sure some of you have every Oakley or Itech. What's in the collection and what have you tried and liked? I may actually go back to an RBE since it's no frills and wicked cheap.

And then I'm sure there are some of you who stick with the same high end model over the years. Pimp it.

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Ive used the cheap 30 dollar jobbies from itech with the holes that bolt right on, not sure of the name. Used both the straight and the one with the nose cutout, didn't really like them so i took the plunge about a year ago and got an oakley straight pro with no vents and I don't see myself ever using a different one.

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I have an Oakley straight cut pro w/out vents... I was thinking of swapping to the straight small (aka forehead protector!)...My local Sports Authority has a ton of the UA visors, some straight, some straight small.... I'll wait for them to go on clearance, because they don't move any hockey stuff. (I got my 2 Oakleys there for 19.99 each) I had previously rocked the Itech HS22S... but I didn't like it as much. Now I'm kinda wishing I kept it.

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I've always wanted a itech or oakley pro straight that's been notched out. I need to find some pro stock visors.

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UA visors are atrocious - worst optics out there.

Well I noticed something weird going on with them when I looked at them... like I posted before, they're like "extra twinkly" with the lighting hits them. I'm not sure if that's coating, or optics themselves.... Just seem strange to me

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I've used an 1Xcel Pro Straight and an Oakley Pro Modified. The only difference I can tell you is the Pro Modified visor didn't fog up as much. The 1Xcel visor was also more prone to scratches.

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I've used all of the clear Itech HS22s and a few of the 1xcel/Oakleys and the straight small is the best for me.

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I use the Itech HS22 Wave, not a fan of the look, but it provides better protection IMO than the other HS22's from sticks getting up under, and it's awesome for avoiding fog.

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I use an Oakley Pro Straight... I like it.... pretty nice... The UA one's are bad for hockey bc they are almost the same setup as the ones for football... If you are using the shields outside only they are the best... however if you're using them for real hockey, they don't cut it. I love the football ones... they are PERFECT.

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I had an old bauer one (forget the SKU), an itech and the oakley pro straight w/o vents. I love my oakley visor. It is the easily the best optics of the three, and the only reason I know it is there is where the visor ends it is a bit dirty now. It is really a great visor, and I don't see myself using anything else.

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Ive used:

Oakley Pro Straight Small

Itech HS22 Straight Cut

Itech HS22 Pro Wave

Itech Concept II (full mask)

Itech HS22AV Aviator (Tinted)

And I've liked them all. I tend to break visors a lot due to wear and tear and I usually would replace my old one with a different visor.

Saying that though, I've been wearing the Itech HS22 Straight Cut for 18 months now and its definitely been my favorite.

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cage... represent.

Word. I'm also a cage whore, over the past years using a chrome Itech RBE III, Itech RBE VIII with I2, chrome mens league catseye, and black, white, and currently the chrome Jofa/CCM FM480.

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cage... represent.

Word. I'm also a cage whore, over the past years using a chrome Itech RBE III, Itech RBE VIII with I2, chrome mens league catseye, and black, white, and currently the chrome Jofa/CCM FM480.

I'm also sporting the chrome 480

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the optical clarity is extremely hard to achieve when dealing with compound curves. that said with my " how to make friends and influence people " style of hockey is not conducive to wearing a half shield, but after having my nose nearly torn off by the paddle of a goalie stick i decided that a half shield would be smart since you can sow a nose back on, but you only get two eyes. i never thought in my life that i would rock a half shield, but it took all of two sessions to get used to my HS22S... i don't think i would play without it now. +1 on the HS22S!

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