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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Grand Theft Auto 4

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Whos into it?

Im not a gamer at all, but i really liked all the GTA games... I just bought me a Xbox 360 just for this game, haha.

I gotta get started with all this new technology and get somehow online and im about to drive-by some MSHers face :lol:

I havent touched a console in about 5 years, thats kinda creepy, but i actually like to spend my time on the ice or with friends.

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One of my housemates went out last night. I'll be playing it in a few weeks after I get back to school for the summer semesters.

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It's pretty damned awesome, though PS3 doesn't run as well as the 360. I've heard the 360 version freezes, imagine that.

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just picked it up, still getting used to standard controls, but other than that i love the fighting. I havent gotten very far at all, so i haavent fired any weapons. The driving is also a bit tricky to get used to, It's slightly comparable to saint's row. Can't say I love yet it because ive only had a taste, but I look forward to playing it all week :)

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just picked it up, still getting used to standard controls, but other than that i love the fighting. I havent gotten very far at all, so i haavent fired any weapons. The driving is also a bit tricky to get used to, It's slightly comparable to saint's row. Can't say I love yet it because ive only had a taste, but I look forward to playing it all week :)

ya i cant seem to drive at all. i cant corner. and what is the differnce between the handbrake and the alternate handbrake

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I picked it up on my way home from work, played for about an hour or so, so haven't done a whole lot yet.

As usual, the little touches in the game really make it that much better. Being a NYer, I was looking forward to their take on the city. It's pretty good. Other Drivers/pedestrians even yell/curse at you in multiple languages. I cut a guy off and he called me a malaka.

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I read that they both freeze(360 and PS3) but the 60gig Ps3's were the worst. Of course that's what I have. It's going to be hard to wait til Monday to play this.

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I read that they both freeze(360 and PS3) but the 60gig Ps3's were the worst. Of course that's what I have. It's going to be hard to wait til Monday to play this.

*Knock on wood* I'm holding up well.

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I got one hell of a deal and i didnt even know it until around 10 buddies were jealous as F. I paid around $300 for a Xbox 360 Elite (120gb harddrive) with the receipt (Xbox is from October 07) and the box. Normally the box costs $580 here, haha.

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I picked up my copy yesterday, but low and behold my PS3 was just sent to be fixed, so have to wait a few days till i can play.

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I've got finals this week and next. If I got this game now I would surely fail. I'm all over it once school os over.

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GTA fanatics are frigging crazy.

Someone got stabbed twice in the head in London whilst queing for the game. Another got mugged. Why are people so violently desperate for it??

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I was surprised I was able to walk into Best Buy yesterday and pick it up off the shelf. I remember the last one was a bitch to track down. Anyway, I've had a hard time putting it down since I got it. I'd forgotten how addicting they are.

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I've got finals this week and next. If I got this game now I would surely fail. I'm all over it once school os over.

Yeah I have mysteriously lost my wallet because I would be in the same boat.

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Ridiculous game, the attention to detail in it is amazing. I took the day off work Tuesday and put in about 8 hours on it. Thankfully no freezing issues for me.

Is anybody else having issues with multiplayer? Most of the time when I try and get in it just doesn't work. Also, I know we have a thread for Xbox gamertags, but maybe we could get one going on PS3, or just post em here? The small amount of time I have been able to get on, the multiplayer has been awesome.

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