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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Grand Theft Auto 4

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It's hard as hell...can't drive for shit.

I think the driving system should have been done better, but I can see why they did it the way they did. You can steer really well to avoid cars but not to turn corners. The handbrake just seems too ridiculous though. On Cousin's (Roman?) car the e-brake sends it twirling in circles with a tap.

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The freezing issue only happens at the beginning credits so if you make it past your in the clear.

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It's hard as hell...can't drive for shit.

I agree...the camera drives me nuts when im driving. Otherwise, no qualms here.

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It's hard as hell...can't drive for shit.

I agree...the camera drives me nuts when im driving. Otherwise, no qualms here.

Press the select button to zoom back, makes it a bit easier.

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Favorite part so far: Crashing into another car, someone starts honking....upon further review the guy I hit was unconscious on the steering wheel. I was cracking up for longer then I should have been. :lol:

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I picked it up last night.. played for maybe 45 minutes. Today, I played from 8:30am until just a few minutes ago (it's 6:50!!)... wife is working, and it's an "off payweek" (ie: I have no money!!) so I'll be playing quite a bit this weekend.

I always feel obligated to "try my chances" with Michelle after every date. haha. Works every time!

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I picked it up last night.. played for maybe 45 minutes. Today, I played from 8:30am until just a few minutes ago (it's 6:50!!)... wife is working, and it's an "off payweek" (ie: I have no money!!) so I'll be playing quite a bit this weekend.

I always feel obligated to "try my chances" with Michelle after every date. haha. Works every time!

She's a ho. Watch out for her though...

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She's a ho. Watch out for her though...

Yeah, I'm at the point in the game where she's getting pretty inquisitive. I'm in need for some "strange" anyways.... Jesus, I've been playing this game entirely too long today.

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Picked it up this afternoon, great game overall. Haven't tried multi-player yet, been a long night.

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Has anyone else had discussions with friends about the game and found yourself talking as if they were talking about things that you've really done? the game is sick.

And I agree with JR- watch out for Michelle. F'n skank.

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Has anyone else had discussions with friends about the game and found yourself talking as if they were talking about things that you've really done? the game is sick.

And I agree with JR- watch out for Michelle. F'n skank.

How true is that though. Michelle is a skank

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Finally played some multiplayer last night and tonight. Reminds me of when I used to play Goldeneye marathons with buds on N64, just with more people and a bigger environment. They did a good job with it.

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30% through with the game and I am already bored. Anyone else got this feeling?

i am at exactly 30% now and I just want to get into the drug deals and stuff like that.. being the hitman is getting old

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30% through with the game and I am already bored. Anyone else got this feeling?

i am at exactly 30% now and I just want to get into the drug deals and stuff like that.. being the hitman is getting old

Exactly my thoughts, wacking a guy and tearing through people to get something is getting old. I feel like putting the game down but the thought that I could be a mission away from something new keeps me going.

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I've actually sat around watching some of the TV shows and they're pretty funny.

I don't have it but my friend showed me the shows. The redneck halo one is too funny.

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New York Times reporting that GTA IV had revenues of over $500 million in the first week, far outclassing Halo 3's $300 million, and crushing the all time opening 7 days for a movie, $198 million for POTC: Dead Man's Chest.

Rockstar also released a patch today for the game on PS3 to remedy some online issues.

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The comedy club shows are hilarious.

I managed to catch the end of one yesterday. It was Ricky Gervais. Brilliant.

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The comedy club shows are hilarious.

I managed to catch the end of one yesterday. It was Ricky Gervais. Brilliant.

Have you gotten far enough in the game to go to the actual comedy club?

The Katt Williams ones are great too. I've seen 4 shows total and they've all been different.

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Williams cracks me up. Im always chillin in my new Apartment watching TV instead of jacking grannys cars.

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