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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Grand Theft Auto 4

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Yeh, I skipped almost all the side missions during the main story line. It's kind of my M.O. however in hindsight, I wish I hadn't.

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360 strikes again....scratched disc out of nowhere. pause the game, run upstairs, and oh look its unable to read my game anymore. its horizontal and nothing happened to during the 5 minutes i was away. pretty awesome. im sure its not even worth my time to call up xbox and argue with max the recording...

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360 strikes again....scratched disc out of nowhere. pause the game, run upstairs, and oh look its unable to read my game anymore. its horizontal and nothing happened to during the 5 minutes i was away. pretty awesome. im sure its not even worth my time to call up xbox and argue with max the recording...

When my xbox got the red ring of death, i dealt with that. Its like a maze just trying to get to talk to a real person, and then when you do it can be very hard to understand them over the phone. So frustrating.

And the unreadable disk error wouldnt be as frustrating if the games would actually stop working. Happens to me in nhl and the game continues on, its kinda like adding insult to injury.

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360 strikes again....scratched disc out of nowhere. pause the game, run upstairs, and oh look its unable to read my game anymore. its horizontal and nothing happened to during the 5 minutes i was away. pretty awesome. im sure its not even worth my time to call up xbox and argue with max the recording...

When my xbox got the red ring of death, i dealt with that. Its like a maze just trying to get to talk to a real person, and then when you do it can be very hard to understand them over the phone. So frustrating.

And the unreadable disk error wouldnt be as frustrating if the games would actually stop working. Happens to me in nhl and the game continues on, its kinda like adding insult to injury.

I had heard horror stories about Microsoft's CS, but when I got the RROD I had no problem getting it fixed. Got the box in the timeframe they said on the website, got my Xbox back in two and a half weeks, if I remember correctly.

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360 strikes again....scratched disc out of nowhere. pause the game, run upstairs, and oh look its unable to read my game anymore. its horizontal and nothing happened to during the 5 minutes i was away. pretty awesome. im sure its not even worth my time to call up xbox and argue with max the recording...

When my xbox got the red ring of death, i dealt with that. Its like a maze just trying to get to talk to a real person, and then when you do it can be very hard to understand them over the phone. So frustrating.

And the unreadable disk error wouldnt be as frustrating if the games would actually stop working. Happens to me in nhl and the game continues on, its kinda like adding insult to injury.

How to contact intelligent life at Microsoft

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I guess I've been pretty lucky. I've gotten a fair share of disc unreadable errors, and once I got the 3 RROD. I unplugged the XBox for a half hour, then turned it back on. I expected the worst, but amazingly it turned right back on and no problems since!

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I'm getting pretty pissed off at the police presence in this game. I'm getting to some harder missions and you get 3 stars for doing them. Evading the cops is so damn hard. I drive down the street, get less than a block from the "cop zone" and bam, a car appears on the street in front of me and the helicopter magically catches up.

I stole a boat to go exploring, sailed all over the place and never saw a police boat. As soon as I hit the water with more than 2 stars there's a freakin cruiser with heavily armed cops lurking around. Not to mention the car that was several dozen feet away that saw me over a wall hiding in some bushes in the park.

Trying to change cars is useless, by the time you break in or hijack one, there's 3 cop cars ramming into you.

IIRC, it was nowhere near as hard in SA, all you had to do was not be seen, not book it 3 miles through heavy traffic as the game spawns 20x more cops than usual.

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There's little tips and tricks to beating the six star, none of em have worked for me yet, evaded a four star no problem from the airport. I'm just working on getting achievement points now.

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There's little tips and tricks to beating the six star, none of em have worked for me yet, evaded a four star no problem from the airport. I'm just working on getting achievement points now.

Could you share some of those tips, except for the JR already mentioned but i find that one never works for me on six stars.

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There's little tips and tricks to beating the six star, none of em have worked for me yet, evaded a four star no problem from the airport. I'm just working on getting achievement points now.

Could you share some of those tips, except for the JR already mentioned but i find that one never works for me on six stars.

i go the six star one by mistake. when you first start the game off and you can't leave the first island. i went in a tunnel, unground and walked forever. before i knew it and even got shot, i had the achievment

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Geez a 6 star? The best i have done so far is ditch a 3 star haha

Yeah started by City Hall, simple carjacking. Tried to subway but they shut it down, ran down a few stations, ended up by the tunnel, through to Alderney, made it into the Pay N Spray but they saw me. Blew them up with the grenades while in the PNS, once dead jumped back in the car and the gate went down. WHAT!

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I'm playing multi-player online, primarily deathmatch. It's rejuvenated the value of the game, IMO.

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Got it yesterday and played like 6 hours straight, haven't got very far yet at all but a random person came up to me and gave me $100 which was kinda odd...

I think the steering is pretty much crap and I now have to drive like everyone else pretty much to get around :(

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The driving gets a lot easier, and if you get a good enough car such as the Turismo, Super GT or Comet, the steering is very good on them. I'm drifting around corners at high speeds very easily now

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I think the steering is pretty much crap and I now have to drive like everyone else pretty much to get around :(

Just get used to it, if you play the game you get better and drive the EBondo way. Worked for me like a charm.

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Yeah, I can drive like a mo'fo...just takes a few days to get used to it.

Love driving the Comet (911) in races even though I have every supercar in the game. Gotta go Infernus on the dates to impress.

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first person view is easiest to drive by far, once I switched to that view it's just like driving in forsa or something similar. But I honk the damn horn everytime I turn left, haha.

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I'm getting far enough into the games where the missions are actually getting interesting. Once you get onto that second island you start having alot more gun battles and stuff.

How far do you have to get or what do you have to do to be able to buy guns at the ammu nation? it says everything is display only which is shitty cause I have tons of money because I stole almost every car for Brucie and killed a bunch of ppl for the cops.

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