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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New York MSH surprise

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Yesterday afternoon I arrived in NY. Coming down to the 34th-Penn station subway stop A-C Downtown (blue line), I just missed my train. Time was around 8:05pm.

There was this dude that looked to be in his late 40s, dark blue 'we say yes to polyester' suite, and he carried two identical RBK Prostock sticks!!!

Right there, I thought to myself, that has to be one of the MSH crew...

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Yes I am riveted. My grandfather had a heart attack while watching Red Army play their second NA tour.

I am about to have one myself. 3:31 to go in the third.

The guy was sitting on the train. I got on the platform as train was leaving, otherwise you bet I would have said something.

I don't know any MSHers in the face, only talked to some via PM and email. Really good people, helped me alot. Oh yeah, I swear I am not lying, the guy looked like he had a hair piece on too.

Overtime.... No comment.

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Oh yeah, I swear I am not lying, the guy looked like he had a hair piece on too.

Now there's no way he's going to fess up now. ;)

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I said he just looked like he did. I have never seen one up close, only on TV on Donald Trump. You should see my melon after some nice and toasty local figure skating rinks. Does NY blue line stop anywhere near NHL RBK store?

He could have been coming home from a shopping trip. I figured with a nice poly getup and two sticks he did not pass for a tourist...

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If it was a regular poster the sticks would likely be in "Show it Off"... (wouldn't they?). So I can only assume it's a non regular MSH'er or a regular "PHEW".

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If it was a regular poster the sticks would likely be in "Show it Off"... (wouldn't they?).

Someone's dad may have purchased them.

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If it was a regular poster the sticks would likely be in "Show it Off"... (wouldn't they?).

Someone's dad may have purchased them.

More food for thought, I know at least 3 guys I skate with that are gear junkies like some of the people on the forum. I've chatted with them about MSH, and they're aware of the site, and occasionally lurk- one guy isn't actively on the internet aside from personal email, and another said he "didn't so message boards".... so, just 'cause the guy's into gear doesn't lock up the fact he's a regular here.

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If it was a regular poster the sticks would likely be in "Show it Off"... (wouldn't they?).

Someone's dad may have purchased them.

More food for thought, I know at least 3 guys I skate with that are gear junkies like some of the people on the forum. I've chatted with them about MSH, and they're aware of the site, and occasionally lurk- one guy isn't actively on the internet aside from personal email, and another said he "didn't so message boards".... so, just 'cause the guy's into gear doesn't lock up the fact he's a regular here.

Yeah, that's exactly what I was getting at. Like that group on facebook "PHEW", I'm assuming not many of those guys are members on MSH.

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Half the pictures you see on the group are also in the "Show It Off" thread... that being said, I've been one to put pictures on the Facebook group from "Show It Off" that weren't mine just to get a reaction (and yes while giving credit to whatever username it was).

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I said he just looked like he did. I have never seen one up close, only on TV on Donald Trump. You should see my melon after some nice and toasty local figure skating rinks. Does NY blue line stop anywhere near NHL RBK store?

He could have been coming home from a shopping trip. I figured with a nice poly getup and two sticks he did not pass for a tourist...

Blue line runs along 8th avenue and the closest stop the the NHL store is at 50th and 8th, which is still about a half mile away. The orange line runs along 6th avenue and stops at 50th and 6th which is about 3 blocks from the NHL store.

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the NHL store has very little from the equipment side of things. Cosby's upstairs from NYP has got some new stuff in the recent months so i would guess it was from their.

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