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NHL 09

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I've been playing the demo the past hour or two and like it. It's good but clearly has some real issues to be addressed.

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Demo is great, players are less mobile, D men are deff less mobile, shots are hard to get velocity on em, the new buttons are cool but man is there allot to think about..., to go to a protect the puck back to the skill stick is real finger and mind gymnastics...

The hitting system is way improved, you don't feel like the defense has missile lock on you, its easy to miss in open ice and so rewarding to catch a guy cutting in the middle...

Graphics are less cartoon-ish and the equipment is nice except for the one95 skates, i like how you can really feel the difference in size, a guy like Stall feels tall and lengthy and Crosby just looks and feels like himself...

As for be a Pro, just wow, what a innovation, that is where all my time will be spent, all those buttons are less overwhelming wen you only have to concentrate on one guy... The camera rolling around gives for some spectacular views of the Ice, it's not perfect but like wen you play real Ice hockey, you don't always see everything, players actually give the puck smarter depending on the player, Lydstrom is amazing and Orpik is horrible lol!

All and all a great game but scoring is hard because of shot velocity and i hate the fact that D-Men cant straft the blue line like last year...

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I love it, except for the fact that when I go to shoot off of a backhand deke the guy throws a stupid one handed shot at the net. The one handed deke feature is brutal considering it happens maybe once a year, and any practical application of stickhandling with one hand (protecting the puck) can be done with the A button.

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Anyone know when its coming out? Its been advertised as 9/9 for a long time, but easports.com has it as 9/11. I remember last year it was supposed to come out on the 11th and I couldn't find it until the 12th.

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im just now downloading the nhl09 demo on xbox 360 as well - im hoping its an improvement and not a step backwards. i know they can't fix every single bug from last year but i just hope it is better.

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Anyone know when its coming out? Its been advertised as 9/9 for a long time, but easports.com has it as 9/11. I remember last year it was supposed to come out on the 11th and I couldn't find it until the 12th.

it's all over the place, you really just have to call around

if you want the game as early as possible, best buy is usually the best place for that. If the company announced the date as 9/9 (which they did for some reason) they'll have it 9/9 or 9/10. EB Games will usually have it 1-2 days later. I know the private game shops around me get the game the same day as Best Buy does so I'll have mine on the 9th.

Blockbuster and Rogers Video are usually terrible but sometimes Rogers is very good. Hit and miss with those guys but I've never had luck with Blockbuster.

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Ships on 9/9, should be in stores like EB and Gamestop on 9/10 but in stores like Best Buy, Target, Wal-Mart, etc. on 9/11.

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i gotta say after playing the demo for a while it is pretty solid. i'm not saying its perfect - but it is definately improved over 08. im really looking forward to the "be a pro" mode - i think it will make this game even more replayable that it usually is.

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Ships on 9/9, should be in stores like EB and Gamestop on 9/10 but in stores like Best Buy, Target, Wal-Mart, etc. on 9/11.

Actually it looks like Best buy will have it in on the 9th as well according to this sundays ad!

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I just hope that the be a pro mode fares a little better than Madden 09's superstar mode. I don't know if I was doing something wrong, but I didn't have much of a clue as to what was going on until the 5th or so game into the mode.

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I really like Be A Pro, but the camera is killin' it for me. I really hope there is an option to change it to the "ice" view that the regular game is on.

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I really like Be A Pro, but the camera is killin' it for me. I really hope there is an option to change it to the "ice" view that the regular game is on.

im' not sure that you can

i think you can only change the angle of it (high, medium, low)

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I played the demo a ton and realized it has some serious issues that need to be fixed. I won't buy the final version and piss away $60 on a game that has a misunderstanding of physics. If they fix some of the flaws though, it'd be a superb game.

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I played the demo a ton and realized it has some serious issues that need to be fixed. I won't buy the final version and piss away $60 on a game that has a misunderstanding of physics. If they fix some of the flaws though, it'd be a superb game.

What serious issues?

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Ships on 9/9, should be in stores like EB and Gamestop on 9/10 but in stores like Best Buy, Target, Wal-Mart, etc. on 9/11.

Actually it looks like Best buy will have it in on the 9th as well according to this sundays ad!

I called several in my area to either pre-buy or confirm they would have it. There knowledgeable staff said:

"we may have it tomorrow or we may not ...."


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I really like Be A Pro, but the camera is killin' it for me. I really hope there is an option to change it to the "ice" view that the regular game is on.

You can change it to the ice view in the final game so no worries.

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Ships on 9/9, should be in stores like EB and Gamestop on 9/10 but in stores like Best Buy, Target, Wal-Mart, etc. on 9/11.

Actually it looks like Best buy will have it in on the 9th as well according to this sundays ad!

I called several in my area to either pre-buy or confirm they would have it. There knowledgeable staff said:

"we may have it tomorrow or we may not ...."


+1 for that. I went to the Gamestop down the street and asked him if he had NHL 09 in yet. He looked like I asked him why is the sky blue, then asked the manager, "Do they make NHL 09?" The manager told me she would either have it tomorrow... or wednesday... or thursday. And that they open at 10, but they take so long to open the boxes and check everything in, so come around 2pm. :blink:

Why are people so damn stupid? Is it just me?

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Guess who won the NHL 2K9 Tourney at the NHL Store in NYC and then went on to beat Rick Nash himself?!?

If that means it was you, I'm very very jealous AND hope you took many pictures as well as rubbed it in his face hahah. Congrats. Now beat him on a real sheet of ice ;) hah.

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It was me. Not trying to brag because in reality I am not that good at the game (second time in my life playing Wii and they had these dual controllers I'd never seen before) but I had some luck and some skill and was able to win out of 64 (I think) people. I was lucky no one had played the game for the Wii before. Thought you guys would get a kick out of my news. Won a Blue Jackets T-shirt, a replica Blue Jackets RBK jersey autographed by Nash, a copy of NHL 2K9 for the Wii, and the Nintendo Wii itself with the sports package. Got to then play Nash in the game and chill with him for a few (I beat him 3-1). Got interviewed by ESPN and 2K Sports and other TV, newspaper, and radio stations. Apparently they will be using me in some advertising, etc. I got some pics I will post later but unfortunately most of the ones with Nash and I were not taken with my camera - although his agent took a couple of him and me at the end with my iPhone. Nash was a nice, humble, and chill guy (even though we trash talked a bit) and 2K Sports and the NHL Store powered by RBK put on one awesome event; everyone had a good time - very professional and impressive. I went to the store in the first place to just pick up a Red Wings draft day hat but they were sold out and I saw this event so I decided to stick around. The game itself is sweet and playing it on Wii is even more fun. The gear and gameplay is so realistic - JR must have consulted often - definitely worth the buy. More to come later. Til' then,

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