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NHL 09

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The default controls suck, switch to one of the other 2 available for the demo... Don't know why default isn't with the control stick, that makes no sense.

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It's only a demo, so who knows, but it seems like 2k took a year off and maybe are focusing on really challenging EA in 2010.

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Mehhh, camera angle sucked also, graphics looked too pale/not in keeping with the arena graphics. Controls wern't to my liking either so I'll hold back until the proper game comes out.

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lol happened to me too!

im not really impressed with 2k9 - hopefully 09 will be a little better..

i always end up playing until i find the errors in the game (like moves that the computer can do and you can't) and then it pisses me off i don't play the game anymore.

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Here's what I was thinking about tonight while I was playing..

You know how play against people just jam the button or stick at a face-off. And it's like a crapshoot who wins it, most of the time. But in real life, that stuff wouldn't fly. So if someone hits the "pass" button, more than twice while in a faceoff, they get kicked out of the faceoff. Of course there'd have to be time when this was in effect, for how long, and when. All that stuff. Just a thought though.

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faceoffs are nice

certain animations are nice

lighting is good, intros are awesome, crowds look great

models are horrible, proportions are horrible, 90% of the animations suck, skating is just eye gouging pain

jerseys are crap, textures are lazy, celebration could use some tweaking in the well.. the whole department..

had no idea that i was playing a game for the playstation 2.5

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The best thing I could find so far about the demo is the FMV highlights on the ice in the pre-game ceremonies. That was awesome....I've been missing that stuff since the old EA NHL intros, like these ones -

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Here's what I was thinking about tonight while I was playing..

You know how play against people just jam the button or stick at a face-off. And it's like a crapshoot who wins it, most of the time. But in real life, that stuff wouldn't fly. So if someone hits the "pass" button, more than twice while in a faceoff, they get kicked out of the faceoff. Of course there'd have to be time when this was in effect, for how long, and when. All that stuff. Just a thought though.

In 2k8 you'd get thrown out the 2nd time you jumped the faceoff.

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Here's what I was thinking about tonight while I was playing..

You know how play against people just jam the button or stick at a face-off. And it's like a crapshoot who wins it, most of the time. But in real life, that stuff wouldn't fly. So if someone hits the "pass" button, more than twice while in a faceoff, they get kicked out of the faceoff. Of course there'd have to be time when this was in effect, for how long, and when. All that stuff. Just a thought though.

In 2k8 you'd get thrown out the 2nd time you jumped the faceoff.

Oh, well I feel like a moron now. Haha. I've only played the EA Sports version. I hate playing against guys that just hit the face-off button repeatedly.

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I don't know about US/Canada but if you make a UK PSN account you can download the 09 demo as of this morning

360's release date for demo is supposed to be early september.

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I don't know about US/Canada but if you make a UK PSN account you can download the 09 demo as of this morning

360's release date for demo is supposed to be early september.

but thats only for ps3 correct? i only have a 360 and a wii. It goes on sale Sept. 9th i think, i just wish theyd say when a 360 demo would be out exactly

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The demo is tight. It's like 08 but with all the additions it makes it that much better. Overall, the game has a more natural feel and flow. The poke check isn't as sweet as I thought and love the stick lift feature. The puck dumping, protection is also good. Hits are way toned down and I actually dug the fighting, still not perfect by any means but way better than 08. Be a pro mode is sweet too. Only two more weeks to go.

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Goddamn Microsoft.

I know the feeling. My Xbox just got the 3 red rings yesterday, and returning it is proving to be a nightmare. This is the only game I end up buying the day it comes out and who knows how long it'll be until I get my Xbox back.

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Call them up , easier then setting everything up online , i set things up online n the box never came, i called themm up, had a box within 4 days send your broken one out ,all together it a week to get my new xbox after calling them

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Here's my buddy's thoughts on the PS3 demo - he's not as big of a hockey fan as we are but he is a fan of the game and of hockey video games -

"It rules...as Zetterberg I destroyed Talbot with a massive hit (read: cross check...no call) that laid him out on the ice for an injury as play continued...lol. Checking system is WAY better than last years....feels more realistic and impactful as it should. Defense, at least for me is a huge upgrade to the AI. I couldn’t just crash the net as easily as in the past....AI will poke check, deflect shots, dump & chase....feels awesome.

And the demo also has a 3rd period of Be A Pro Mode. It's isolated to playing as Zetterberg, but it's awesome. It even has a non-intrusive direction arrow that lets you know where to be should you go out of position anytime during the game. It's an option you can turn on or off in the full game. After the game ends you'll be graded on your performance and given tips on what to improve.

Played it until 1:30am. Awesome game....and since I played 08 @ 30fps....this year @ 60 is a major upgrade for me. J Game fucking rules....and a definite must buy for me."

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