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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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replacing runners

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I did search, but didn't find anything re how tight the nut can be cranked?

Is there a risk of over-tightening it & by doing so breaking/cracking the holder or the bolt itself?

basically can I just crank it up as tight as I can or should I be careful? Thanks!

are there 'instructions' on how to replace runners or it's just as easy as releasing the bolt & the blade simply falls out?

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You can ruin your holder if you overtighten because the nut just seats on plastic. Basically tighten till it hits plastic, then 3/4 turn. Check by grabbing steel with hand and push up and down. If it moves, tighten 1/4 turn more until it doesn't move.

No, the blades does not fall out when nut is removed. You have to pull on the heel, sometimes it comes out easy, sometimes you need a pliars or vice grip to pull. Sometimes you need two people. It's a Bauer, you just never know how easy or hard it will be till you try. I even have to punch the bolt down sometimes from inside the holder to get the steel to release.

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Basically tighten till it hits plastic, then 3/4 turn. Check by grabbing steel with hand and push up and down. If it moves, tighten 1/4 turn more until it doesn't move.

+1 on the instructions

Definitely be careful with over tightening. The first pair of LS2 runners I replaced, I had the holder bending from the stress. Rookie mistake on my part.

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one turn past snug if that makes any sense.

i learned the hard way having to remount new holders :(

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Uh, getting LS2 runners and holders from NBH can be a pain too, every time I called, they were "out of stock", so I kept cannibalizing. Wish they would make another system for mounting the runners.

I also turn 1/4 and then test by trying to move the runner in the holder. Sometimes you can hear a clicking noise if you walk/tap the runner against something. Good to double check, sometimes the runner seems tight, but not tight enough.

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You can ruin your holder if you overtighten because the nut just seats on plastic. Basically tighten till it hits plastic, then 3/4 turn. Check by grabbing steel with hand and push up and down. If it moves, tighten 1/4 turn more until it doesn't move.

firsts off thanks for your help - I got the old blades out no problem, now just need to fit the new STEP steel in (even the old stock runners were tight, but STEp is just a bit thicker so it doesn't go in easily)

with that said a stupid question - how would I know when "it hits plastic"? it's kind of hard to tell...

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When your turning the bolt for the sake of showing your hulk strength, chances are your hitting the plastic. Take a look at the nut and tilt the skate slightly and you'll see it. If you have small fingers you can also rub your finger inside to feel for it. Excuse my lack of description but here is a man's way of telling, just tightening it tight tight not TIGHT TIGHT, if you've gone tight tight tight then you've gone too far :)

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damn this STEP steel - how the heck am I supposed to fit it in?! I read in some other post to give it a good kick, but it just seems to cut into plastic rather then moving :(

should I use some silicone spray on it or something? Or it's a bad idea?!

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just tightening it tight tight not TIGHT TIGHT, if you've gone tight tight tight then you've gone too far

i think i just got myseft a new signature :P

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just tightening it tight tight not TIGHT TIGHT, if you've gone tight tight tight then you've gone too far

i think i just got myseft a new signature :P

Haha only real men know what I mean.

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I am having a hell of a time getting my runners back into my LS2 holders.....argh.

Is it supposed to go toe in first? Or heel? If I put the toe in first, I can't get the heel in and it's the other way around if I try to go toe first.

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What you can also do, is CAREFULLY use a vise to push the steel into the holder. I have also used Channel Lock pliers, and those Craftsman robo-grip pliers. Using the vise grip is easy, but you have to be careful not to crank down too hard and bend the holder. The steel should slide in easily with the vise.

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is any online selling LS2.1 steel?

yes Cavs19 is selling 262mm 2.1 steel in the "SELL" room of MSH


I wonder if I will get more "agility" from my One95's if I put my old steel from my Vapor XXV's in the LS2 "blue accent" holder?

Because that 2.1 steel is longer and hard to get used to, but it does give you "staight line" speed, I guess thats the trade-off

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Or tap it onto a rubberized surface...then put screw and it'll pull up

Ok, I have the mallet, but am still having problems. Do I hit the mallet down on the tip of the toe? Or the toe area where the "fin" goes up into the runner? If I try to hit the tip of the toe, it doesn't budge.

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