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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Justin 1933

My CB response....

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Here is what posted on CB regarding his statements....

I guess I am a little offended by #17 post about his site turning into a Mission and TPS website....We spend our time trying to answer questions regarding hockey products in general. We never talked about competitors product being poorly made. All we did was offer information about our product.

Just because other manufacturers didn't post, don't blame us...

We could have come in with secret names and posted info, but we were upfront and honest with this board.

As for the special custom order glove deal, that was run through an authorized Mission Dealer (JR's shop in Florida). They handled the payment, the shipping, and the order. I find it strange that there is talk that it is okay to sell one manufacturers product, but still keep the board about "unbiased" information.

I have no problem with #17 making money off the site...He should...

I don't know all the facts, so I will leave opinions to myself.

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Guest phillyfan

I had a lot of respect for Markku and what he did for all of us over there, but lost most of it reading the comments he was making about the Mods, and comments like the one stated above. Once I heard that he didn't mind loosing the Mods, and that they were all replaceable, I lost all respect for him which made me seek out the new site the Mods were building. Soon enough, the new Moderators will see what's going on and walk out as well.

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Good post Justin. I don't know what he had against group buys either. No one but the store is making a profit from them and it's only done with a product that 20 or so other guys want. I never saw how it was biased being as we were given hardly any special treatment.

I hope we can organize some more group buys on this site, as we're getting good quality, customizable equipment at a decent price.

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Actually he didn't have anything against the group buy. In fact he hemmed and hawed about wanting a pair of the gloves for awhile and told me not to tell so as not to upset his relationship with Gary. I'm guessing he ultimately decided not to buy them since he couldn't figure out a way to actually pay for them. He's only complaining about it now becuase he's grasping for reasons to make us look bad.

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Good post...the only thing is, about the money situation...

If we knew from the beginning that making a profit was his m.o. perhaps things would have been different...

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I find it amazing that he willing to complain about the participation of people who gave him free items to raise funds to support the website. It doesn't really encourage others to step up and take part.

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Your response was honest, well thought out, and IMHO, straight from the heart. I have always appreciated your responses, explanations to all our questions, often repetitive. I respect you and thank you for all you’ve done for all us hockey guys and gals.

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It's not like your the only member on the board. There's been BNH, he said THC, I know of Rink rat, Sande, Easton, TPS, Mission (obviously), that guy from hockey giant. I'm sure i'm leaving a few out as well. It's odd that it's coming to surface now, but it was mentioned how only a few companies were becoming "known" in the CB community.

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I forgot about Hespler, he responded to #17's post about it being more productive or something along those lines. I heard rublings of an Inno member viewing the board, but never saw a post, so I didn't add them to the list.

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I forgot about Hespler, he responded to #17's post about it being more productive or something along those lines. I heard rublings of an Inno member viewing the board, but never saw a post, so I didn't add them to the list.

His name was innoman. 17 told me about him one day.

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His name was innoman. 17 told me about him one day.

Oh I wasn't doubting you, I just wasn't around to see him post, or at least I don't remember seeing him post.

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Just to think, I was going to make the EMB escape forum. I had server problems at the time, so I talked to 17, he said he would do it, and the rest is history. Coulda been Lil Jimmys really, pretty good hockey forums. Damn Server....

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That was not his initial post. He changed the language filter to show that whenever anyone tried typing this address. He said he considers people to be "his" members, and didn't want us stealing them away. We feel that everyone has the freedom to do whatever they choose.

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