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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The movie thread

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Get Smart was pretty bad as well.

We will have to agree to disagree on that assessment.

I thought Get Smart was decent too. Not going to win any awards, but it was funny...had some decent action scenes. Hathaway is cute.

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I think this one may have been a little earlier than the summer, but Vantage Point. Usually swear by rotten tomatoes but I went to it with my friends because it was something to do and came out of it pissed off. It seemed like they didn't know how to end it so they just threw something in there really quickly.

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The Strangers was just painful. How long can you drag a movie out of two people in a house freaking out while 3 people outside bang on the door and then follow you around inside your house without harming them? Not to mention the fact that they had a freaking shot gun and the three "strangers" were unarmed other than shit they were taking from the house/shed.

And then to top it off, they stab them at the end in completely slow motion. I don't even remember the two main characters' names but they probably could have just wiggled their tied up torsos ever so slightly and dodged each slow motion stab.

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The Love Guru is about the worst thing Ive seen this summer.

Might be the worst thing I've seen - EV-AH!

Whoever said it was forced was absolutely right.

Beyond plot issues, and writing issues, and acting issues. They had Rob Blake playing center...so it had hockey issues too!

Awful movie.

I may be crazy (and ridiculed) for saying it, but I did think Timberlake was funny.

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I just saw an ad for the new Will Ferrell movie, "Step Brothers." It looks like the stupidest film ever produced in history. There's apparently a lot of speculation that Ferrell already has lost his x-factor. Personally, I just think his agent is just doing a horrible job of screening scripts.

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I think it doesn't look too bad. I saw an extended trailer today when I saw wanted and it showed scenes that looked pretty on par for regular ferrel film.

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Anyone seen Hancock yet? I saw it tonight and thought it was alright. First 20- 30 minutes were really funny. Think it was worth the money to see it.

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I saw it lastnight also. It seemed like the movie ran out of steam after he "sneezed" in the kitchen. Overall, not a bad movie though

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That said, I think Iron Man was darn near spectacular....for a comic book movie.

In retrospect, it was one of the best comic book movies, but that has alot to do with most of the others being so bad. The bar really hasn't been set all that high.

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Meet Dave, the new Eddy Murphy flick looks like a waste of time and money.

Unfortunately this statement has held true for about the past decade of his films. :(

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Man, you guys need to sit back and relax!

Some movies are Oscar worthy and some are just popcorn worthy, but there aren't too many more enjoyable ways to spend two hours. Especially when you're married.

Sorry, kids, but it's true. Unless, of course, you have the gift of words, then you can have both.....

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Caught Hancock last night after the little bro couldn't get into Wanted. Solid flick imo, but I felt they could have explored the whole "we are angels" thing a little bit more. Def worth the money to go see it.

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Caught Hancock last night after the little bro couldn't get into Wanted. Solid flick imo, but I felt they could have explored the whole "we are angels" thing a little bit more. Def worth the money to go see it.


Saw it on Wednesday. Definitely felt like the story line was just kinda like -- "hey, we can't be close, we're gods... OH NO BAD GUYS!" end.--

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M Night should not be allowed to make any more movies. The Happenning was easily the worst movie I've seen in my entire life. My brother dragged me to go see how horrible it was going to be, I sort of thought the twist was going to be The Happenning happenning in the movie theater starting with me.

Now that would have made it a revolutionary concept.

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Caught Hancock last night after the little bro couldn't get into Wanted. Solid flick imo, but I felt they could have explored the whole "we are angels" thing a little bit more. Def worth the money to go see it.


Saw it on Wednesday. Definitely felt like the story line was just kinda like -- "hey, we can't be close, we're gods... OH NO BAD GUYS!" end.--

They did a pretty good job of setting up how messed up Hancock was being the "only one of his kind" but then once he figures out hes not there's no more movie left to explore that idea. It could have been a little more Constantine-esque.

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I retract all previous statements. By far it was...

Hellboy II. Whole thing was a mess.

Really, I haven't seen it, but I heard a review from a guy who's usually pretty hard to please and he gave it 4 of 5.

I think too many people (not you, specifically, but in general) hold the popcorn fluff movies to the same standard as Shindler's List and Silence of the Lambs. "Bad" movies can be "good" too.

Superbad, for example, by most standards is an awful 'film' but a pretty damn good movie. If that makes any sense.

Then there are the Love Gurus of the world. Those aren't even good, for a bad movie.

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