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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok rebranding

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I'll bet you $50 JR is right.

I agree, I'd bet on JR.

Ditto. The new practice jerseys at my LHS are no longer branded with the vector. They are branded as "Reebok".

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So Chippa you have made my point for me when you can contact people who work for the company and are involved with the day to day operations of that company they will know that type of info long before a shop owner will.

I do it every day. Not a rogue shop owner, sorry.

Not only that, all of the Reebok equipment at the PHATS/SPHEM tradeshow last month was Reebok-branded - pants, sticks, gloves.

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To chime in, all the commercials I've seen on television have been branding it with the Reebok logo as well.

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To chime in, all the commercials I've seen on television have been branding it with the Reebok logo as well.

Like this:


That seems so plain. I hope they stylize it a little...


Maybe not this exact "old skool" but something that shows some movement or dynamics.

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To chime in, all the commercials I've seen on television have been branding it with the Reebok logo as well.

Like this:


I like this logo. To me it is very clean. I like the new change on the jerseys too.

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I'm with lyle.m23 on this one. I like RBK so much more. When i see the Reebok on a stick i think of the lower end gear. So when i see the Reebok i think of a 3k stick. (No offense to Georges Laraque :D )

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I tried my first one out on the ice tonight because my friend let me and I actully realy like it. I was really skeptical about the holes but when taking a snapshot I could feel less resistance. I would pick one up for a cheaper price, thank god I'm still an Intermidate though.

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RBK, Reebok, Beerock, whatever you want to call them is NOT getting rid of the O stick technology. Just like all the other brands, they will recolor and fine tune their products. The "October Surprise" will certainly be a new stick with O tech.

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