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Aussie Joe

Harry Potter trailer

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Oh man, now we're getting the good stuff. I hope the whole movie is dark and mysterious. The movies have only been getting better and better in terms of actual watchability and whatnot.

I haven't read the books, but I'm really starting to love the movies. The last one was the first I saw in theaters and it was really good. The best part is you're not expecting an epic or a masterpiece, you watch for the story and the imagination and you don't let the small stuff (like the new Rachel's man face in Dark Knight) get to you.

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After holding out for years, my girlfriend talked me into reading the books last summer. So I read them all mid-june through mid-sept. They are worth the read, even though they are directed towards a younger reader.

The movies have gotten pretty good (first couple were pretty rough) but the books are better.

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  Patrick67 said:
Guessing your refering to HP in the 7th? And if so I'll concur with that opinion. That ending was waaay too hollywood, especially with the epilogue.
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I didn't even read the last six. I read the first one and it is not my type of books, but i hate the hype it gets!

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  Patrick67 said:
Guessing your refering to HP in the 7th? And if so I'll concur with that opinion. That ending was waaay too hollywood, especially with the epilogue.
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The Epilogue was put in for all the HP reading, soccer mums. It was good but, predictable. I enjoyed the last book allot, allbeit allot of sections that lacked action it was all build up for the finale which I can't stop re-reading. I think the first kiss between Ron and Hermione could have been written better but.

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the only thing i didnt like about the books is that theres way to much written about nothing in particular if you get what i mean. like thers so many chapters where nothing happens. but i duno

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  adam14 said:
the only thing i didnt like about the books is that theres way to much written about nothing in particular if you get what i mean. like thers so many chapters where nothing happens. but i duno
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Yeah, a lot of build up with little action. Lots of sitting around if you will. It's all build up for the finish.

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Totally agree about how the epilogue was wack. Almost like an ending in a disney movie. This movie looks like it definitely has potential, I just watched Order of the Phoenix a few weeks ago and wasn't too impressed but the darker eerie feeling the trailer gives off looks promising.

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