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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Suspicious Torspos

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Came across the new Torspo 321 in the new USA Hockey mag. Am I the only one that thinks they ripped off the Vapor XXX?

The website's not updated, so I can't show you a picture, but it's on page 53 of the August USA magazine.

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JR, you could be right. I don't know Tackla gloves at all really.

We got the Surge 150s (they are labeled Sweet 200 on the Torspo website for some reason) and they look a LOT like the Bauer Supreme 2000 that are lying around the shop.

Now that I take a real good look at some pics of the Roll-4. I'm not too familiar with the Roll-4 as we don't carry them so I didn't make the connection at first. Makes sense because it seems the Roll-4 is just a continuation of the Supreme glove line.


I can post more pics if somebody tells me how. I'm a tard.

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yeah, it's a one-piece wrap around cuff, not a two-piece like the Roll-4. The angles on the rolls and all are almost exact though.


there's no crease in the cuff like the 2000s. And the padding between the thumb and index is slightly different. It's pretty easy to see where Torspo got their "inspirado" from.

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Wouldn't be the first time that one of their products looked mysteriously like another makers skate cough-KOR-cough

Wait - I thought Torspo and Kor had an "arrangement." Are they not working together? Because yeah, those Torspos look a lot like the Shift 1's.

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Wouldn't be the first time that one of their products looked mysteriously like another makers skate cough-KOR-cough

Wait - I thought Torspo and Kor had an "arrangement." Are they not working together? Because yeah, those Torspos look a lot like the Shift 1's.

No, they moved in when KOR moved out.

But, you know, we on MSH HATE Torspo and we don't know anything.

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The gloves themselves are ok. Nothing great, priced around the same as the Vapor XVI, odd pinch at the base of the thumb though. Definitely not broken in off the rack.

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Ha, no, we had talked a few weeks back. Vajar mentioned something about made with Tackla so that's why I said that. I had never seen the gloves til tonight.

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You and JR are BOTH wrong; try 2007 Easton Synergy 500/800 series knockoff, if not the same factory. Only thing that looks like there's been change in are the back rolls, straighter cuff roll, and they are of a "knit" material.
JR, you could be right. I don't know Tackla gloves at all really.

We got the Surge 150s (they are labeled Sweet 200 on the Torspo website for some reason) and they look a LOT like the Bauer Supreme 2000 that are lying around the shop.

Now that I take a real good look at some pics of the Roll-4. I'm not too familiar with the Roll-4 as we don't carry them so I didn't make the connection at first. Makes sense because it seems the Roll-4 is just a continuation of the Supreme glove line.


I can post more pics if somebody tells me how. I'm a tard.

cuff is pretty much exact. I'd say it's an amalgam of those three. Unless there's insider info, I'm sticking with that theory, hehe.

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