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R.I.P. Bernie Mac

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As some of you may have just learned, Bernie Mac just passed away from complications of pneumonia. I had a bad feeling when I learned that he had a problem. One of the funniest and one of my favorites comedian.

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I loved Bernie Mac. It sucks reading about the condition he was living in. It turned pretty simple pneumonia into something fatal, even with serious treatment.

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  mik3 said:
I loved Bernie Mac. It sucks reading about the condition he was living in. It turned pretty simple pneumonia into something fatal, even with serious treatment.
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What condition was he living in? I tried to read articles but it didn't say anything about him living in bad conditions.

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  sitzlejd said:
  mik3 said:
I loved Bernie Mac. It sucks reading about the condition he was living in. It turned pretty simple pneumonia into something fatal, even with serious treatment.
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What condition was he living in? I tried to read articles but it didn't say anything about him living in bad conditions.

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That's what he had, which is what made pneumonia so deadly.

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I just heard this a few minutes ago and let out a huge gasp. The world is a worse place without him. I liked his show a lot and Head Of State is still one of my favorite movies, (his character specifically). Nothing could outdo the Original Kings of Comedy and no one will ever top Bernie Mac. Rest In Peace, my friend.

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I was at a party when I heard the news and I was still bugging out. One of my favorite comedians ever, R.I.P. Bernie.

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One of my fav quotes (that I re-gurge to my juniors all the time) from Bad Santa...

Yell Yell Yell

"...And pull ya god damn pants up! Kids these days!"

Sad moment indeed.

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Definantly very sad. I was lucky to actually talk to him a few times, his house is 10 mins away from mine and I ran into him at the movie theater 3 or 4 times. Very humble man, extremely friendly and just a class act. He will be greatly missed.

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