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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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College Football Fans?

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Paterno is a great coach and they came out guns blazing, but the OL could not stand up to the pressure of Iowa's DL and Clark got happy feet again..If PSU can find a decent passer for next season, they should be tough again. The OL needs to continue to gel and improve. PSU lost a ton of talent offensively from 2008, especially at WR and OL. Bowman and Lee should be fixtures in the NFL for a long time, I've always been impressed with the play of Bowman. Odrick should get a chance to make an NFL roster too. Iowa returns just about everyone from this year's team in 2010. They lose maybe one starter on defense and two guys on the OL which seems to be their deepest position thus far.

Having grown up being forced to watch them over the last 30-odd years, you can tell when Joe is getting involved in the play calling. You see the same plays from 20+ years ago but nowhere near the disparity in talent he enjoyed back then.

Yea, PSU is no longer playing Temple and Rutgers on a yearly basis either. The 85 scholarship limit is finally catching up to a majority of the big time programs around the country. Teams like Nebraska who do not have a sizeable talent base to cherry pick players from (Florida, USC, Texas) are really starting to feel the decline from previous dominance.

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