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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-09 Gear Sightings

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look at the color of the skate( supposedX60) compared to a real XXXX , they are discolored

I had the X:60 skate with a XXXX skin on it in my hands. You would never know from that picture if it is an X:60/XXXX.

As for Mess in the Cascade bucket, I wouldn't wear that to a rock fight.

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Per the X60 thread and the post about Porter's skates, here's a shot I took of them during warm-ups tonight. Sorry for the quality, they're phone cam pics.


For some reason, a brain fart compelled me to name these Turris's skates, but they're Porters.

If these are the new Flexlites, daddy wants...

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those are the skates that I described to JR in the thread about the flexlites. I said that Tim Wallace of the WBS Penguins was wearing them and that he has been in flexlites since his days at Notre Dame.

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those easton gloves are growing on me....

im likin the outer color more and more

They seem to have a little more volume than the Synergy's......it's hard to say as the ones I tried on were pro stock (obviously) and could have been custom in any number of ways. They definitely seemed larger inside though- there was quite a bit more backroll "roll" than in the synergy's as well. Maybe the owner of them will chime in here as he is also a member.

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thank you jr for keeping the site on the good side of the companies.

come on guys we should all know by now that jr or the other mods will delete or edit your post if its something that shouldn't be posted. yes we all want to see the latest and greatest but we need to be patient and respect the companies that make the products for us.

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