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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-09 Gear Sightings

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i thought we covered that there were not any NBH pants in the nhl? not saying that in a sarcastic way, but i think it has been addressed. hossa is now all nbh and hes wearing half rbk half easton pants i believe.

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CC87, there are plenty of NBH pants in the NHL- the logos are just blacked out.

After looking at recent photos of Malkin- the Warrior logo is clear as day on the front of his pants, cant make Bauer happy.

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The logos aren't blacked out, they don't put logos on them in the first place. You can tell by the hip padding, it's very distinctive.

At first they stopped putting on the thigh logo, then they stopped using the hip logo, soon after. I don't believe there is even a tag on the inside.

Those pants are clearly Warrior pants.

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I heard Chelios had finally dumped his super old tacks for some grafs this year, but i missed the first preseason game and he broke his leg. He should be back soon, doesn anyone know what skate he's wearing?

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Vaughn hit a visual home-run there. Now they just need to find a more durable material, crank out tons of pads for retail, and watch nobody buy them.

Retro gear, like a classic English shoe, is something that almost everyone will say they appreciate, but which almost nobody will buy in a store next to something flashy and fad-driven.

Seriously, though, the gear looks phenomenal, but Vaughn really needs to keep it as a custom option.

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