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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-09 Gear Sightings

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anyone else notice datsyuk no longer using the 8.0.8.? He is using a semi-blacked out 10k.

He's been switching between a 10K and an 8.0.8 which is also blacked out to the point that it looks like a 10K. As far as I can tell, he "toasts" grip tape on the bottom part of the shaft.

Yea I saw that he was switching back and forth up until about 3 games ago. Now hes just strictly using the 10k, but who knows with pros it probably wont be the last time he switches around with it. I just thought it was kind of shocking that the guy who basically promoted the O-stick bailed before the 8.0.8. even hits shelves. But for pav i think its more about what helps him light the lamp than helping sell reebok merchandise.

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does toews have an msh2 overlay on his gloves? and a jack the gripper/tackimac grip?

he might have wanted to keep the same gloves and had part of a new palm sewn on

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on nhl.com the front pic of the flames kipper is using a warrior goalie twig

Everyone who had been using Montreal will be switched over soon.

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looks like the dolo spine nice stick

you're an idiot. it looks nothing like the dolomite spyne

Use your imagination.... the colors are similar to the Dolomite.

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looks like the dolo spine nice stick

you're an idiot. it looks nothing like the dolomite spyne

Use your imagination.... the colors are similar to the Dolomite.

Sorry but i cant turn beige, black, and red letters into black, white and yellow(or green) letters.

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He said it "looks like" meaning it appears similar not identical.


the only color thats the same is fricken black. I'm not expecting the paint job to be identical, but 2 out of three should be a prerequisite. other wise, by that logic all fricken hockey sticks look the similar.

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i cant believe this is still going, I'll give you last year's dolomite. It is similar, yes. But he said dolomite spyne. not the same paint job. not even close.

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ok puck it. no reason to freak. things look diff. to diff. folks :) relax

as evidenced by every single "whats this pattern" thread.

You think I'm freaking... I'm really just shaking my head. :rolleyes:

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I was going to start a new topic then I thought I would just put it here. About ovechkin using the one95, is his contract up after this season with ccm, will he be sporting full bauer next season? Sorry if this was already discussed I must have missed it.

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While mired in a scoring slump, he began testing other company sticks. He was seen with CCM, Easton, and NBH in the summer/training camp. CCM authorized his choice to go out and try other sticks.

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