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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-09 Gear Sightings

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Is Ovy's contract with CCM over, hence why he can use a ONE95 OPS without blacking out the logos or is there another reason behind this?

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I'm watching the Caps/Canadians game right now, looks like Ovechkin is using a U+ instead of the one95.

i think its the new "crazy light"

Looks like he's back to the One95 for the second period.

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Is Ovy's contract with CCM over, hence why he can use a ONE95 OPS without blacking out the logos or is there another reason behind this?

no i think it end at the end of this season but im sure they can let him away with a few things hence the one95

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Not trying to intentionally be fresh... but are we really going to report back and fourth every time Ovechkin switches from CCM to Bauer, and vice versa?

Apparently yes.

I hear he uses socks when he skates, anyone have an idea what brand :P ;) (total sarcasm if anyone can't tell)

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Yes, that is the U+ CL.

How can you tell? I don't see the difference. I can't find somewhere to juxtapose them to spot any differences in the graphics.

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anyone know ware he gets his hair cut ?? :P

he does ads for some salon in DC so maybe there. but then again he's in ads for CCM and I see him using a One95 so, go fig.

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Yes, that is the U+ CL.

How can you tell? I don't see the difference. I can't find somewhere to juxtapose them to spot any differences in the graphics.

The CL doesn't say Vector on it like the U+ does. The CL has blue stripes on it. The CL has a black heel, not white like the U+.

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