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Junior Leagues in New York

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Everyone should read "Jonsey". It's about Kieth Jones' career and how he never thought he'd ever play serious hockey and just accidently fell into the NHL. It's a pretty easy read, no more than an hour and half (and I'm a relativly slow reader too). He was having trouble making his JR. B team and this guy wound up in the NHL. Pretty cool story.

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I didn't read your desires too closely, but if you're interested in the EJ, where you have to pay a lot of money, same with the empire jr. B league, your best bet is to remain in Canada. I'm from New York but I'm playing Jr. A in the CJHL(Central junior hockey league). There's a Buffalo based team in the OJHL (use to be the OPJHL) which is a canadian league, so you wouldn't have to pay a ton of money.

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I would say stay away from Junior C or D, absolutely go to Junior B. I started playing Junior B when I was 15 and did not think I would have the skill to but hey I ended up leading our team with points in nationals. You should be fine playing Junior B because Junior C will just be a waste of your time and money.

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There's a Buffalo based team in the OJHL (use to be the OPJHL) which is a canadian league, so you wouldn't have to pay a ton of money.

Not true. A partnership with the Buffalo Sabres have lightened the load recently, but the guys playing for Buffalo have to drop quite a bit of money...all to get their heads kicked-in on a semi-nightly basis. Best bet is to stay on the Canadian side of the border entirely.

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There's a Buffalo based team in the OJHL (use to be the OPJHL) which is a canadian league, so you wouldn't have to pay a ton of money.

Not true. A partnership with the Buffalo Sabres have lightened the load recently, but the guys playing for Buffalo have to drop quite a bit of money...all to get their heads kicked-in on a semi-nightly basis. Best bet is to stay on the Canadian side of the border entirely.

Thanks for the facts Tiger, I just assumed the kids didn't have to pay being in the OP and I was told they actually got a decent amount of fans each game.

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Buffalo doesn't get much in the way of freebies, but, as I said, it is getting better, especially since Ledyard took over. Still, the guys have to pay to try-out, which is ridiculous if you ask me - across the border, I didn't pay a dime...and had my bridge fees and gas money taken care of.

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Most of everyones thoughts have perswayed me to stay in Canada, so i am going to be doing that. I have come to a conclusion, that i will be not good enough for Canadian Jr. B (yet, anyway). I would like to move back to the Hamilton area, and they have a couple teams right on the outskirts-Grimsby Peach Kings, Glanbrook Rangers, Dundas Blues, and the Caledonia Corvairs. Does any locals or anyone have any insight on these teams!

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empire and mjhl are more comparable. The empire feeds to a better league, so take that for what it is. I'd avoid the cha if you actually want to go somewhere

im the cha now and some teams like the breakers and boston junior bs are good i just never really seen any mj teams so i was curious how they compared

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im the cha now and some teams like the breakers and boston junior bs are good i just never really seen any mj teams so i was curious how they compared

level of play isn't bad, it's just the mj and empire are better for getting looks as they're asscoiated with the ej and aj

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Fighting may be sanctioned... but they aren't complete goon leagues. Decent number of guys go D-1 from respectable AJ programs.

yea i know im just poking fun. But i know a few kids from the mj and aj who got a shot at the W and the O cuz they fought alot. Where they would never have that opportunity in the empire or ej.

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JJ, that would be kinda neat moving to NYC, seeing the Rangers.


AppleCore has a Junior A and B. B was National Champs last year. Very, very good. They do billet of course if your good enough.

If your looking for a D or C junior team I recommend you go to college and get a good education.

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AppleCore has a Junior A and B. B was National Champs last year. Very, very good. They do billet of course if your good enough.

If your looking for a D or C junior team I recommend you go to college and get a good education.

im confused D leagues exist? i just thought they were a joke like literally.

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im confused D leagues exist? i just thought they were a joke like literally.

Lol no they exist. I'm pretty sure you pay to play though and it's like house league.

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