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Shoulder Pads

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Hey guys,

I've been looking for some new shoulder pads. I really don't like to wear shoulder pads so I want something really light and mobile.. any suggestions? Thanks in advance

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I have sp50's for when i am required to wear shoulders and they offer almost no protection and weigh nothing. I would get the 5030s if you want small shoulder caps but a little bit more protection.

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I know its not what the conventional guys would say in regards to light and mobile shoulders but I just picked up a pair of Vapor XXV's and I have no complaints, they are really light, have good mobility, and are not bulky in any way.

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Not to jack the thread but does anyone know of a brand or specific pair of shoulder pads for broader shoulders? I have a pair of itechs right now but they don't sit on my shoulders right. Just having a problem finding a pair that fit.

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Not to jack the thread but does anyone know of a brand or specific pair of shoulder pads for broader shoulders? I have a pair of itechs right now but they don't sit on my shoulders right. Just having a problem finding a pair that fit.

I use NBH Pro Defenders, and they have adjustable arm and shoulder protection.

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I hate wearing shoulders to and wear these, love them. They are pretty light, and extremely mobile. Offers great protection too.

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Cooper XL 3.

Pulled them out of pops' bag, and haven't worn anything else since. I've gotta do something about his tape job though.


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Not to jack the thread but does anyone know of a brand or specific pair of shoulder pads for broader shoulders? I have a pair of itechs right now but they don't sit on my shoulders right. Just having a problem finding a pair that fit.

I have really broad shoulders myself (along with not having much muscle), and I'm a fan of the 5030's. I use the mediums, which are big in the chest but fit the shoulders great. The smalls fit my chest but the shoulders are way too narrow. Having that extra play doesn't make much difference on the ice.

I did pick up a pair of Itech 255's, also in medium, which fit my shoulders fine but they seem to ride up when I'm moving because I don't have enough mass to fill out the chest.

The SP50's felt like they would ride up as well, and they felt kind of flimsy. I tried them on along with the 5030's, and went with the Sherwoods.

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I have the same pair of itechs as you and they do the same thing. I can't stand the how the back curves up and I can't get me jersey on without help. So I gave them to a friend. I think I'm going to try rig up my own pair. I have a 6k padded shirt and some easton shoulders lying around. Think I am going to sew the shoulder caps on and add some of the chest protection on too. May be kind of ghetto but should be comfy and fit.

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i am realy picky also and like mobility and lightness, i have tried many from one90, supreme pro, rbk's, tps spr8,easton's and when i tried the new ccm v08 i was realy impress how light comfy and mobile and good protection without any hesitation i choose those.

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