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JR Boucicaut

Blackstone Flat-Bottom V Thread

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The Bat Gage says they are pretty level (1 notch off) in some cases.

As I mentioned I used to skate sharpen a LONG time ago. The holder my Grandfather and I used can best be described as a big C clamp. Did not matter WHAT size the skates were. Goalie, figure, and or hockey skate did not matter either.

The Skate Holder adjusting process only mentions turning the left or right or all 3 screws at once, never just the 'forward/back'.

Doesn't it make sense if the skates are level toe to heel and appears to be centred to the wheel when the machine is off that the angle of the blade could be adjusted by just turning the 'forward/back' screw?

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You have some of the same q's I have. I too am sharpening youth to adult. I have more issues going from Nike/Bauer to Mission for example. Bat Gauge is different every time I look at it, seems inconsistent.

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You have some of the same q's I have. I too am sharpening youth to adult. I have more issues going from Nike/Bauer to Mission for example. Bat Gauge is different every time I look at it, seems inconsistent.

The two issues that you are probably having are: Thickness in steel between different brands or the other issue is probably mis-mounted holders "tweaked".

I check & adjust my holder for each skate.

Good Luck!!

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Don't worry guys this is the part that sepperates skate sharpeners. stop using the back pitch knob and just use the two front adjustment knobs to make the holder go up and down. Another tip is the center of the wheel is not necessarily what you are lining up to. You need to line up to the apex of the radius of the dresser. The only way to do this is to sharpen the skate use the guage that tells you how much your off or on, and make the appropriate adjustments. It is a learning curve and it won't take long before you are doing it in your sleep.

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Thanks for the info!

After sharpening a bunch of times the top screw is getting rough at the bottom which is making it diffuclt to take the screw off. Taking the screw off is the ONLY way I can put smaller skates (5-6 year olds) on and off the holder.

Any plans for a different holder that can do smaller skates?

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I have found that even my Blademaster and Maximum Edge Tri-lie holders need to remove the top screw for small children skates and even some goalie skates. There just is not enough clearance between the bottom of the skate boot and the skate blade holder on some skates. Taking the top screw on and off is an inconvience but it is the only way to sharpen the smaller skates and skates with a small clearance between the boot and skate holder. I also have found that after a couple hundred skates sharpened on the X02 that making adjustments on the front two wheels is the easiest way to make adjustments. My experience has been that if I am off by 1/1000 of an inch, from being level that approximately 6 individual clicks of the adjustment wheel moves the skate blade 1/1000 th of an inch. In other words, if I clamp the skate and the gauge shows that the wheel is hitting the blade too high by 1/1000, then I adjust the front dials UP 6 clicks and I get very close. It has been trial and error, as I have previously used Blade Master and EZ-Sharp Machines. This FBV and Spinner system is by far the best I have ever used. I sharpen team skates for First and Second Year PeeWee's as well as High School kids and my kids coaches, and they all just love the FBV. Good Luck. Also, I have made a note of what each adjustment of the front adjustment dials does with my machine, and I am not saying all will be the same. I am only mentioning this so that you also may find that keeping track of how many clicks are need for adjustments will make it easier in the future. For example, the adjustment on the front dials is larger for goalie skates to get a square edge. Aproximately 20-25 clicks down on my machine to get the edge square. Your machine/holder combo may be different, but if you keep track of the number of clicks it will be second hand in no time.

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Flat Bottom V is a very interesting concept and I am anxious to find a place that can do it around here. One question that has come up is how susceptible is this method to having the blade not centered on the wheel. It would seem that with the old radius method you would at least get some edge having the blade off center slightly. The flat bottom V would seem much more susceptible to losing the edge if everything is not set up well.

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If you go to www.flatbottomv.com you will see the cross sections of the FBV concept applied to the steel. Any sharpening process that is not adjusted for "square edges" will be less than optimum, but in my experience this system is as easy as any other conventional diamond quill dressed wheel system to set up if not easier. Simply turn the adjustment knob for the spinner to contact the wheel and adjust the skate holder for level and you are good to go. I have done hundreds of these skates on FBV and have not had one single complaint regarding your concerns.

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Getting realllllly frustrated.

No matter how 'clockwise' I go on the holder ALLL of my skates are top side high. The only way to get it bottom side high is to turn the skate over which is impossibe on some smaller skates.


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I don't understand what is going on.

I know SAK said don't pay too much attention to where the blade sits when the machine is off and eyeing it centre, but does it not make sense that the wheel when dressed properly is a perfect ellipse (maybe the wrong word but hopefully you understand) and as long as the skate blade hits this dead on then you should get a perfect cut?

I have tried doing what the book says. High side means turn clockwise to lower the skate so more edge gets take off the top. I have tried this with no luck. I have also tried the other way. I have also tried just turning the forward and back because I thought that changing the skate blade angle more downward would take more off the top of the blade.

Any other suggestions?

Could I have a defective holder?

As I mentioned I have 5 + years experience skate sharpening. Not on this machine, but I should be able to do this with my eyes closed (well that would be dangerous, but you get my point)..

Help anyone? :(

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Call the office tomorrow and get help with measurements to recalibrate the holder. Ask for cory in the back he will give you the measurements and get you squared back up.

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quick question. I was changing spinners and didn't look at which way it was orientated (i know, rookie mistake). Which way should the spinner be put in?

at the 3:39 mark of the training video it looks like the hollow side (the side where they wrote the spinner type) faces up when they take off the screw.

hope that makes sense.

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IF this is true then my x02 was shipped with the spinner installed incorrectly. I have been sharpening with the imprint up because that is the way the first one came off. This will probably explain some of the centering issues I have had from time to time.

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As an engineering student and an out of shape hockey player the FBV sounds like a great idea to me (both the design aspects of it and the potential for less fatigue). My only problem is finding somewhere that offers it.

Does anyone know of a shop in the Minneapolis area that offers FBV? With the dozen some that are within 20ish minutes of the city I'm sure someone must have it unfortunately no one has any idea what I'm talking about when I call to ask them.

If anyone can help me out I'd very much appreciate it, thanks!

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College Source for Sports in Brantford is offering FBV

I was hesitant to try it, but it is much better, the glide is amazing but the edges are there

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Don't worry guys this is the part that sepperates skate sharpeners. stop using the back pitch knob and just use the two front adjustment knobs to make the holder go up and down. Another tip is the center of the wheel is not necessarily what you are lining up to. You need to line up to the apex of the radius of the dresser. The only way to do this is to sharpen the skate use the guage that tells you how much your off or on, and make the appropriate adjustments. It is a learning curve and it won't take long before you are doing it in your sleep.

Finding this to be very true. Been experimenting with a pair of lower end skates from my stock before sharpening my One95s. Played a drop in game earlier today on 90/75, WOW! The difference is VERY noticeable.

Quite pleased with my sharpening skills too. On my sharpener it's easy. The only thing that seems to remain to to be worked on is the final polishing pass with either Lube Tube or Fine Shine. Visually it looks like I'm getting better polishing results with regular spinners. Actually, with regular spinners polishing seems to be perfect. But I've been using only one kind of grinding wheel (I have a regular portable spinner sharpener,(not X0-1 or X0-2). The grinding wheel I'm using is Blackstone Black Walnut. Maybe I should play with other wheels. Any advice here Steve?


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Well I received my X02 today. It is quite a slick little machine. I only sharpen at home for family and friends (the FBV just might expand that), but the machine I've been using is probably 15-20 years old, so it was nice to use the new X02 that was easy to setup and sharpen with. I only setup and played with the standard 1/2" ROH, but I've got the 100/75 and 90/75 ready to go.

I have a FBV question though: When you sharpen with the FBV, is the pitch of the holder more critical than with a standard ROH? I have this picture in my head of an angled bottom v instead of flat because the holder is pitched front or back and not perfectly square. I may be over-thinking this, it is getting late.

Any input from those of you who have sharpened with the FBV will be greatly appreciated.

And no, I'm not using the pitch knob to move the holder up and down instead of the 2 front adjusters.


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As an engineering student and an out of shape hockey player the FBV sounds like a great idea to me (both the design aspects of it and the potential for less fatigue). My only problem is finding somewhere that offers it.

Does anyone know of a shop in the Minneapolis area that offers FBV? With the dozen some that are within 20ish minutes of the city I'm sure someone must have it unfortunately no one has any idea what I'm talking about when I call to ask them.

If anyone can help me out I'd very much appreciate it, thanks!

Dave's Sport Shop has it

$7 sharpening job

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I too have a similar background sharpening skates, different machines, holders etc. I have used my X02 to do several hundred pairs of skates for 2 PeeWee teams and a High School team. I had originally used 5/8",1/2" ROH, and FBV 90/75 and 100/75. I was changing the spinners from one to the other and redressing the wheel alot. I now have a seperate wheel for each spinner(the wheels last longer now). I have never experienced a problem with the "pitch" switching from one ROH Spinner to FBV Spinner etc. When I first received the machine, I spent about a half hour setting up the holder. Once set up, I only check for changes to the edge for squareness. If the edge's are square with the FBV 90/75 or 100/75 then you are good to go. Occassionaly when I find the edge of a pair of skates not square, I redress the wheel and it is usually good to go. I have no complaints from any players, and I aim for perfection and will settle for being with in .001 of an inch on the squareness of the edges. I hope this helps answer your questions.

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...I was changing the spinners from one to the other and redressing the wheel alot. I now have a seperate wheel for each spinner(the wheels last longer now). I have never experienced a problem with the "pitch" switching from one ROH Spinner to FBV Spinner etc. When I first received the machine, I spent about a half hour setting up the holder. Once set up, I only check for changes to the edge for squareness. If the edge's are square with the FBV 90/75 or 100/75 then you are good to go.


I like the idea of keeping a spinner and stone paired together for longevity. I've been skating on the 100/75 for a couple weeks now and love it. I will most likely be using the 2 fbv spinners the most. Which FBV do your teams like the most? All of the bantams I coach that had me do their skates wanted 1/2". To me the 100/75 is a little sharper than 1/2".

I spent about a 1/2 hour setting up the holder as well. When mine came the pitch knob was loose, as in spinning freely w/o clicking. I wound up setting the pitch by placing a square on the tabletop and squaring against the front of the anvil plate. I don't know if this is correct, but it yielded good results on my first sharpening on 1/2" ROH.

It sounds like I'm worrying about nothing. I've never used a holder with the pitch adjust before and was concerned since I had to set it up. Basically, you leave it alone unless you need to move the entire blade up or down on the wheel, then you would turn all 3 knobs the same, is this correct?



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