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Shoulder pads for Serious shoulder problems?

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I need new shoulder pads. Im having serious shoulder problems this year. I separated my shoulder (grade III) in March and im just getting back from contusions and a bone bruise on the same shoulder and now like every hit i throw or take causes a good amount of pain. also, forgot to add before, im a physical Junior B player. any suggestions on the most protective shoulder pads i can buy?

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As we said in chat, RBK or something like some old Douglas defenders. Farrell's would be a bad choice for someone with shoulder problems.

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As we said in chat, RBK or something like some old Douglas defenders. Farrell's would be a bad choice for someone with shoulder problems.

The old Defenders might be the best option. And I thought Farrells were fairly protective, no?

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As we said in chat, RBK or something like some old Douglas defenders. Farrell's would be a bad choice for someone with shoulder problems.

The old Defenders might be the best option. And I thought Farrells were fairly protective, no?


Farrell has to be the worst recommendation I've ever heard. I wear them, but I wouldn't call them protective.

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I have a pair of used Jones Pro-Defenders laying around somewhere. They are very similar to the Douglas. PM me if you are interested.

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I need new shoulder pads. Im having serious shoulder problems this year. I separated my shoulder (grade III) in March and im just getting back from contusions and a bone brusie on the same shoulder and now like every hit i throw or take causes a good amount of pain. any suggestions on the most protective shoulder pads i can buy?

I know this doesn't answer your shoulder pad question, but I would recommend seeing a doctor. Sounds like your shoulder didn't heal properly from the seperation. I went your route for awhile trying out protective shoulder pads and braces and ended up having surgery to repair it. With the amount of pain it sounds like your having, it sounds like it only may get worse.

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I have already seen my doctor, he recommended i get new shoulder pads too but I was already gonna get some. anyone know about the ccm vector 10 Ovechkin shoulder pads?

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My recommendations are the RBK 9K, Nike/Bauer Supreme 90's, CCM Vector 10's , Mission 110's or the Itech 955's. All are good high end shoulder pads with great protective properties.

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I have already seen my doctor, he recommended i get new shoulder pads too but I was already gonna get some. anyone know about the ccm vector 10 Ovechkin shoulder pads?

Still like the above poster recommened keep an eye on how your shoulder reacts to future hits. Seeing another doctor may not be a bad idea either.

I played through various shoulder seperations and dislocations during my 20's. Now that I am in my 30s my shoulder will dislocate at the drop of a hat. Looking forward to some additional surgery in the next year.....

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I have already seen my doctor, he recommended i get new shoulder pads too but I was already gonna get some. anyone know about the ccm vector 10 Ovechkin shoulder pads?

Still like the above poster recommened keep an eye on how your shoulder reacts to future hits. Seeing another doctor may not be a bad idea either.

I played through various shoulder seperations and dislocations during my 20's. Now that I am in my 30s my shoulder will dislocate at the drop of a hat. Looking forward to some additional surgery in the next year.....

have you tried duct tape?

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