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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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It's October

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Like the announcers said, this takes MLB off the hook BIG TIME. If the Rays lost it due to a rain delay, who knows what would have happened.

Looks like Selig wasn't going to call the game anyways...even though it was official, apparently he was going to basically create a new rule and simply 'delay' the game until it could be completed.

Well if that was the case Selig should have made a statement before the game or something. They knew a storm was in the forecast. At least just to give everyone an idea of his intentions. Who knows what he was thinking.

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I wonder if Ol' Bud would have made the same decision to let that game start if it had been his Brewers with a chance to clinch and Sabathia was going for them.

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They're saying that it may be more likely for the game to resume Wednesday, tomorrow's weather is supposed to be worse than it was today. The game never should've gone as far as it did before being suspended. And what's with the Maddon love-fest? He was on camera about 30 times during game five.

Cold, rainy and windy all day in Philly but the rain stopped an hour or two ago.

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Like the announcers said, this takes MLB off the hook BIG TIME. If the Rays lost it due to a rain delay, who knows what would have happened.

Looks like Selig wasn't going to call the game anyways...even though it was official, apparently he was going to basically create a new rule and simply 'delay' the game until it could be completed.

Well if that was the case Selig should have made a statement before the game or something. They knew a storm was in the forecast. At least just to give everyone an idea of his intentions. Who knows what he was thinking.

Not true. They were expecting a 1/10 of an inch the entire night. Nobody knew they were going to get slammed. Im tired of sore Phillies fans already. Why would you want the most important game of the year to end like that? It would be winning by forfeit, and who ever wants to win that way?

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Not true. They were expecting a 1/10 of an inch the entire night. Nobody knew they were going to get slammed. Im tired of sore Phillies fans already. Why would you want the most important game of the year to end like that? It would be winning by forfeit, and who ever wants to win that way?

Wait, what?

None of us wanted it to end that way. We wanted it called after 5 full innings had been played, and to finish at a better time. Putting the Phils back in the field for the 6th, but not the rays, was a joke.

But NOBODY in Philly wants them to have won by the game being called, I don't know why you're calling us 'sore'.

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Ive heard it enough, look at this thread. Don't take it that I am classifying all Phills fans this way, as I am not. Its just the small few that really annoy me.

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Not true. They were expecting a 1/10 of an inch the entire night. Nobody knew they were going to get slammed. Im tired of sore Phillies fans already. Why would you want the most important game of the year to end like that? It would be winning by forfeit, and who ever wants to win that way?

Wait, what?

None of us wanted it to end that way. We wanted it called after 5 full innings had been played, and to finish at a better time. Putting the Phils back in the field for the 6th, but not the rays, was a joke.

But NOBODY in Philly wants them to have won by the game being called, I don't know why you're calling us 'sore'.

I heard a lot of people in philly talk about how they got screwed. There are a large number of fans that very much wanted the game called and the championship trophy awarded last night.

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Chadd, I don't think that's the case at all, at least with the numerous Philly fans I've talked to since the game. We're upset that the top half of the sixth was played and the game was stopped after the Rays had tied it, that's where we feel screwed. On top of this, there's a consensus that no one wants a championship awarded after an incomplete game. Did they directly say they wanted the title right then? I disagree that a large number of fans would have wanted the game called as soon as it was official.

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I agree that is a crap way to win the World Series, but it also in the rulebook. A game is official after 5 innings, period. It doesn't say 'except if that game decides the World Series'. Any time you get into a situation where you are creating rules on the fly, it sounds like a REAL slippery slope to me.

I think the people of Philly have a right to feel screwed though, because that game shouldn't have been played in the first place, and as a result they had to waste their ace pitcher throwing in that mess and in a game that only lasted 6 innings. At least with the delay last night, and maybe tonight, (and maybe tomorrow, who knows) he should be fully rested to go again in the series at some point if necessary.

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Who knows what he was thinking.


The All-star game tie was the fault of the managers and not Selig. Once the 9th ended in a tie it was the managers who informed Selig that they had run out of players.

Game 5 of this series, a simple public ruling would have solved this mess. I agree that a MLB playoff game should be played out until there is a winner. Calling a WS game after it is technically a legal game would be a horrible injustice.

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Like the announcers said, this takes MLB off the hook BIG TIME. If the Rays lost it due to a rain delay, who knows what would have happened.

Looks like Selig wasn't going to call the game anyways...even though it was official, apparently he was going to basically create a new rule and simply 'delay' the game until it could be completed.

Well if that was the case Selig should have made a statement before the game or something. They knew a storm was in the forecast. At least just to give everyone an idea of his intentions. Who knows what he was thinking.

Not true. They were expecting a 1/10 of an inch the entire night. Nobody knew they were going to get slammed. Im tired of sore Phillies fans already. Why would you want the most important game of the year to end like that? It would be winning by forfeit, and who ever wants to win that way?

I think you misunderstood what I meant, all I was saying is that Selig knowing even some rain was in the forecast could have said look if it gets bad enough we will suspend the game no matter what inning or score etc. By the way my team is not even in the playoffs. Nor am really pulling for either team. I'm happy to see the Rays get to where they are but couldn't care either way anymore hockey has started I don't watch too much baseball now. Only was watching cuz someone had the chance to win that night.

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How many people would have complained if he just postponed the game and they flew in/requested off of work for the game? It was a lose/lose situation.

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Good point. You also now have people who planned on going to Florida for the next game there who now have to rework schedules.

Those people also bought "if neccessary" tickets. I know expecting a playoff final series to be a sweep is a little much, but those people had to already know they might not make a game. Besides, they can proabably scalp them for 4-5 times what they paid. My department's secretary considered selling her game 4 tickets that she bought for $250 when she saw seats in her section going for $1200. Besides, if their plans weren't flexible the MLB doesn't lose any money.

I think the Rays getting things tied up was a godsend for the MLB big wigs to get out of the game and piss off the least amount of people.

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Good point. You also now have people who planned on going to Florida for the next game there who now have to rework schedules.

Those people also bought "if neccessary" tickets. I know expecting a playoff final series to be a sweep is a little much, but those people had to already know they might not make a game. Besides, they can proabably scalp them for 4-5 times what they paid. My department's secretary considered selling her game 4 tickets that she bought for $250 when she saw seats in her section going for $1200. Besides, if their plans weren't flexible the MLB doesn't lose any money.

I think the Rays getting things tied up was a godsend for the MLB big wigs to get out of the game and piss off the least amount of people.


The thing about the "if necessary" games are that if the game doesn't need to be played, you get a refund... If they delay it, and you can't be there, you have to sell the ticket. You might not have a reason to go to Philly and not all tickets are refundable. The idea is to piss off the least amount of people by playing the game and delaying the game with a tie and a reasonable amount of innings left.

Think about it this way, philly will have 1 more at-bat than the rays off of 2 days rest.

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Chadd, I don't think that's the case at all, at least with the numerous Philly fans I've talked to since the game. We're upset that the top half of the sixth was played and the game was stopped after the Rays had tied it, that's where we feel screwed. On top of this, there's a consensus that no one wants a championship awarded after an incomplete game. Did they directly say they wanted the title right then? I disagree that a large number of fans would have wanted the game called as soon as it was official.

Different fans have different opinions. A large number of people I spoke too were upset that the Philles were not already drinking the champagne. For what it's worth, I hope none of you are flying through Philly the day of the parade.

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I was wondering what the fireworks outside were for, forgot they were playing. I guess I'm not really a baseball fan.

Hopefully nobody was on approach to runway 26.

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