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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Well when you only play pick up....celebrations look really stupid...but a couple weeks ago, I scored after I had been out for a while...if I recall it was a nice pass from the D-Man...I skated by and touched gloves with him ala "Nice Pass" then as I went to the bench I kinda realized I did the sword in the sheath kind move....(I'm a lefty, so it would have been against my right hip).

I don't think anyone saw it, it was hardly a big thing...but if anyoen did see it...I must've looked like an ASS.


But I do usually try to do the touch gloves, especially when it is a really nice pass....

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well, i've only been playing like 8 months or so. most of the time when i score i just touch gloves with whoever. this is just real low level house league stuff, so who cares? one team celebrates like they won the stanley cup even after they're up 5-0.

the only time i've ever even raised my stick was when my buddy scored a tying goal against a team that always tried to blow us out. it was a pretty weak wrister along the ice, the puck went up on its side, started to curve, and somehow the goalie missed it. it was like slow motion...i'm thinking "no way is that going on...uh oh...OMG IT WENT IN!"

in soccer my team used to celebrate a lot. i was the only white guy and all the mexicans would do funny stuff. one of them scored, went to the corner and pissed on the flag like a dog. got a yellow card for that too, hah. there were so many other funny ones but i can't remember them. the only time i'd ever do anything is if somebody was talking shit to me and then i got by them and scored. then its, "hey, great job buddy" as you pat em on the back...

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I'm a pumps fist kind of guy, but I have friends here that "shoot" their gloves, ride the pony, and turn their stick over covering their eyes with their glove and tap around like a blind person

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1. take off the right glove, put it under the left arm and salute either the flag or your home crowd

2. skate by their crowd with the right gloves off pulling your jersey collar showing off your logo, also nifty by your fans too

3. skate by their crowd with a finger up to the lips 'shhhhh-ing' them

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skate by their crowd with a finger up to the lips 'shhhhh-ing' them

or skate by the other teams bench and do that... but get ready to be decked.

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The best celebrations ive done are

- split through defense and one hand deked the goalie= I turned my stick over and put my hand over my face, then i wiped the stick back and forth on the ice like i was a blind man walkin doen the street.

-playing a team with those anoying cowbell parents we all hate with a passion/ i scored to put us ahead by one with 5 min to go in the finals of a tournament= i took my glove off and went ovr to the boards and put the finger to my mouth shooshing them

-saucer pass to my friend to roof it for a hattrick= we tapped gloves then we both grabbed our sack and liffted a leg to the side at their coach

-the best one i have ever hurd of (dont know if its tru or not) 1st goal-acted like he signed the puck with a pen and through it in to the crowd 2nd goal-fake signed it again and handed it to the ref 3rd goal- spiked his stick like a football, through helmet off in to his bench picked up a hat that was on the ice put it on, then he grabbed the puck fake signed it and dropped it in the goalies glove.

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A team in my old beer league was composed mostly of city firefighters, and their buddies would bring both their truck's air horn and siren and let loose with both of 'em whenever they scored. It just pi$$ed our team off. After we tied the score and later I scored the winning goal, I skated over, pointed up at 'em and (loud as I could) imitated the siren with my voice. My teammates started doing it on the bench too.

Normally I don't like to celebrate much more than raising my arms and stick, but the best celebrations are the ones that involve your teammates (after all it is a team game). The ol' group hug to me is still the best.

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Wow some of those are so asshole if a kid did that to us after scoring I'd have a few choice words for him and go put the puck back in his net. I dont care how big the game is or how important the goal is, I never do anything over the top. Score, stop somewhere on the ice usually against the glass (to prevent people from falling in the hug) and the teammates come to me with high fives or whatever. Only thing I ever remember doing that was really getting into it was in a tournament I scored and we were celebrating at center Ice near the opposing teams blue line and I heard their coach screaming "Their celebrating in your end, their celebrating in your end!" I just decided to yell "@#%$ yea we're celebrating in your end, wooo!". Seriously though, when people go nuts it just makes me have thoughts like its the first goal they've ever scored, and then I think they suck.

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I have rode the pony before. Another time we were playing this team that was full of a$$holes and there goalie got ejected from the game. The refs made them play for like 5 min. with out a goalie while there other one got ready. I scored a goal and acted like i won the stanley cup (it was like my 6th of the game). I was marked after that. On my highschool team we shout the other teams name before we start. We huddle up and instead of shouting our name, we will be like "go _______"<insert other team there.

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Our bench did the wave one time, and another funny one was a kid on my team score and the rest of the players on the ice escorted him back to the bench like body gaurds with our sticks pointed at the other team like rifles.

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I was thinking the same thing Mack. I am getting mad just reading acouple of these....if anyone did some of these to my face, I would get kicked out after I (I can't think of how to finish this in a nice way so I will stop)

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Some circus-ass leagues people play in....damn.

Gotta love that respect for the game.

Having respect for the game is going back the the center for the face off after scoring a goal. This game is not the NFL or NBA; score a goal and go back to the game. No need for show-boating. Thats having respect for the game.

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Okay, this one time I was called for having an illegal curve so in its place I was forced to use my teammate's stick... which was a POS woody. So I was sitting in the penalty box all pissed because even though I knew that I was breaking the rules, I just don't like being penalized for it. I mean, screw my team who was trying to kill the penalty (my 4th of the season for that curve), I want to play with my nose-picker! When my two minutes were up, I stepped out of the box and, lo and behold, there was the puck! I raced to the other end and scored a real be-yoo-tee! As I skated past the opposition's bench, I made a point of acting like I was carefully inspecting my curve and asked their coach, "How's this one?"

Oh no, wait that wasn't me.

Celebrations are weak. I coach, too, and I always stress that my players comport themselves with the digity and respect due to the game. Acting like a monkey because you scored a goal is a joke. In pickup or drop-in it's one thing, in a real game I'd bench the player no-questions-asked. Fist-pumps, high five, and get to the face-off.

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Some circus-ass leagues people play in....damn.

Gotta love that respect for the game.

Having respect for the game is going back the the center for the face off after scoring a goal. This game is not the NFL or NBA; score a goal and go back to the game. No need for show-boating. Thats having respect for the game.

You might want to check your sarcasm detector. I think it's broken.

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Some circus-ass leagues people play in....damn.

Gotta love that respect for the game.

Having respect for the game is going back the the center for the face off after scoring a goal. This game is not the NFL or NBA; score a goal and go back to the game. No need for show-boating. Thats having respect for the game.

You might want to check your sarcasm detector. I think it's broken.


no sarcasm here. Just adding to my post earlier B)

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