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HFC Helmet Decals

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i'd be down for a few stickers. got any t shirts left?

I've got a couple, few people have pm'ed me about them, so they may all be spoken for. I need to check what I have.

I also need to count the lapel pins I have.

Also, if I do get the helmet decals, I'm only going to be doing them with paypal, there is a putcanceronice paypal address, so I can keep a track of what comes in seperate from my personal stuff.

And I don't think ethically it would be right for me to have you send checks to my personal name, for charity stuff.

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Hockey monkey has tape, which you could cut one out and stick it on your bucket and tape the top of your stick with it if you want? just a thought...

Those are breat cancer awareness ribbons. Hockey Fights Cancer isn't specific to breast cancer and uses a much more specific logo.

On a side note- why did they use green for the pink ribbon?

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Hockey monkey has tape, which you could cut one out and stick it on your bucket and tape the top of your stick with it if you want? just a thought...

Those are breat cancer awareness ribbons. Hockey Fights Cancer isn't specific to breast cancer and uses a much more specific logo.

On a side note- why did they use green for the pink ribbon?

Yea I know with the two sticks.. i just thought if someone REALLY wanted it..

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does anyone can fin a nice picture of the actual logo?

Not on a helmet, a jpg or gif file of the HFC logo.

Ill get a quote with my supplier.

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does anyone can fin a nice picture of the actual logo?

Not on a helmet, a jpg or gif file of the HFC logo.

Ill get a quote with my supplier.

You can't just take it and make your own, it's a copyrighted logo, you need to get their permission to use it

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does anyone can fin a nice picture of the actual logo?

Not on a helmet, a jpg or gif file of the HFC logo.

Ill get a quote with my supplier.

You can't just take it and make your own, it's a copyrighted logo, you need to get their permission to use it

I know this, but thanks for reminding me :)

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Sorry, I meant to post the update.

They do not have any more helmet decals. They just printed what was needed for the players involved for the month. She did say however she shouldbe able to get us some next season, as she knows we want them now.

So, as of now, I have some of the metal pins, and maybe a couple of t-shirts.

The pins I will sell for $1 per pin (plus shipping).

I will give whatever I get to Hockey Fights Cancer. I would hope you can trust me on my word, as I am a co-founder and co-chair of Put Cancer on Ice, and have raised close to $25,000 for the American Cancer Society and Hockey Fights Cancer in the past couple of years.

If you guys can give me until the end of thanksgiving, I will count what I have. They are in bags of 10, so if you are looking for enough for a team, I should be able to help out (again, depending on how many I have left, and how many people need)

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Lemme know if there are any updates on the hockey fights cancer stickers...I would love a couple.

I have been talking to my wife about getting some helmet stickers for Autism Speaks if interested. If I can get my hands on some, I will let y'all know.

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Sorry, I meant to post the update.

They do not have any more helmet decals. They just printed what was needed for the players involved for the month. She did say however she shouldbe able to get us some next season, as she knows we want them now.

So, as of now, I have some of the metal pins, and maybe a couple of t-shirts.

The pins I will sell for $1 per pin (plus shipping).

I will give whatever I get to Hockey Fights Cancer. I would hope you can trust me on my word, as I am a co-founder and co-chair of Put Cancer on Ice, and have raised close to $25,000 for the American Cancer Society and Hockey Fights Cancer in the past couple of years.

If you guys can give me until the end of thanksgiving, I will count what I have. They are in bags of 10, so if you are looking for enough for a team, I should be able to help out (again, depending on how many I have left, and how many people need)

When you get your accounting in order I would love to donate/purchase 12 pins worth! Just let me know.

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Lemme know if there are any updates on the hockey fights cancer stickers...I would love a couple.

I have been talking to my wife about getting some helmet stickers for Autism Speaks if interested. If I can get my hands on some, I will let y'all know.

I also would like a few of these too. Keep me posted.

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OK, I took a gander at what was left

I have 4 hockey fights cancer t-shirts, all size small

And I have the metal decal pins.

T-shirts are new, with tags.

I'm thinking about $15 for the t-shirts, and I'll cover the shipping

the pins I'm going to do for $1 each. And you can send me a stamped addressed envelope, and I'll just drop them in that and mail them to you.

I've got a paypal account, or you can send me the money. Because we only send up a check to Hockey Fights Cancer every couple of months, if you are sending me a check, would you possibly make it a money order instead, made payable to Hockey fights cancer. That way you won't be waiting for the check to clear.

Again, if you are sending a money order please make sure you make it out to Hockey Fights Cancer, not to me, not to Put Cancer on Ice (which is our little charity organization).

Not that you can't trust me, but I prefer to keep the financial side payable to them, as it's a hassle for me to cash the checks then send another up to them.

So, let me know if anyone wants anything.

There will be no helmet decals until at least next season, but I may have some lined up for them. This is only for t-shirts or pins.

You can get as many or as few pins as you need, for yourself, or your team. If it seems like it's too expensive for the pins, remember, it's going to charity, and it's only a buck.

Anyway, thats that. Just wanted to update you on them, if anyone is still looking.



Hockey Fights Cancer pin


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if a high school hockey team was interested in doing a benefit tournament/game with hfc (or autism speaks, or any well established charity) how would one go about organizing this? I know a few jr teams have done this with the pink jerseys and whatnot

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if a high school hockey team was interested in doing a benefit tournament/game with hfc (or autism speaks, or any well established charity) how would one go about organizing this? I know a few jr teams have done this with the pink jerseys and whatnot

It depends on what you mean by benefit game?

Would you be raising money for them, or just wearing their logos? Would they pay for the jersey or would it come out of gate totals?

For us, we have been running Put Cancer on Ice for a couple of years, and sending the money to the American Cancer Society.

It was after Dave Fay died in July 2007 that we decided we would donate the takings of our monthly game to Hockey Fights Cancer (the family had requested donations in lieu of flowers)

It was a success, so we have implemented the "Dave Fay Memorial" which will take place each July. This past year, we worked with the people at Hockey Fights Cancer, as well as Dave's widow, and had a huge helping hand personally from Ted Leonsis, owner of the Caps.

We co-ordinated with HFC and they supplied us with auction items for the event, pins and some t-shirts.

The jerseys we had sponsored so as not to eat into the proceeds, Dogfish head came on board for that. And we also had the icetime sponsored by Mirant power company.

It's a lot of work, waivers and disclaimers, it's not just a matter of calling them and saying send us some stuff and we'll do an event for you.

You have to cover yourself legally, and financially, then get the word out about the event. Dave Fay was the caps beat reporter for 28 years for the Washington Times, so a lot of the local media outlets gave us free coverage, which really helped us. There was a feature spot on Comcast Sportsnet, a couple of the Caps alum came and played and we had Wes Johnson (the guy who does the announcing in house at Verizon Center) MC the event, with Steve Kolbe (who does play by play on the radio for the caps) also cover it, and he also played the first period in goal.

So, just make sure you think of all the logistics before you jump in and do it, and expect growing pains.

As I said, we started doing monthly events, first one was in September 2006.

We cleared $15 after icetime.

So it takes time to grow.

We cleared over $8000 for Dave Fays memorial in July and close to $25,000 in the past 2 years. Not a lot in terms of what some organizations raise, but for us 3 guys who started it, it's $25,000 that might otherwise not have been made

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Im still interested in finding some of these decals from the first time I saw it in the NHL. Anybody have any at the moment that they would sell?

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