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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2009 easton

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Just saying, it's the exact same thing.

But that was Bauer, totally different situation

Give credit where it's due. NBH thought of it first. Easton is now playing follow the leader.

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Just saying, it's the exact same thing.

But that was Bauer, totally different situation

Give credit where it's due. NBH thought of it first. Easton is now playing follow the leader.

Yeah, but I suppose you can give credit to Easton for their market share regarding sticks. They're not exactly chopped liver

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They are turning to chopped liver in my shop. NBH OPS are stronger sellers than Easton in my shop by quite a bit. I just ran a sales report the other day for a booking history in 2008. Easton is not what they used to be in this area.

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Just saying, it's the exact same thing.

But that was Bauer, totally different situation

Give credit where it's due. NBH thought of it first. Easton is now playing follow the leader.

Yeah, but I suppose you can give credit to Easton for their market share regarding sticks. They're not exactly chopped liver

...or making the first composite stick accepted by the mainstream.

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They are turning to chopped liver in my shop. NBH OPS are stronger sellers than Easton in my shop by quite a bit. I just ran a sales report the other day for a booking history in 2008. Easton is not what they used to be in this area.

I see mainly Easton sticks here with maybe 10-15 One95s per store..but you'll see 100 or so Easton sticks on the racks and they seem to go fast. I do like the feel of the new NBH 9500 stick though.. Pretty impressive piece of equipment.

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They are turning to chopped liver in my shop. NBH OPS are stronger sellers than Easton in my shop by quite a bit. I just ran a sales report the other day for a booking history in 2008. Easton is not what they used to be in this area.

Same here in Connecticut. Easton is still number 1 in sr. sticks but Bauer gets closer every year. For every 5 eastons I sell, 4 Bauers go out the door. In jr and int, bauer dominates. The s17 does alright but for mid and low end jr and int, Bauer is almost all I sell. Also, I knew that Easton was gonna finally come out with a good retail glove just when I was all set to not do any Easton gloves on my booking. Wrench in the spokes I suppose.

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That is because Bauer has better prices on Int/jr type sticks for the mid-low end. You will see a lot of kids with Bauer Endure sticks or Apollos etc.. Easton has more high-end sticks though it seems.

In my experience I see more beer leaguers in mid-low end Bauer sticks due to their affordability. My current favorites are the Stealth CNT and Torspo 221 OPS, but I'm interested in trying out the new One55 or One75 sticks that are now out at some local shops. They seem to be a lot of stick for the money.

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This sounds stupid but I'll say it: there is no sizzle in an Easton stick for kids to get excited about. The graphics are ok, not great. Older players can "feel" a difference but kids can't. So, you have to grab their attention in another way. Easton let that orange ST look stay in the line too long. The blue ST had some sizzle but not enough for kids. Certainly the S17 was asked for by kids(peewee and under) but it was priced at the high end with nothing offered to imitate it for the kid who could not afford it.

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Will this carry over to the future? With kids becoming Midget AAA, Junior, College etc? It seems to be generally accepted that Easton carries the best number of high end sticks for advanced play.

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Will this carry over to the future? With kids becoming Midget AAA, Junior, College etc? It seems to be generally accepted that Easton carries the best number of high end sticks for advanced play.

Bauer is killing everyone in marketing. They will be number one across the board in three years unless there is some huge advancement from someone else in the interim.

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Thats what I was asking..Will the mid level use of Bauer sticks carry over as the kids become more advanced? There seems to be a lot more sizzle out there regarding the One95 stick than any Easton out there..Even though you'll see mainly Easton sticks at the NHL level. In a previous thread, wasnt Staal using an Easton stick? I think TBL posted it. Anyways, I'll admit through exposure, I've been more and more interested in trying out a NBH stick..Especially the One95..It seems to be an evolution of sorts, since I've been used to playing with a wooden stick for so long, and then I progressed to composite shafts with wood blades...and now I'm starting to prefer the OPS sticks..heh

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Thats what I was asking..Will the mid level use of Bauer sticks carry over as the kids become more advanced? There seems to be a lot more sizzle out there regarding the One95 stick than any Easton out there..Even though you'll see mainly Easton sticks at the NHL level. In a previous thread, wasnt Staal using an Easton stick? I think TBL posted it.

It's not the use that will carry over, it's their positioning in the market. Right now, most kids perceive that they are the best product and as we all know perception is reality when it comes to sales. Unless Easton or RBK/CCM is able to produce and properly market top end sticks, Bauer will keep growing their market share.

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That is basically what I was alluding to, without being as succinct as you Chadd haha Well, I just placed an order for a One55 stick.. we'll see how it works for me :D

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Bauer is killing everyone in marketing. They will be number one across the board in three years unless there is some huge advancement from someone else in the interim.

Kronik? :lol:

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