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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Coaching questions...

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Coaching should be completely for the love of teaching, and the love of hockey. Each team is very different, but when you have a good one there is nothing more rewarding. I am not talking about wins, but willingness to learn and responsiveness to teaching. Coaching/Teaching your own child is one of the most rewarding things I've done.

I totally agree with you. Good post.

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Awesome post, thanks for the info. Sounds like you really enjoy it which is cool.

I do!

This season I have two teams, Squirts and Bantams.

I see you're in Cary NC... do you coach the East Coast Eagles? My bantams played them last year in a tourney in Cleveland, we were the Southfield Warriors...

The first three levels are about signing a check, level four is where they actually get into things that will make you a better coach.

Agree 100%. What's taught at levels 2 and 3 should be taught at 1. Actually, the online level 3 recertification is pretty good, they let you choose from about 10 topics, you can go at your own pace, and the material is all useful. I have to recertify again this year, I missed the level 4s this summer.

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...USA Hockey levels (which all but level 4 are really a joke)

Why is that? I just got level 3, so I'm curious.

The first three levels are about signing a check, level four is where they actually get into things that will make you a better coach.

Don't forget that there are a lot of dads at the lower levels that need 1-3.

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...USA Hockey levels (which all but level 4 are really a joke)

Why is that? I just got level 3, so I'm curious.

The first three levels are about signing a check, level four is where they actually get into things that will make you a better coach.

Don't forget that there are a lot of dads at the lower levels that need 1-3.

In the Atlantic district they didn't get anything at levels one or two.

My favorite example:

"How many of you are using practice plans when you go on the ice?"

five or six hands go up out of the 100+ people in attendance

"That's surprising, I would have expected more."

That was the last time practice plans were mentioned all day

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...USA Hockey levels (which all but level 4 are really a joke)

Why is that? I just got level 3, so I'm curious.

The first three levels are about signing a check, level four is where they actually get into things that will make you a better coach.

Don't forget that there are a lot of dads at the lower levels that need 1-3.

In the Atlantic district they didn't get anything at levels one or two.

My favorite example:

"How many of you are using practice plans when you go on the ice?"

five or six hands go up out of the 100+ people in attendance

"That's surprising, I would have expected more."

That was the last time practice plans were mentioned all day

Hmm, I think mine was better, but that was a long time ago.

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I have some more questions for the coaches out there:

I'm preparing 1 to 1.5 hours for each practice. Is that how much you do for prep?

Are you making practice plans for each practice adhering to your season phases, or are you using a "cook-book" of ready-made practice plans?

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Depends, I try and set some goals for my team at the start of the season and base my trainings around a set plan.

However, sometimes a game or two will highlight critical skills that are missing (one timers, transition for eg.) thats when I change my plans and my trainings evolve based on the needs of my team.

You have to be flexible and rigid at the same time. Its about balance where needed.

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