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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sticks and their kickpoint

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The season is well underway, and my final original synergy is about to bite the dust. I am looking for a well balanced stick for under $150. In either one or two pieces. Right now I have my eye on the one90, because they are on clearance. I also saw the new one95 in a shaft/blade combo for $130. The only issue with them is the kick point. I don't take slap shots, so I think I would benifit from a lower kick point. Such a vapor XXXX, which is way out of my price range. what other options should I look into?

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I don't know much about the shafts that are out there, but if you're going for tapered stuff, I'd recommend the Warrior Dolomite 2 blade. Really light/stiff, and a lot more durable than the RBK and Easton blades I've used. I'd recommend going for a 2-piece over a 1-piece just because it's nice to be able to replace blades so easily. I'm using an older RBK 6k shaft and it's held up fine, but I've gone through a few blades in the past 5 months or so. If you just want to try a different curve, it's easy to switch.

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Thats the problem, I would really like a tapered shaft/blade combo, but I cannot find and shafts that are in my price range. The only one that comes to mind is the vapor XXXX. how would that work with a dolomite blade, or should i stick with the XXXX blade?

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In the Good Deals thread there are a few coupon codes that bring the prices of some sticks down significantly. I just put one in there for 40% off Mission. I personally have a Fuel TI Pro 85 flex that I use and I love it. Its my favorite stick for snappers. Thinking of picking up a Fuel TI with that coupon (because there is no TI Pro available in a pattern that I like currently from that retailer).

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I love my Warrior AK-27 shaft/blade combo. It's a standard shaft so the kickpoint isn't extremely low. It's better than my synergy se or my mac daddy at wrist and snap shots but there is a little lacking in the slappers compared to my OPS'S

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I thought lower kick points were better for stick handling and wristers? So would mean that a standard shaft would be better for slappers?

In general, I'm not sure. I just know that my wristers and snap shots come off of the AK -27 like they were shot out of a cannon. Definitely better than my mac daddy (a close second) or SE.

thanks for the heads up about the good deal thread. I found dolos for 99, and macdaddys for 119. how do these compare to the XXXX or even the one95?

I've found that the vapor XXXX is a little blade heavy for me, especially compared to my mac daddy or SE. I've heard that the 95 is better balanced but doesn't have the feel that the XXXX has.

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I thought lower kick points were better for stick handling and wristers? So would mean that a standard shaft would be better for slappers?

That's how they are marketed. In reality, you have to decide what works best for you. The common consensus is that a stiffer stick is better for slappers than a whippier stick. I find my wrist shot is (negatively) affected far less by a stiff stick than my slap shot is.

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I thought lower kick points were better for stick handling and wristers? So would mean that a standard shaft would be better for slappers?

In general, I'm not sure. I just know that my wristers and snap shots come off of the AK -27 like they were shot out of a cannon. Definitely better than my mac daddy (a close second) or SE.

A lot has to do with individual preference and style. I like the SE a lot more than the MacDaddy and the AK really depends on the blade it has. The AK is a really nice shooting shaft, I just wish Warrior sticks were boxier.

Fivehole101- the Dolomite is a solid stick, $100 is a great price for it. As far as how sticks feel compared to each other, it's really hard to judge without trying them yourself. I really like a lively face that will communicate well, but people look for different things and make comparisons based on that judgment. I really like the SE and am not a fan of the XXXX at all.

Those original Synergy sticks were great, I got to use a buddy's Shanahan 85 and loved everything but the curve. In my opinion, if Easton was still making that stick (or maybe just the blade, has the shaft carried through to the SE?) they would have the lion's share of the market still. I doubt you can get more of those, but you should be able to pick up a used stick for a lot cheaper and try several out for the price of a new stick.

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I do really like my synergy, as you said the blade is great. however that is the also the reason I am getting rid of it. The blade is falling apart rather quickly. I have noticed to be an easton thing. I have had bad experiences with their blades breaking and splintering too soon.

What is the difference between the macdaddy and the dolomite? I realize that the mac is a true one piece and the dolo is a fused two piece, but how else do they differ?

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I just picked up a 75 flex Z-Bubble, which takes standard blades and has a little taper area about 12" up from the heel of the blade. I also have a 75 flex Dolomite which has a taper area about 4" up from the heel of the blade. I found that my shot is harder with the Z-Bubble (both slap and wrist shots), but the Z-Bubble also feels a bit stiffer than my 85 flex Dolo. So I don't know if it's the flex, which I can't lean into as much, or if it's the kickpoint, but the shots are definitely harder.

If the kickpoint is higher up on the shaft, it would make more sense that you would get more flex distance on the stick, but that would also make for a slower release. So there would be a trade off between shot power and release.

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i also noticed that my ak-27 100 flex feels a little whippier than my 100 flex mac daddy or my 100 flex SE

That probably has more to do with it than anything else.

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i also noticed that my ak-27 100 flex feels a little whippier than my 100 flex mac daddy or my 100 flex SE

Standard shafts tend to feel less stiff than tapered counterparts due to more deflection in your hands, you can feel the stick flex and load a lot better.

Your AK could also be losing stiffness or have come off the shelf less stiff than marked. Stick stiffness isn't an exact science. That could explain the difference in shot as well, 100 being too stiff for you and the AK (whether its 95 or 90 or whatever) is a more optimal flex.

Also another reason that people's experiences can't be a great judge. The 87 XXXX feels like 100 to me compared to my 85 SE and the release/kick wasn't coming so the stick probably will only make it to the pond for me. A lot of people love the XXXX, maybe I just need a 77 to get the same feel, who knows.

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For $20 more is the macdaddy worth it?

You can heat and pull the Dolomite when the blade goes, you're essentially getting a shaft with a free blade at $100. If you can stand the bright colors and the lighter/more balanced stick is worth $20, go for it. I didn't think the MacDaddy blade was anything special, and I can't stand Warrior's shaft shape to be honest. If you're used to Easton sticks that are square (I swear they feel taller too) with a nice weave texture, you definitely want to get your hands on one to see if it works. I've dumped all the Warrior sticks I've owned because I just can't stand the shape and feel.

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you are aware that with some work the blade can be removed from the shaft. the org synergy is a fused ops. you can easily turn that stick into a shaft that uses either standard or tapered blades.

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I was aware that they are fused, would this process require chisling the shaft down after I cut the blade?

thats one way. the way i do it is with a piece of 1/2" all-thread about 6'6" long. i heat up the shaft and push the all thread in until it stops and stat slaming it on the floor until it pops out.

the way most do it it find the fuse point and cut there to start, and continue cutting off small amounts until you find the end of the hosel.

ther are a ton of threads on this to be found if you search.

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The season is well underway, and my final original synergy is about to bite the dust. I am looking for a well balanced stick for under $150. In either one or two pieces. Right now I have my eye on the one90, because they are on clearance. I also saw the new one95 in a shaft/blade combo for $130. The only issue with them is the kick point. I don't take slap shots, so I think I would benifit from a lower kick point. Such a vapor XXXX, which is way out of my price range. what other options should I look into?

Another option: TPS R10s are on "clearance" for $160 if you can spend $10 more -- whip, regular, and stiff available:


You'll have to see if you like the looks of their patterns, though. I have heard excellent reviews so far....so much so that I decided to order one since I've never used a TPS OPS. I've read it kicks big time, and of course the it has the three flex zones.

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