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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Possible Cure for AIDS?

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Was sent this article earlier today and thought it was very interesting, don't know if anyone else heard/read about it. But here it is:


Again, it's definitely not a clear-cut cure by any means as of yet. But it could be a very big step in the progress to finding a possible cure by gene replacement therapy.

I always find this stuff so interesting and intriguing as I find how the body and such (say for the sake of this article) the immune system works. Just thought I'd post it up.

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That's interesting that the doctor specifically looked for a donor with the genetic mutation. If he hadn't recalled the article from a decade earlier, he probably would have taken the first donor on the list.

Two question I have are whether gene therapy is augmented by stem cell research and will we allow medical science to utilize this tool to save lives?

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This was brought up yesterday in my bio class by some chick. It seems pretty cool but the funniest part was the professors face. It scrunched up like he had just eaten something sour, almost like his brain was angry someone made him try and comprehend the information it had just received. After a moment he came back to Earth, we have a computer in the room along with a projector, so he went to google and we found that article. I guess only time will tell what this means for the AIDs virus.

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If there is a cure for AIDS, it won't be let out to the public. Same thing on how theres a cure for cancer. So much money is generated with these two problems in our country, those who run them will NEVER let there be a cure unless they're getting large amounts of money in their pockets.

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If there is a cure for AIDS, it won't be let out to the public. Same thing on how theres a cure for cancer. So much money is generated with these two problems in our country, those who run them will NEVER let there be a cure unless they're getting large amounts of money in their pockets.

Just like polio?

So you're saying there's a cure for cancer and the conglomeration of hospitals, insurance companies, chemotherapy equipment manufacturers, drug companies and research scientists are keeping it under wraps?

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If there is a cure for AIDS, it won't be let out to the public. Same thing on how theres a cure for cancer. So much money is generated with these two problems in our country, those who run them will NEVER let there be a cure unless they're getting large amounts of money in their pockets.

Just like polio?

So you're saying there's a cure for cancer and the conglomeration of hospitals, insurance companies, chemotherapy equipment manufacturers, drug companies and research scientists are keeping it under wraps?

I think the idea of "they have a cure and they just aren't telling" may be a little off...but I think they are WAY closer than they would have us all believe.

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If there is a cure for AIDS, it won't be let out to the public. Same thing on how theres a cure for cancer. So much money is generated with these two problems in our country, those who run them will NEVER let there be a cure unless they're getting large amounts of money in their pockets.

Just like polio?

So you're saying there's a cure for cancer and the conglomeration of hospitals, insurance companies, chemotherapy equipment manufacturers, drug companies and research scientists are keeping it under wraps?

I think the idea of "they have a cure and they just aren't telling" may be a little off...but I think they are WAY closer than they would have us all believe.

It's all the fault of the illuminati/masons/builderberg/trilaterals :unsure:

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If there is a cure for AIDS, it won't be let out to the public. Same thing on how theres a cure for cancer. So much money is generated with these two problems in our country, those who run them will NEVER let there be a cure unless they're getting large amounts of money in their pockets.

Someone's tinfoil hat is on a bit too tight.....

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If there is a cure for AIDS, it won't be let out to the public. Same thing on how theres a cure for cancer. So much money is generated with these two problems in our country, those who run them will NEVER let there be a cure unless they're getting large amounts of money in their pockets.

Someone's tinfoil hat is on a bit too tight.....

My health teacher brain washed me. Not my fault.

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Haha, just had to -

Curing AlDS? S**t, that's like Cadillac making a car that lasts for 50 years. And you know they can do it...but they ain't gonna do nothing that f*****g dumb. S**t, they got metal on the space shuttle that can go around the moon and withstand temperatures of up to 20,000 degrees. You mean to tell me you don't think they can make an Eldorado where the f*****g bumper don't fall off?

They can, but they won't. So what they will do with AlDS is the same thing they do with everything else. They will figure out a way for you to live with it. They don't cure s**t, they just patch it up. Get you to the next stop, so they can get more of your money. They ain't gonna cure it.

Hopefully, in our lifetime, you're gonna see somebody go: ''Yo, man, you weren't at work yesterday. What's up?''

''My AlDS is acting up. You know, when the weather get like this, my AlDS just pop up. But l took some Robitussin. l'm fine now!''

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i agree with the " there never will be a cure thing" one day my dad found this article about how they injected a part of crocodile blood into a human with aids and it was cured and not even 10 minutes later there was no history of the article and he couldnt find anything about it...wierd huh?

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It's far more likely that they create a vaccine that will prevent infection than they will discover a cure. To date, there are zero proven cures for any virus.

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I guess I don't have to ask you guys what your thoughts on "issues" like the 9/11 conspiracies theories and Global Warming, eh? :ph34r:

Come on, you know that George W. Bush is solely responsible for both.

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Don't let him get away without tagging bird flu on his record too. The moment I had to think twice before going into Chick-fil-a, I knew the terrorists err... I mean GW and Cheney, had already one.

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